Chapter 3: The Duke's Plan


User: Myrddin Wyllt

Age: 18

Level: 83 (64,980/1,800,000) exp

Hp: 100/100

Mp: ∞

Str: 10

Vit: 10

Dex: 10

Int: ∞



[Worldly Calamity Sage]


Actives (spells or alchemy recipes):

[Item box] - Lvl MAX

[Zeus's Wrath] - Lvl ??? (evolvable)

Status Points - 420


The Duke's family POV after Myrddin left the room.

The Duke speaking to his family... "This mage is incredibly powerful, I am still shaking from how he destroyed nearly 300,000 goblins... we have to do everything and anything yo have him join our family!"

Larain looked up at her father and said, "Anything? Even maybe if he is ok with it marrying me?" The duke nodded and left the room leaving his wife and daughter talking.

Now that it was just the mother and daughter talking, they started talking about Myrddin. Larain was head over heals for Myrddin, she kept making comments such as 'just thinking about his power makes me wet' her mother laughed at her daughter and said, you are recently 18, and although you do have an arranged marriage, if you can get Myrddin to agree we will break off all ties to the Cronsworth family. Larain giggled and went to her room to think of a seduction plan.


Myrddin POV

While in the shower I looked over my stats...


User: Myrddin Wyllt

Age: 18

Level: 83 (64,980/1,800,000) exp

Hp: 100/100

Mp: ∞

Str: 10

Vit: 10

Dex: 10

Int: ∞



[Worldly Calamity Sage]


Actives (spells or alchemy recipes):

[Item box] - Lvl MAX

[Zeus's Wrath] - Lvl ??? (evolvable)

Status Points - 420

I have 420 SP where I can use anywhere, but looking at my stats where should I put them? I have infinite MP and Int, so that's not needed. Thanks to my passive skill [Survivalist] I cannot die no matter how much damage I take, so increasing Vit would be pointless... so Str and Dex... I wonder, if I increase Dex if I have more range with my spells? For now lets just put 100 points in each...


User: Myrddin Wyllt

Age: 18

Level: 83 (64,980/1,800,000) exp

Hp: 100/100

Mp: ∞

Str: 110

Vit: 10

Dex: 110

Int: ∞



[Worldly Calamity Sage]


Actives (spells or alchemy recipes):

[Item box] - Lvl MAX

[Zeus's Wrath] - Lvl ??? (evolvable)

Status Points - 220

As soon as I did that my body felt a surge of energy... I got out of the shower and used 4 towels to dry off my new giant body. When I got out of the bathroom, I saw a noble outfit laid out for me custom made. It looked massive, however wearing it was extremely tight. I walked out of the room and went down to the dining area where the Duke and his family were waiting for me. The Duke stood up and said wow looking dashing young sir... I responded with thank you and attempted to sit however, as soon as I tried sitting everyone could hear a giant rip sound... I apologized and the Duke just laughed it off.

We started talking, eating, and drinking. The Duke eventually brought up what I thought of his daughter. I looked over at Larain and back at the Duke paused and said "I'd like to stay on your good side so I'd leave it as this, she is a very very pretty woman, much like her mother." The Duke grinned and said well well my boy you have a good eye! I could see Larain blushing... She excused herself and went presumably back to her room.

From then on, the Duke, his silent wife, and I kept talking and drinking... I asked the Duke how old was Larain? he responded ahhh my boy, is someone interested hmmmm? with a cheeky smile. I responded with "I'd be lying if I wasn't, but if you want me to stay away from her I will respect your wishes..."

The Duke responded with, "Well let me put it this way, how old are you and what do you plan on doing now that you're well stuck here on this continent... to be honest I never heard of this America so I am not even sure where you should look to get teleported back..."

I responded with "Well I'm 18 and actually no matter where I am, my goal has always been the same. Be the strongest mage in the world.... no universe. But, I don't plan on mooching off you forever, so likely tomorrow I will look for idk a mage tower? Adventurers guild? Mercenary? or at the very least a Bodyguard job." The Duke looked at me and said "'re massive for an 18 year old... I expect royal grandchildren as he laughed and drank the rest of his wine." I awkwardly laugh thinking I'm 18... I don't want kids yet...

The talk with the Duke eventually ended and I returned to my room took off all my clothes and stumbled into bed and closed my eyes. As I was drifting off into sleep, I felt a little hand on my chest...