C15 Homecoming

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

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When the pep rally and the football game came to an end, the weekend arrived and the day of the Homecoming dance was finally here. Peter still hasn't seen MJ's outfit for the night. Whether she's going to wear a dress or a hoodie and jeans, he has no idea.

Since it was the weekend, May and MJ's mother, Grace, had the day off work, so they wanted to meet and take pictures for the occasion before MJ and Peter set off.

A/N: I just made up a name for MJ's mom. I don't think it was ever mentioned in MCU. 🤷‍♂️

Arriving at a nearby park, as it would look good for the pictures, Peter and May waited for MJ and her mother to show up. Peter was dressed to impress in his all-black slim-fit suit.

"You've really grown up, haven't you?" May says as she fussed over his suit.

"May, stop. It's fine." Peter says as he bats her hands away.

"I'm just so shocked to see you in a suit. It highlights all the workouts you've been doing too." She says as she gives his biceps a quick squeeze.

"Stop feeling me up, you cougar! I'm taken!" Peter exclaims loud enough for some nearby people to overhear.

"Don't make jokes like that!" May says as she smacks his chest and turns to the onlookers. "He's just joking. It's his first high school dance tonight."

When the misunderstanding was explained, the onlookers left them alone and Peter started laughing at the whole situation. He has been dealing with May's constant fussing for the whole day, so getting a little revenge made it all feel worth it.

"I see you two are having fun." A voice says as Peter and May turn to see MJ and her mother, Grace.

"If you can call it that..." May says under her breath as she glares at Peter, who has stopped laughing completely.

Upon seeing MJ's appearance, Peter couldn't help but freeze for a moment as he looked her up and down. She wore a black long sleeve sweater dress with knee-high boots. MJ's hair was wavy and silky as it hung loosely down to her shoulders. Everything was perfect, including her make-up, which leaned more toward a natural look. MJ is a bit of a Tomboy so things like red lipstick and the like aren't her forte.

"My eyes are here, Peter." MJ says as she gestures up to her face.

"Uhh... Yeah, sorry." Peter said as he stops gawking at her. "You just look too cute."

"Don't say that, Idiot." MJ replies embarrassingly as her mother and May smile on the sidelines.

"Please, don't mind her." Grace says as she pulls out a camera. "Let's get some pictures before the sun sets."

While being manhandled by the older women in the group, Peter and MJ were made to make different poses as they took an uncountable amount of pictures.

"That's it! We're not taking any more photos." MJ puts her foot down after the thousandth picture.

"Yeah, we should get going." Peter follows her lead.

Seeing that the sun was beginning to set, May and Grace reluctantly put their cameras away. After some goodbye hugs, Peter and MJ took the nearest subway to Midtown High school. They could've gotten a ride from Grace, who offered to drive them, but they've both had enough of their parental figures for the day.

"You wore a dress." Peter states as they ride the subway together.

"Yeah, my mom helped me pick it out. I actually kind of like it. Less frilly and complicated, you know?" MJ explains

"Yup, it fits you perfectly." Peter agrees with a nod.

"Eww, no more compliments for the night, please. I don't think I can handle anymore without some hard drugs." MJ says with a scoff, but Peter caught the small smile that graced her lips.

As they arrived at their stop, Peter and MJ took a short walk to the school, where everyone was arriving and packing into the school. Occasionally, Peter and MJ would see a limousine roll up and drop off a group of students. Mostly everyone was dressed to impress as they made their way to the Gymnasium, which was decorated so well that it looked more like a club than a gym.

Walking inside the school, Peter and MJ turned some heads as neither of them usually dressed like this. Peter tended to hide his body with hoodies and sweaters, while no one expected to see MJ in a dress. Seeing Peter's impressive physique in his slimming suit and MJ in a dress with her hair and make-up done was a shock to everyone.

Making their way to the gym, Peter and MJ were impressed by whoever put all

of this together. For a public school, this was some private school kind of decorating.

"Want to hang out in a corner somewhere like the losers we are?" Peter asks as he didn't know what to do with himself.

"God, yes!" MJ agrees instantly as they find a secluded corner away from everyone.

"Is Ned still coming?" MJ asked as they watched the gym slowly fill up.

