C41 Talking Terms

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 16 chapters ahead at chapter 57. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today.


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"...Let's talk terms"

The second Fury heard those words, his good mood was instantly ruined.

When Tony saw this reaction, he smirked evilly in Fury's direction. He didn't like Fury very much. They seemed to bump heads from the moment they met. Fury seemed to be a very controlling and secretive man, and this made Tony feel as though Fury was constantly scheming something.

"What do you have in mind?" Fury asked in annoyance, though he hid it well.

"Well, let's go to a more comfortable room. We can't talk business amongst the dead after all." Peter says and Fury takes them to a conference room with a big table surrounded by rolling chairs.

The second they enter the room, Peter takes out his ghost phone and flips a tiny switch on the side of it. Instantly, any listening devices or cameras in the room were made useless. At least until Peter's ghost phone was out of range or the switch was flipped again.

"This is more like it." Peter mutters as he puts his phone away and takes a seat alongside Tony.

Fury looked annoyed and rolled his single eye as he took a seat as well.

"What are your terms?" Fury asks, ignoring the smug look Tony was giving him.

"Seeing as there aren't any other super-powered individuals here, that must mean Tony and I would be the first to join, correct?"

"Yes, I have a couple of agents that I want to be involved as well as an enhanced individual who is currently... out of town, but you would be the first two supers to officially join." Fury nods.

Peter instantly knew that Fury was talking about Carol Danvers, who is currently off-planet, not out of town.

"Let's not call Tony a super, he has a nice suit. That's all." Peter pokes fun at Tony, who turns to Peter with an annoyed glare.

"...do you have to keep bringing that up?" Tony sighs.

"Yes, now let's get back to business." Peter says as he turns to Fury. "Seeing as Tony and I will be the first members of this team, I think it's best that we figure out how this will work for us and the upcoming members."

Tony nodded from the side, surprised that he was about to agree to join without going over this.

'I'm such an idiot...' Tony thought.

"That makes sense." Fury nodded as he took out the file from earlier. "The way we would like to do things is similar to how our relationship already works."

"You work with Shield already?" Tony asked Peter.

"I'm a contractor. They give me jobs and I choose to accept or not. They gave me the job to get you from the desert, remember?"

"Oh, yeah..." Tony mutters in realization. "So, you want us to be contractors? That doesn't sound too bad..."

"In exchange for your help, Shield would pay you handsomely, though neither of you needs money. Of course, other forms of payment can be negotiated with each member separately." Fury offers.

"Sounds good." Peter nods, finding nothing wrong with that. "How about immunity?"

"You mean from crimes or your actions in the field?" Fury asks.

"Actions in the field, whether they be crimes or otherwise." Peter clarifies and explains further. "Theoretically speaking, If the Avengers team went out on a mission and it ends badly, I don't want to be thrown under the bus by the powers that be. We are doing Shield a service, not the other way around. I will not help you and be held liable for that help afterward."

"That can be worked into the contract..." Fury says after some thought.

"Who would be upholding this portion of the contract?" Tony jumps into the conversation. "As Coulson said, Shield is separate from any government body. We would need the president or the Supreme Court to agree to this."

Hearing this, Fury's face scrunched in contemplation. Tony just made this a lot more complicated.

"I would have to speak to the powers that be before promising anything like that, but we can probably get it done." Fury nods, using the same wording as Peter.

He would need to speak to the world security council about this, which would be a hassle as they've all but scrapped the Avengers Initiative plan long ago.

"Let's talk about training. I don't expect most people who join to know how to fight or have control over their powers. It took me a bit to get my powers under control, so I understand this sort of thing. Future members would have to be put through some training and tests before being allowed to go on missions." Peter explains, getting nods of agreement all around.

"The agents I want on the team can be instructors to the new members. Other Shield agents can assist them when needed as well." Fury agrees easily.

