ch 7

From the town where I live in, this train ride allows me to reach the metropolis in about 3 hours. I

was seated at the last row of the free seating carriage car, at the left side, leaning by the window.

It's the evening, and the train carriage is still empty after having left the station, so there shouldn't

be a need for anyone to sit beside me. Even if the reason of wanting to sit at the back row is 'my

luggage's too big for the rack, or 'I want to adjust my reclining chair, there is still the right side of

the aisle that's empty

That's why I was surprised to hear the meaning of those words, despite not knowing who it was. I

lift my head up from the printouts of the drafts, and when I found it to be Nitadori, who's seated

behind me every day, I was further taken aback.

"Hi! Good afternoon."

I remain silent as I stare blankly at this taller girl standing on the aisle.

Naturally, Nitadori's not dressed in a uniform, and I'm not really sure of the details, but I could

clearly see that it's a posh looking one-piece dress.

Nitadori seemed to have assumed that I may have forgotten about her,

"Erm, we're in the same class. I'm Eri Nitadori, seated right at the back."

And so, she introduced herself again.


I barely managed to force out a reply somehow. And then, I slowly spoke,

"I knew that, actually."

I knew about all those till this point. What I didn't know what why she would talk with me.

Nitadori then gave an amused snicker,

"Hm? Honorific language? Even though you're an upperclassman?"

"Ah,'s nothing, Miss Nitadori."

"Adding a 'Miss'? Eve though you're older?"

I took a breath to calm my heart down.

"No...erm, is 'Nitadori' fine?"