Home sweet Home

Eliza and Nero just turned into a side street. They had not yet met a single person, nor did they want to meet anyone. Silently, with sad and disappointed faces, they walked side by side the way home. They lived in a big house in the rich quarter of the village. It was the last remnant of their family's honor and wealth. Although her father was only a foot soldier, his family had long been great merchants who had amassed a considerable fortune. Unfortunately, her father was a drunkard and did not invest the fortune well, but squandered it on all sorts of things.

"Hey kids!" someone suddenly called from behind.

Nero cursed inwardly and looked into the eyes of his sister, who also let out a silent curse

They turned around and saw an older gentleman standing at a door a few feet away. He had on a long robe and was grinning at them with a gap-toothed face.

Eliza let out a sigh of relief. This was Herald, one of the richest people in the village and he had been kind and always very friendly to Nero's family and would definitely not deprive them of their gains.

"Hello Mr. Herald." the two said in unison.

"Hello little ones, on a hunting trip again? "

"Yes, Mr. Herald. Don't tell anyone, but we actually caught something." Eliza whispered softly.

Herald laughed out loud, "Don't worry, it'll be my little secret. Ahh wait a minute, I have something for you..."

With that, he went back into the house. He returned a few minutes later with a small packet in his hand. Light steam rose from it.

"Here you little ones. But make sure no one sees you with it."

Eliza took the package and looked inside. Nero stretched to take a look inside as well. Inside the box was delicious roasted meat, which instantly made Nero's mouth water.

Eliza immediately closed the package again and stared at Mr. Herald in disbelief.

Mr. Herald just grinned at her. Eliza stepped forward and hugged him gratefully.

"I don't know how to thank you." She said with watery eyes.

"That's all right, after all, my family and yours have been friends for a long time, and your grandfather once bailed me out too. Please go and take this to your mother and give her my greetings. Now leave. Goodbye."

He waved his hand and went back into the house. Eliza and Nero waved goodbye and thanked him again.

As far as Nero knew, the deep friendship between the two families was due to the fact that her grandfather had once invited Mr. Herald to stay with him, back when his house had burned down.

Happily, they turned and ran further down the street to their estate. "Mr. Herald is really nice." Said Eliza out of breath.


Nero could only groan.

And finally, they arrived in front of their house's garden. Their house was large and painted white. it had once symbolized wealth and honor, but now it was crumbling and overgrown. It was the last remnant of their wealth, but now they were so poor that both the twelve-year-old and eight-year-old kids had to go hunting.

Breathing heavily, they walked through the big black gate and along a snow-covered stony path. Back then, hundreds of flowers had bloomed and flourished on their property, but now, even in summer, their garden was bare and unkempt. There was only the ancient fir tree towering far above their house.

Nero had always imagined it to be a magical tree, and he had climbed it very often and played around it, but it was too cold now, so they just went to the big wooden front door of their house and knocked hard.

They waited for a moment, full of excitement, and finally, the door opened.

And behind it stood her, the second favorite person in Nero's life: His mother.

As it was in his family, she was also a beauty. Long black hair, black eyes, flawless fair skin.

She smiled at her children with warmth and love.

"Mom!" Cried Nero, falling into her arms, hugging her. Eliza also stepped forward and hugged her mother tightly.

"Come on in my little ones."

Without hesitation, the two children went inside the warm and cozy living room.

"look what we caught," said Nero full of pride, and presented his mother the dead fox.

"I am so proud of you, my little ones. Tonight I'll make us a delicious meal. "

Eliza shook her head, "Let's save the fox for tomorrow. Today we can eat this."

She said and handed her mother the package from Mr. Herald.

When she saw the contents of the box, her brow furrowed,

"Oh, where did you get that? I hope you didn't steal it from anyone. "

"No mom, Mr. Herald gave it to us. He told us to give you his love. "

Her mother nodded,

"Then I guess we have to thank him. Next time you pass by his house I want you to give him a thanks from me. I'll prepare a gift too."

The children nodded, then their mother clapped her hands, "So, let's make a delicious dinner. "

With that, she went back to the kitchen,

"Eliza honey, will you help Nero change please."