"Yeah, he just got on the subway though." Peter says as he checks his phone for any texts from Ned. "He said to give him 10 minutes."

While they waited for Ned, Peter and MJ just sat in a corner, eating the occasional snacks as they people-watched. MJ introduced Peter to this pass time. You just sit in a public area, watch people, and sometimes talk about them. Occasionally, MJ would draw someone that she found interesting, but she didn't bring her supplies with her today.

"Who do you think will be the first to dance?" Peter asks.

Just like any other high school dance, the dance floor itself is deserted. Most people feel awkward about dancing, so magnify that feeling by 10x for teenagers with raging hormones. No one wanted to be the first to dance and possibly make a fool of themselves, so music played as everyone stood around the dance floor, talking to their friend groups.

"Maybe, Ned? Though he would have to get here first." MJ says jokingly as she scans the crowd.

"I think it'll be Flash." Peter says with a small laugh.

As Peter says this, both of their eyes find said person in the crowd. Flash dressed in a normal tuxedo, but that wasn't the first thing anyone noticed when looking at him. His face is bruised and still healing. A nasal cast sits on his nose from Peter's punch. Walking with a slight hobble, Flash nurses his broken ribs almost constantly.

"We really did a number on him..." MJ comments.

"Yeah, but he hasn't bullied anyone since, so maybe this is a good thing for him." Peter says as he shrugs uncaringly.

"Yeah, maybe..."

Soon enough, Ned joins them in their loser's corner. He's dressed in an old 70's style power blue tuxedo with those ruffles on the dress shirt. It was truly something Ned would wear, and he looked good in it.

As the night went on, the three kept to themselves but still enjoyed the night. About an hour after Ned showed up, the dance floor started to fill. MJ was right in her guess as Ned was the first to go up and dance. Though he only did it because she dared him to.

"Do you want to dance, MJ?" Peter asked as some slower music was playing.

"Hell no." She rejects instantly.

Peter merely shrugged as he wasn't much of a dancer either. Though he's sure they would dance at some point in the future. Maybe at the next school dance?

As homecoming came to an end at 10 pm sharp, the chaperones ushered everyone out, where everyone made their way home. Peter, Ned, and MJ took the subway together as usual. Ned was the first stop, which left Peter and MJ alone together. Peter would be the next stop, but he stayed with MJ.

"You missed your stop." MJ says as the doors close.

"Yup, I'm walking you home." Peter says with a smile.

"We've been over this." MJ rolls her eyes. "I can get home by myself."

"I know, but I want to spend more time with you." Peter says as he holds her hand. "Although I love Ned, we didn't get much time to ourselves tonight and it's late."

MJ doesn't know what to say, so she just sighs and looks away, hiding her face for a moment. She's used to Peter holding her hand at this point, as he does it at least once whenever they're together. It's starting to become a thing she looks forward to in a weird way.

"It's not that late." She ignores everything he said except this.

As they get to her stop, Peter and MJ walk to her house hand in hand. As they arrive, Peter sees MJ's house for the first time. It's a small house in an okay neighborhood. Certainly not something to brag about, but at least they have a house unlike Peter and May, who is bled dry every month by rent payments.

"So..." As they stood at the end of the driveway, Peter turns to MJ and his brain froze.

"So..." MJ mimics him as she's in the same situation he is.

"Umm, can I kiss you?" Peter asks nervously.

"Just do it. I swear you're such an Idi..." MJ mutters but Peter doesn't let her finish.

Without another word, Peter leans forward and grasps her waist, pulling MJ close, as he plants a soft kiss on her lips. It wasn't anything crazy and ended swiftly as they separated. MJ stared at him like a deer in headlights while Peter simply smiled.

As the young couple was having their moment, a muffled bang came from MJ's house, surprising the two.

"I SAID LEAVE!" MJ's mom roars loud enough for Peter and MJ to hear from the end of the driveway.

"What the..." Peter mutters as he dashed toward the door followed by a worried daughter.

A/N: 1686 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! And I'll reincarnate you as any character in any world you wish. Simply leave it in the comments and I'll use my godly author powers to make it happen. Surely, it will work... maybe...]