C20 Terrorist Attack I

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 12 chapters ahead at chapter 32. I'll be writing 2 more chapters today.


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While waiting to hear back about the paperwork for Parker Games and Candy Crush, Peter turned his focus onto the ghost laptop.

Filing for an LLC is supposed to take 3-5 business days, while the copyright of Candy Crush will take around 3 months.

Though that doesn't mean Peter can't start selling the game. The second Peter paid the fee and sent in the paperwork plus a copy of Candy Crush, the U.S. Copyright office sent him an email with a registration date. That date is the time they received everything, which means he can start selling the game on that date.

That means that Peter can start selling Candy Crush right now. Though he plans to wait until his business is made, the LLC goes through, and he opens a business bank account. He also needs to link that business account with the Candy Crush shop, but that would have to wait for another day.

Now that Peter doesn't have to work on the game for a while, his extra time can be put to good use. The ghost laptop is his biggest project yet and Peter just hoped it worked.

After a few days of undivided attention, the laptop was fully put together. Booting it up, the lightning enchantment powered it, as Peter slipped in an installation disk for the Windows 7 operating system. Though it's not just Windows 7 anymore.

After some upgrading and tweaking the operating system so it would work in harmony with the ghost laptop, Peter wouldn't even call it Windows 7 anymore.

As the laptop's screen lit up, instead of the Windows 7 red, blue, green, and yellow flag, a black boot-up screen with a ghostly white figure in the center appeared. Below the ghost is a button that says install. Clicking it, Peter waits as Windows Ghost installs itself onto the laptop.

'Hmm, that's a pretty good name...' Peter thought as he watched the loading bar slowly fill.

Soon enough, the loading bar filled and the laptop restarted. Once again the ghost icon showed as it booted up and the laptop's desktop screen appeared.

Sighing in relief, Peter knew that the hardest part was past him. The laptop was turned on and his operating system is working.

Before connecting to the internet to run further tests, Peter switched to his Spider-Suit and portal'd across the city to the top of a skyscraper. He didn't know for sure if everything would work as he planned, and if it didn't, who knows how many alarms he'll set off with this thing. Just the feature that merges all wifi and cell signals could fail and alert every cellular and wifi provider in the area.

It's best that Peter keeps the testing of this baby far away from his life as Peter Parker. It's just too dangerous not to.

Sitting at the top of the New York City skyline, Peter clicks an Ethernet cable-looking icon on the bottom right of the screen and toggles it on. As soon as he did, a small window with a list of cellular and wifi signal names appeared.

A smaller window pops up in front of this window, asking Peter if he wants to merge all connections. Clicking yes, the mini window closes and a loading circle spins before the bigger window closes as well.

Looking back to the Ethernet icon in the bottom right, Peter saw that it was now glowing green, signifying that he was connected to the internet. Beside the green Ethernet icon is the number 18, which is the amount of different cellular and wifi signals that are currently being merged and used by the laptop.

Opening his internet browser, Peter types in speedtest.net and tests his internet connection. 1239 download and 426 upload speed, which is amazing for a wireless connection at the top of a skyscraper in 2010.

After testing the normal things on the laptop, like its memory, hard drives, touchpad, keyboard, power consumption, cooling, etc., Peter moved on to more in-depth tests.

Speaking of the power consumption and cooling, the enchantments used for both seem to be holding without issue. The lightning spell keeps it powered as if it was plugged in at all times, while the freezing spell cools the laptop without any airflow vents required.

Moving onto the more advanced tests, Peter downloaded a program that would stress test the CPU and GPU. Both could easily handle the highest level of the program and thanks to his enchantments, the laptop didn't overheat at all throughout the tests, nor did it have power issues.

After the hardware, software, and internet connection was tested, Peter moved on to what the laptop was really made for.

Being untraceable.

Peter tested everything from his IP Address to his cookies. Everything seems to be working as it should, as he has no IP address and seems to leave no data behind while using the internet.

No IP address, HTTP referrers, Cookies, Tracking Pixels, Supercookies, User agents Browser fingerprinting, Routing Information, Email metadata, etc. Just as Peter hoped, the laptop seemed to be working as designed.

