Chapter 8: Questing for new spells


User: Myrddin Wyllt

Age: 18

Level: 83 (64,980/1,800,000) exp

Hp: 100/100

Mp: ∞

Str: 330

Vit: 10

Dex: 110

Int: ∞



[Worldly Calamity Sage]


Actives (spells or alchemy recipes):

[Item box] - Lvl MAX

[Zeus's Wrath] - Lvl ??? (evolvable)

Status Points - 0


Back in the guild hall I went straight to the receptionist who has been helping me. I asked her is there anywhere that's open to the public to learn spells?

She looked at me weirdly and said no... most spells are learnt by doing an apprenticeship. The other way to learn spells is to buy them off of experienced mages.

I then asked, can you recommend me a quest that will help me connect to either an experienced mage or an experienced alchemist?

She looked at me dumbfoundedly and said I know you're strong, but can you show me your guild card first before I recommend you quests.

I took out the black card out of my [Item box] and she opened her mouth in a big O shape and said... Sure, I have just the quest for you to probably get on the friendlier side of a alchemist. She pulled up a quest and showed it to me.

Quest: Escort Grade 10 Alchemist to the Dragon's Lair Dungeon in hunt for all things dragon related. Must be able to defeat dragons up to Dark Rank. (AN the ranking of dragons go from red, grey, white, black, to ancient. Red being the weakest)

Length of quest: till we get 10-50 dragon hearts

Reward: quester can request 2 things within my capabilities

I read it and agreed to the quest. She swiped my hard and stamped the questing paper and gave me the address of the requester.

I arrive at the alchemy shop and knocked on the door.

She screamed go away we aren't open!

I yelled back... I am with the Adventurer's guild I took your quest!

Right after that I heard running footsteps to the door followed by over a dozen locks being unlocked and a middle aged crazy looking lady greeting me telling me to come in.

I then told her I am willing to do this quest and leave right away, but I want to make sure you can deliver on the reward. I ask of you of a recipe book of low to high end alchemy potions with descriptions, and secondly I'd like this second reward to be upfront. I want a damaging spell of any level and a movement spell of any level.

She scratched her head, turned around and started digging through some old boxes...

ahha here it is... she handed me 2 spells, [Teleport] and [Dissection Blade] instantly learned on the spot.

I said thank you and told her to be ready to leave in an hour and opened up my [status] panel to get a description of both skills.


User: Myrddin Wyllt

Age: 18

Level: 83 (64,980/1,800,000) exp

Hp: 100/100

Mp: ∞

Str: 330

Vit: 10

Dex: 110

Int: ∞



[Worldly Calamity Sage]


Actives (spells or alchemy recipes):

[Item box] - Lvl MAX

[Zeus's Wrath] - Lvl ??? (evolvable)

[Teleport] - LVL 1/100

-Description: The spell speaks for itself... teleport up to level*10 miles in distance. Mana consumption high, mana consumed is lvl*10 miles*50.

[Dissection Blade] -LVL 1/10 (evolvable)

-Description: Using two fingers you create an aura blade, it is slightly stronger than a regular sword and as it levels up it has unlimited potential.

Status Points - 0


After viewing at my stats and buying food and stuffing it into my [Item box] I head back to the alchemy shop and saw her packed up with a carriage outside ready to go.

I walked up to her and said the carriage is unnecessary, hand me the things you want to bring and I'll store it in my [Item Box].

She looked at me amazed and gave me her items and watch me put it away.

I then picked her up and started teleporting 10 miles at a time... we eventually reached the Dragon's Lair within an hour of Teleporting.

Right away we entered and were greeted by a nest of red dragons, the alchemist ran and hid behind a rock. I used [Zeus's Wrath]x1 and BOOOOMMMMM the whole nest of dragons vaporized into ash... I looked at the crater, then at the alchemist and said sorry I'll use a different spell next time....

The alchemist wasn't mad, but was shocked, she has never seen someone just delete a dragon before...

Since I have been relying on [Zeus's Wrath] it was now time to upgrade [Dissection Blade] now that I had points for upgrading.


User: Myrddin Wyllt

Age: 18

Level: 113 (780,210/10,800,000) exp

Hp: 100/100

Mp: ∞

Str: 330

Vit: 10

Dex: 110

Int: ∞



[Worldly Calamity Sage]


Actives (spells or alchemy recipes):

[Item box] - Lvl MAX

[Zeus's Wrath] - Lvl ??? (evolvable)

[Teleport] - LVL 1/100

[Dissection Blade] -LVL 0/10 (evolvable)

Status Points - 300

I saw that I had 300 [SP] and started upgrading [Dissection Blade]

[Dissection Blade] LVL 10/10 -> evolving -> [Phantom Beam Blade] -LVL 0/50

[Phantom Beam Blade] LVL 50/50 -> evolving -> [Phantom's Phasing Finger] LVL 0/200

[Phantom's Phasing Finger] LVL 200/200 -> evolving -> [All Mighty Finger] LVL ??? (evolvable)

(AN: Stupid name I know... but the ability I am thinking about is a shooting blade that comes out of ones finger future suggestions to change the name will be helpful thanx!)


User: Myrddin Wyllt

Age: 18

Level: 113 (780,210/10,800,000) exp

Hp: 100/100

Mp: ∞

Str: 330

Vit: 10

Dex: 110

Int: ∞



[Worldly Calamity Sage]


Actives (spells or alchemy recipes):

[Item box] - Lvl MAX

[Zeus's Wrath] - Lvl ??? (evolvable)

[Teleport] - LVL 41/100

[All Mighty Finger] LVL ??? (evolvable)

-Description: Shoots a phantom sword from the finger that's being pointed to hit a singular target. This finger sword is so powerful it can pierce through planets.

Status Points - 0


With the new skill all taken care of we continued deeper into the the dungeon.