Chapter 6: Evaluation Test


User: Myrddin Wyllt

Age: 18

Level: 83 (64,980/1,800,000) exp

Hp: 100/100

Mp: ∞

Str: 110

Vit: 10

Dex: 110

Int: ∞



[Worldly Calamity Sage]


Actives (spells or alchemy recipes):

[Item box] - Lvl MAX

[Zeus's Wrath] - Lvl ??? (evolvable)

Status Points - 220


As I was sitting at the table waiting for the receptionist to call for the Evaluation Test, a group of C rank Adventurer's came over to my table. Their leader said, "Hey newbie, we are your seniors, and as your seniors we have a right to collect a safety fee give us all the money you're holding right now or you will make sure you will never become an adventurer."

I look at the guy who was talking then looked around noticing that everyone else was watching. I then raised my voice yelling, "Hey receptionist, is killing allowed between guild members?" No replied the receptionist, whoever attacks first will be black listed. "What about if you were attacked first, but end up killing them all?" She responded with, it is strongly frowned upon, but no one will hold it against you.

I then look up at the 'Senior' and said, "So... are you going to attack me or not?"

The 'Senior' looked at me then him and his group turned around... I then said, "Did everyone see that? My Senior is such a little bitch that he ran away from a newbie after threatening to rob me and make sure I cannot become an adventurer..." I said all this while grinning with a huge evil smile.

The 'Senior' froze in place as everyone in the Guild Hall called him a little bitch with no back bone. He then turned around a walked right up to me and using his back of his hand slapped my face.

I paused, still smiling... "Hey receptionist, he just back handed slapped me... does that count as an attack? and also he is in a party does that mean whoever is in his party is fair game?" The receptionist sighed, she knew after reading what Myrddin wrote on his paper that the other adventurer's are likely dead... Yes you are free to defend and even kill whoever attacked you.

"Great" I said... I stood up and said "who is in this guys group." They all looked at each other and took out their weapon. I nodded and said ok... I don't want to destroy the guild sooo... would you 'Seniors' mind walking out of the city with me? They all looked at each other and said "Fine, well walk you to your grave." I smiled and said put my evaluation on hold I'll be back...

As we left the guild hall, nearly all the adventurers came with us to watch. We got out of the city and kept walking about 10 minutes out. I then said, "This should be good enough. Anyone who doesn't want to die get behind me." No one moved... "Well ok... your loss?"

"I am ready when you are 'Seniors'" They all took out their swords and rushed me. I held out my hand and in my mind said [Zeus's Wrath], just then the whole battle field turned white followed by a BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.

Thankfully the adventurer's that were watching and also didn't listen to me to get behind me didn't die, but certainly a few of them were either paralyzed from the shock wave for a while or got hit by shrapnel and needed medical attention right away.

I made the motion for the adventurer's to get out of my way and walked back to the guild hall. The receptionist saw me then asked "Are they dead?" I replied..." Define dead?" She sighed and said "well dead as in no longer able to breath... " I said, "Oh, yes... they are now ashes on the side of the road... wait ashes in a crater on the side of the main road..." Then I smiled and said can I start my evaluation test?

She was shocked at my response and nodded pointing to the back room.

I walked into the back room and saw a line of new adventurer's and an instructor. I said, "Sorry I am late, I was evaporating scum."

The instructor looked at me and said, "it's fine however everyone did the strength test and you're the last one to still do it. Go over to the dummy over there and punch the dummy."

I walked over to the dummy... not wanting to get a bad evaluation in strength i threw the rest of my points into Str.


User: Myrddin Wyllt

Age: 18

Level: 83 (64,980/1,800,000) exp

Hp: 100/100

Mp: ∞

Str: 330 (to give you perspective a commoner has a strength of 10, a F- to F+ rank has a strength of 10-25, E- to E+ = 26-50, D- to D+ = 51-75, C- to C+ = 76-100, B- to B+ = 101-175, A- to A+ = 176-250, S- and beyond is 251+)

Vit: 10

Dex: 110

Int: ∞



[Worldly Calamity Sage]


Actives (spells or alchemy recipes):

[Item box] - Lvl MAX

[Zeus's Wrath] - Lvl ??? (evolvable)

Status Points - 0


Priming my punch ready to go I jabbed at the dummy and the dummy exploded along with the wall behind the dummy and the city wall which was behind that wall leaving a valley that stretched as far as the eyes can see...

The instructor with wide eyes and mouth open was shocked... I turned around and said, "ughhh sorry... I don't have to pay for that right?"