"Yes, mom," Eliza called back and stepped up to Nero.

"I can do this on my own."

Grumbled Nero as he backed away from her.

Eliza laughed,

"Go ahead then,"

she said, taking off her winter clothes.

Nero somehow managed to slip out of his thick and much too large jacket.

Underneath the heavy winter clothing, the two of them each still had their standard clothing on. After a few minutes, Nero finally managed to get out of his hunting jacket, and immediately felt better, as he was now more aware of the warmth of the fire.

He sighed and sat down at the small dining table in front of the fireplace.

Eliza laughed, "Well done little brother. After we eat we can play again for a bit, but then we'll go out and hunt again. After all, we should use the mouse while it's still not falling apart. "

"Yes, Eliza,"

said Nero half-heartedly, who didn't feel much like going outside in the cold again. They sat together at the dining table, and Nero rested his head on his hand.

Finally, her mother arrived with three steaming plates. Mr. Herald's meat was divided evenly among the three plates and seasoned with some seasoning. She handed each wooden cutlery, and then they began to eat.

They ate slowly, savoring the meal so it would be more filling, but even so, Nero finished very quickly and was still hungry.

"Here, Nero. I can't take it anymore." said his mother, who has eaten just half of her meal, nevertheless she pushed the plate towards Nero and offered him to eat it.

Eliza stared at the rest of her food for a moment and then at her mother. She pushed it to her mother,

"You need to stay strong and healthy, because if you get sick, what are we going to do?"

Her mother smiled at her nicely but shook her head and pushed the plate back to Eliza, "No honey, I'm really full. You need it more than me, you need to grow too. "

Reluctantly, Eliza withdrew her plate and ate her last few bites. She was not happy with that, but she knew she could not change her mother's mind.

"Mom we are going to play upstairs, and then hunt again." Said Eliza after a while. Nero was eating the last piece of his meat.

"Ok honey, but don't stay out too long. The night brings danger with it, and the darkness is to be feared."

She stood up and collected the plates on the table,

"Yes, mom." Answered Eliza.

"And take care of Nero, he's still so young. "

"Yes, mom."

"Thank you, honey." Said her mother and kissed Eliza on the forehead.

"Hey, I'm already big. I can take care of myself now. " Nero grumbled.

Eliza laughed,

"I know. He really is getting better at hunting. Not long now, and we can go hunting separately to get double the efficiency."

Nero's mother laughed lightly,

"My little intelligent planner. Let the future be the future. Now Nero and also you are still too young to go out alone. It already breaks my heart to send you out together. "

"Don't worry mom, we'll be fine."

Nero was getting impatient, "Eliza let's go play now."

"Be patient, little one. Let's go." With that, Eliza got up and headed for the stairs.

"I'm not a little one," Nero muttered, but he followed Eliza.

They went up the stairs, side by side. When they reached the second floor, they went through a door on the left side. The room was large but almost empty.

Only one object stood in the room: a piano.

It was made of fine dark wood, the exact origin of which Nero did not know. The keys were ivory and it was well tuned.

This instrument was the most expensive thing the family owned, but they felt it was too bad to sell it. They had it for emergencies, in case they had no other choice, they would sell it.

But until then, they played it.

Skillfully Eliza sat down at the piano, positioning her hands on the keys.

"Play a piece for me." Said Nero joyfully.

Eliza smiled slightly and moved over properly. Then she started. She played beautifully and long, her fingers jumping from key to key.

She played perfectly and flawlessly.

Nero watched her and took in her movements. He took in the notes and closed them in, memorizing them and engraving them in his mind. After a while, Eliza ended and looked at Nero.

"Now it's your turn."

She said to him and stood up. Nero took her place on the piano and began to play as well. His playing was not as fast and perfect as Eliza's, but it was beautiful and melodic. There were only a few mistakes, a "d" here instead of a "c", and a small note error here and there.

Eliza stood there and swayed slightly from side to side, letting the music wash over her. After a few minutes, Nero ended.

"That was nice"