"Good, let's move on to missions." Peter says as he thinks for a moment. "Let's speak theoretically once again. Some country is committing genocide. Because of politics, the powers that be don't want to get involved, meaning The Avengers don't get the mission to help. How can we prevent this from happening?"

"That is a hard question..." Fury says, not having a single clue.

"Since we would be contractors, we can just go on any mission we want. Shield can't tell us what to do." Tony says, not seeing a problem.

"Liability, Tony." Peter says, referring to their earlier subject. "Since the mission wouldn't be given by Shield, we would be held liable for property destruction, assaults, deaths, and any other laws broken in whichever country we are in."

Silence fills the room, as all three of them think of a solution. Peter was the first to speak, as an idea formed in his mind.

"What about making the Avengers its own Extra-Government Organization?" Peter says, shocking both Tony and Fury.

"How would that even work?" Tony asks.

"And how would we get those in power to agree?" Fury asks, not hating the idea as it would circumvent the World Security Council.

"Just like Shield, The Avengers would be beyond the province, powers, or proper sphere of any government. We would be able to go anywhere we want and help anyone we please, and the liability wouldn't be an issue anymore, as we would be put in power by the US government and any other country that wishes to back them as well." Peter answers Tony's question first before turning to Fury. "Who would need to agree for this to happen."

"My bosses would never agree to this, so your next best bet would be the President. Once President Obama is involved, you can use his connections to get the United Nations on board as well. After that, you would be set." Fury says, not liking the plan as he would be losing some power in this deal, but he knew that this may be the only way to truly get his longtime plan operating without any interference.

"You're okay with this? It sounds like your bosses won't be pleased." Tony asked confusedly.

"I have been trying to get the Avengers Initiative off the ground for a very long time. If this is the way it has to be for the world to have the protection it needs, then I'm on board for the ride." Fury says, far more understanding than either of them thought he would be.

Technically, he has Phase 2 to fall back on, which is a plan developed by Shield to develop weapons using the power of the Tesseract. Though Fury believes in Phase 1(Avengers Initiative) far more.

"Don't be too down about it though. We'll still need Shield's assistance. Training and information are what you would offer us still, so we would still be working together. I have no problem taking in the three people that you planned to have involved as well." Peter says, knowing Shield would still be involved either way.

"We would also need to set people in charge. Someone has to run the whole operation." Tony says, dread clear in his voice.

The room goes silent as everyone thinks of how it would even work. This time, Fury is the first to speak up.

"As someone who runs his own organization, I can give you some advice." Fury offers.

"Sure, go ahead." Peter gestured for him to continue.

"You could form a council, which would deal with the upper-level management. That council can appoint a director, like myself, who would run the organization as a whole." Fury explains.

"Is that how Shield is run?" Tony asks.

"I can not confirm or deny." Fury says with a shake of his head.

"So, it is, Huh?" Tony mutters, reading between the lines.

"Who would be on our council?" Peter asks.

"Us three would make a good start." Fury says, trying to get his foot in the door.

"Us?" Tony asks with an upturned eyebrow.

"Yes, us." Fury repeats with a serious nod. "The Avengers Initiative was my plan, to begin with. I've been working on it for 15 years of my life, compiling information on every enhanced individual I could find. I refuse to be left out. Also, with my involvement, Shield as a whole would be more inclined to agree with all of this."

Tony started arguing with Fury, but Peter zones out as he began to think about this whole situation.

Fury is a trustable person. The problem with him is his allegiance to a corrupt organization. He may have a hard angry outer shell, but the man does what he does to keep the world safe, which Peter respected.

"Stop!" Peter yells as he came to decision.

Instantly, Tony and Fury stopped arguing and turned toward Peter.

"We haven't even gotten the ball rolling on any of this. Right now this is all just an idea. Let's see if we can get the president to agree before we start arguing about the council positions."

A/N: 1674 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As the king of Fanfictions I'm calling the banners! My throne has been taken! We must reclaim what is ours! The usurpers must be purged!]