C30 Mission

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 14 chapters ahead at chapter 44. I'll be writing 2 more chapters today.


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Leaving a confused Black Widow behind, Peter returned home through a portal and started preparing for his very first mission from Shield.

First, Peter took a photo of the missing agent from the folder he was given and tossed it into the air. The picture froze in mid-air as Peter waved his hands, forming three spell circles around it.

As the spell circles finished drawing themselves, they morphed into a globe, which surrounded the picture at its core. The characteristics of the earth slowly formed on the globe, as a red dot appeared where North Korea was located.

Walking up to the floating golden globe, Peter grabs it with both hands and pulls, expanding it to more than quadruple its size. In doing so, he could see the exact location of the missing agent from the picture.

"She's still alive and in Pyongyang..." Peter muttered as he memorized her exact location and waved his hand, causing the globe to disappear and the photo to fall into Peter's waiting hand.

"What was that?" May asked as she watched from the door.

"A locator spell." Peter says as he hands the folder he was given to his Aunt. "I was given a rescue mission from Shield."

"That's the spy agency run by MJ's father, right?" She asks unsurely as she opens the folder.

"Yup, I'm heading out to complete it now." Peter says.

"Wait, you're going to North Korea?" May asks incredulously as she read the location in the file.

"Yup, but I'll be back within the hour. I already know the location of the missing agent, as you saw from the spell, so it shouldn't take long." Peter explains as he snaps his fingers, causing his spider suit to turn completely black.

"Wow, what was that?" May asks in awe at Peter's skill in magic.

"I added this enchantment for undercover work. Can't have people wondering why Spider-Man is saving American spy's from hostile countries after all." Peter explains as he pulls up his mask and kisses May on the cheek. "I'll be home soon."

Pulling the mask back down, Peter opens a portal and steps through, leaving his worried Aunt May behind.

Stepping through the portal, Peter appeared in a utility closet deep underneath the Presidential Palace in Pyongyang, which is the main residence of the Kim Family.

Using his enhanced senses to avoid roaming guards and servants, Peter leaves the closet and makes his way toward the location he saw on the locator spell.

Cameras were placed at every corner, yet Peter walked openly in front of them without worry. He's invisible to cameras with his suit on after all.

Descending lower than what would be thought possible, Peter took multiple stairways to a floor that was filled with solitary-style prison cells.

Seeing and sensing multiple guards in his path, Peter dashes out from the stairwell and begins knocking out soldiers one by one. Peter moved too quickly for anyone to see his attacks coming, making it easy to handle the unaware guards.

Soon enough, nearby prisoners started cheering him on, while others began pleading to be let free.

Moving quickly as the cameras will see the guards dropping like flies, Peter rushed to a certain cell and rips the thick metal door from its hinges. Tossing the door aside, Peter is confronted by a weak and tired-looking woman, matching the picture he received from Natasha only moments ago.

"Aah!" She yells and sprints in Peter's direction with a sharp piece of what looked to be a metal bed frame.

Seeing as he plans to portal her home, Peter grabs the spear-like weapon, which was only inches away from his chest, and backhands her across the face.

Instantly, she falls to the ground unconscious and Peter tosses the makeshift spear aside.

From down the hall, Peter could hear multiple armed guards clearing the halls, looking for the intruder that somehow didn't appear on any cameras.

"Well, it's time to go." Peter mutters as he destroys the camera in the cell and opens a portal, carrying the unconscious woman through.

Only seconds after the portal closes, an elite team of North Korean soldiers bursts into the cell, finding nothing but a broken and empty concrete box.


Walking out of the portal and into the warehouse he usually trains in, Peter messages Natasha on his new ghost phone, which he made because it was annoying to use the laptop for simple things, like messages, calls, and normal posts on social media.

Peter: Meet at the warehouse.

Peter knew Shield would figure out that he has some sort of movement or spacial ability, as no one would be able to complete this mission in under an hour. Just the travel time alone would make it impossible.

Though, Peter would rather not waste his time. If he completely hides his portal-making ability, Peter would have to travel normally for all of his missions and that's just not going to happen. He has far more important things to do than wait on a plane for hours at a time. Not to mention the fact that he would have to fly back as well.

'Nope, not happening.' Peter thought.

Waiting for only about 10 minutes, Natasha walks through the warehouse doors, dressed in her casual clothes. Peter only rarely sees her dressed like this, as she usually wears the battle suit during training.

"What did you..." Natasha starts but her words soon disappear.

Standing before her is Peter in his all-black suit, with a passed-out woman in a gray prison jumpsuit at his feet.

"Mission accomplished!" Peter gives her a thumbs-up as his suit shifts back to its original blue and red color scheme.

"H-How?" Natasha asks as she strides forward and checks the sleeping prisoner's facial features.

"I'm the Amazing Spider-Man! Something like this is child's play for me." Peter brags jokingly.

"No, it's physically impossible for you to have retrieved her already." She says, looking at Peter unbelievably. "I only gave you the mission an hour ago!"

"I'm just that good at my job, I guess?" Peter keeps beating around the bush. "It's so hard being me... I do my job in record time and this is how I'm thanked. What has our great country come to?"

"Are you actually not going to tell me how you did this?" Natasha asks, not falling for Peter's bullsh*t.

"Nope." Peter answers plainly.

"Did you at least get any info on the nukes?" She asks in exasperation.

"Oops..." Peter suddenly remembers that he forgot the other half of the mission. "I'll be right back!"

Rushing out of the building, Peter finds a safe place to open a portal and appears back in the closet he started in before. He could hear alarms going off and soldiers stomping down the halls.

Before leaving the closet this time, Peter waves his hand and a large spell circle appears in front of him. Once the circle finishes forming, It floats backward into Peter, morphing him into a completely different person.

Now standing in the utility closet was a North Korean soldier, similar to the ones he saw during his first trip here.

'Time to snoop around...' Peter thought as he walked out of the door.

Only half an hour has passed and Peter managed to find a heavily guarded facility underneath the prison that he visited last time. Knowing that he won't be able to get past the guards, as he doesn't even speak their language, Peter looked for another way inside.

After only a few minutes, Peter found a vent that lead to an elevator shaft and dived in. Sneaking out of the elevator doors, Peter found a very large underground hangar, filled with giant missiles.

The warhead on each missile had the nuclear symbol painted on it, giving Peter exactly what he needed.

'Who in their right mind would live above a stash of nukes?' Peter thought as he snapped a few pictures and portal'd back to New York.

Running back to the warehouse, Peter found it crawling with Shield Agents, who seemed to be giving the woman he rescued medical attention while questioning her about the mission.

"I'm back!" Peter announces, causing the many agents to pull out their guns and aim at him.

"Put the guns away." Natasha orders as she walks up to Peter. "Did you get the intel?"

"Yup, check your phone." Peter says as he presses send on his ghost phone.

"Hmm..." Natasha checks her texts and finds pictures of nuclear missiles. "Where is this?"

"One floor lower from where I found her." Peter points to the now conscious woman across the room. "Underneath the Presidential Palace in Pyongyang."

"What type of idiot would hide nukes under their own house." Natasha mutters.

"I said the same thing." Peter nods in agreement.

A/N: 1481 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! And I'll do nothing because I'm tired. GN 😴]