what more can we do?

Knock Knock,

"Hello? Anyone in there?" My sister shouted, holding May in her arms and Amy by the hand, it was pouring outside, the raindrops only hiding the sadness she concealed,

May was out cold but still hotter than ever before, while her sister cried for her.

Wiping away the tears she tugs and her mother's clothes,

"Will May be alright?" She asked her voice dwelled up in sadness and her bright round eyes backed up with tears.

My sister smiled, putting her hand on Amy's head,

"She'll be fine, don't worry,"

Amy smiled from ear to ear as the door opened ahead of them,

"We're actually closing now-" A man with Grey windswept hair was seen in front of the door,

"Oh," Seeing my sister he smiled immediately,

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience Dr.Belmond," she swiftly apologized,

"No worries at all, come in, come in, I'll treat your child,"

He lets them in, his smile never fading.


Knock knock,

"Hello? This is Damian, Naoto's coworker." Damian knocked on the door to my sister's residence, though no response.

"Hello?" He called out again, but still no response,

It was raining heavily outside, the sound of rain bashing against windows and ceilings the the window of his car was dominant, thought other than that the place was quiet, so much so you could drop a pin and it would make noise, but something felt off, even though it was one in the morning.

Damian looked up to the window, seeing the curtains flowing freely in the wind,

"Either she's home, or she left in a hurry," he muttered, pulling out a pin from his pocket, and sticking it in the lock,

"One, two, and," The door swung open.

"Don't mind me," He says as he goes inside.

The house was silent, from the looks of it, it was safe to assume that everyone had already left,

"I can't go upstairs for obvious reasons, but.."

"Hey!! Are you home!?" No response,

"Did she leave already.." Damian thought out loud as he looked around.

"Damn it-"

Damian pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Please pick up.." He muttered as the phone rang,


Ring Ring, Ring Ring, Ring Ring,

The ringing of a phone echoed through the room, left unanswered,

"Now, now, who could be calling you at such a busy time?"

"Detective Naoto."

"You again!" I shouted as I took out my pistol but the figure didn't even give me time to respond, knocking the pistol out of my hand, making it fall to the floor.

I tried to run for it but I ended up receiving a blow to the gut,

"You wouldn't want to do that,"

"What the hell are you trying to pull here?!" I shouted,

"Is that any way to talk to the man who have you backed into a corner!" I got punched in the gut once more making me fall to my knees, and without mercy or break he kicked my face the minute I landed,

"Since you want to know what I do in here, I'll show you!"

My eyes slowly shut from the pain as I heard a voice call out to me,