Suddenly, while Peter was being as thorough as possible, a loud explosion was heard as the ground shook briefly like a small earthquake was happening.

"What the..." Peter muttered as he looks over the laptop and sees smoke rising from the bottom of a nearby skyscraper.

Thinking quickly, Peter powers down the ghost laptop and opens a portal, sending it back to his bedroom. As the portal closes, Peter jumps off the building and swings toward the smoking skyscraper.

Arriving before the police, Peter sees a portion of the building was blown apart and was currently on fire. Smoke rises from the large hole that the explosion created as a stream of people evacuates the building below.

Not having time to figure out what exactly happened, Peter swings into the burning skyscraper through the large smoking hole. Arriving inside, Peter carefully made his way through the collapsing part of the building, looking for any survivors along the way. Sadly, everyone that was in the blast radius was either turned to paste or mangled to bits.

This is actually the first time Peter has seen a human body or any body in such a horrific state. It was sad and disgusting, to say the least.

While clearing the way for people to evacuate and saving those that survived the blast, Peter heard something odd coming from the higher floors.

"I can't do it..." He heard someone cry out and beg. "Please don't make me. I don't want to hurt anyone."

After the man spoke, Peter could hear a much lower voice that sounded like it was coming from a phone or some sort of small speaker.

"Think of your family..." A woman speaks softly. "I wouldn't want to kill such a kind woman like your wife, but let's not forget your children either. How old are they again? Ah, I remember. It was 7 and 9 wasn't it? Such beautiful girls you have. It would be such a shame if they never make it to the double digits. You know what? Let's put them on the phone."

As Peter hears this, he's already rushing to the location. Whatever is happening doesn't sound good at all. The phone shuffles as two distinctly younger voices speak this time.

"Daddy? Where are you? I'm bored." One says.

"Yeah, this lady is weird and Mommy doesn't look happy. I want to go home." Another says uncomfortably.

"Uhh, it's okay. Just do as the weird lady says until I'm back alright? Daddy will be home soon..." The man lies through his teeth.

Not liking where this is going, Peter gives up on using the crowded stairwells and breaks a nearby window. Leaping outside, he runs up the side of the building at full speed.

A nearby news helicopter picks up this action and follows Spider-Man's figure with its onboard camera, broadcasting the footage live on multiple news stations.

Still honed in on the man on the phone, Peter hears the voice on the phone change back to the woman from earlier.

"You know what to do, don't you?" She says smoothly.

"Yeah..." The man says defeatedly. "Just promise me you won't hurt them."

"Of course, I'm a woman of my word." She says believably, though Peter wouldn't trust someone like that.

"Alright, I'll do it." The man says, almost as if he is psyching himself up.

"Do it!" The woman goads him on over the phone.

"..." The man's breathing becomes erratic as Peter makes it to his floor.

Looking in the window, Peter sees the man he's been looking for. He's a slightly balding middle-aged man, but that wasn't the first thing Peter noticed. No, what caught his eye was the suicide vest strapped to his chest with enough bricks of C4 to blow twice the hole compared to the one downstairs.

Seeing the man squeezing a button in his right hand, Peter's spider senses instantly start blaring, screaming at him that something bad was about to happen.

Behind the bomb-strapped man was a line of people who were crowding Into the stairwell from the upper floors. Unwilling to leave these people to die, Peter kicks off the window, shattering it into tiny pieces.

Shooting two webs at the man, who was about to activate the bomb vest, Peter pulls him out of the building and catapults the guy as high into the air as possible.

The nearby news helicopter picked up on this and record every second. Everyone watching wondered why Spider-Man would do such a thing.

'Maybe J Jonah Jameson was right?' Many people thought.


Before they could question Peter's actions, the man he threw high into the air, away from any innocent bystanders, lights up in a big fiery explosion. The impact of said explosion shatters the glass of nearby buildings, causing a rain of glass to fall onto the streets and people below. The nearby News and Police helicopters wobble for a moment before regaining stability.

Since Peter was too close to the explosion, he was impacted the most out of anyone. As the shockwave of the explosion hit him, Peter was sent hurtling downward toward the busy streets of NY.

"Not good!" Peter yells as he spins in his descent and crashed onto the roof of a parked yellow cab.


A/N: 1739 words

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