C46 Ninja Battle

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 61. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today.


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Following the SUV unnoticed, Peter was led to a Japanese-style mansion occupied by Murakami himself. The subordinate brought him straight to the boss.

Peter didn't act just yet though. He wanted to know what was going on and what the motive was behind the Hands actions.

Usually, the hand is a very secretive group. They wouldn't just out themselves to an unknown person so easily, so they have to have some motive that Peter hasn't figured out yet.

"How was the meeting?" Murakami asks as Nobu walks into his office and gives a respectful bow.

"Unknown, he asked for my contact information and then left." Nobu says, causing Murakami to look disappointed. "He should contact me with an answer soon enough."

Nobu noticed the look on Murakami's face and tried to appease his disappointment.

"Maybe we should have captured him?" Murakami asks rhetorically, causing Peter, who was crawling in the wall outside the window, to confirm his suspicions.

'Why do they want to kidnap me?' Peter thought as he just listens and watches from the window like a spider on the wall.

"Did you at least have some men follow and keep track of him?" Murakami asks hopefully.

"Yes, but they lost sight of him almost instantly." Nobu says with a shake of his head. "He's far too fast for us to follow. If I may speak directly, sir. Why are we trying to capture such a dangerous man? We may not fear death, but there's only so much dragon bone elixir to go around..."

"I'm afraid that decision is out of my hands." Murakami says, internally agreeing with his subordinate. "Now, go and let me know when he contacts you. Maybe we can track his location."

"Yes, sir." Nobu says as he bows and steps toward the door.

'F*ck it...' Peter wasn't sure what was going on but he decided to just capture these guys and find out afterward.

They were getting themselves involved with his business and it's not like they were some super-powered threats. Peter could handle a few ninjas, and if he wanted them dead, all he has to do is incinerate the bodies.

The only 'problem' would be Murakami, who has enhanced durability and strength due to the elixir he and the other fingers took to increase their longevity.

Though, Peter had a lot more than that and was probably stronger than the man as well.

Deactivating his minor invisibility spell, Peter crashes through the window feet first, kicking Murakami in the back.

As soon as Peter made contact, Murakami twisted his body, trying to counter, but Peter was just too strong. Murakami was sent flying over his desk and crashed through the doorway, which Nobu was about to open.

"Who dares!?" Nobu asks incredulously as he turns to see Spider-Man sitting on his Master's desk with his legs crossed casually.

"Hello, Nobu-san." Peter says, sending the guy a wave. [Insert Xbox Kojima-san meme here]

"S-Spider-Man?" Nobu stutters as Murakami stands to his feet, brushing some broken bits of wood from his suit.

"Don't go scurrying off now." Peter comments as he shoots a web at Murakami, who didn't expect it and was pulled back into his office.

As the man was being pulled across the wood floor, he brought two fingers to his mouth and whistled loudly.

Instantly, Peter could hear light footsteps from inside and outside the house all converging on his location.

"Hmmm..." Peter hmm'd as he thought about the annoyance he was about to deal with. "Let's keep you two in place while I deal with your minions."

Not giving the man a chance, Peter embodied his inner porn star and covered Murakami in his white substance. The man is enhanced, so Peter was sure to really layer it on.

While he was doing so, Nobu sprang into action and rushed at Peter, pulling two short blades from behind his back.

"Be a good boy and sit quietly." Peter says as he meets Nobu halfway and backhands him across the face, sending the loyal subordinate crashing down.

Kicking the knives away, Peter webs up Nobu and secures Murakami until the man was nothing but a big yarn ball of white web.

He wasn't sure how strong this Murakami was and didn't want a ninja to cut him free during the coming scuffle, so Peter was very thorough.

Once Peter was finished, the fun really began. Ten red-clad ninjas came running down the hallway and into the broken door. As soon as they stepped foot inside the room, every window in the room shattered as another four Ninjas came crashing through in the same manner as Peter.

Though they weren't the last. One by one Ninja from outside came pouring through the windows and another group crowded the doorway from the hall.

Not only that, Peter could hear even more Ninja entering the property.

"You guys are like ants, huh?" Peter says as he watches the Ninja surround him casually.

The ninja searched the room for their Master, who was the one to call them, but only found Nobu and a big boulder-sized cluster of web, which was twitching ever so slightly.

'He's pretty strong, huh?' Peter thought as he glanced at the trapped Murakami.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Let's have a clean fight. No eye poking, blows below the belt, or strikes to the back of the head." Peter starts acting like a referee in a boxing match, not taking any of these trained killers seriously. "Now, get back to your corners and we'll start the first round."

A few of the more hot-headed Ninja acted first, jumping at Peter from every corner of the room.

Smirking at these easily manipulated people, Peter jumps and sticks himself to the ceiling, making the overzealous ninjas crash into each other.

As the ninjas bump into one another, Peter webs them up from the ceiling and drops down on top of them, dodging some throwing knives that pierced the ceiling only moments after his fall.

"Now that the weak among you has been dealt with, let's begin." Peter says as he moves far quicker than any of these Ninja could possibly follow.

Peter turned into a hurricane as he moved across the room wreaking havoc. Wherever he went, bodies would fall and screams would echo.

When Peter would take care of a Ninja, another would take his place, as an almost unending number of ninja constantly entertained the room.

Halfway through the brawl, Peter started walking on the ceiling, as the floor became annoying to maneuver with the many unconscious ninjas sleeping below.

After almost half an hour of constant fighting, the room was stacked with unconscious bodies up to almost 2 meters high.

Thankfully, Murakami has some high ceilings in his house, or Peter would have had to give up his close quarters advantage and leave the room.

With every enemy knocked out cold, Peter started processing them like an amazon packaging facility. Pulling them out of the room one by one before wrapping them up in web and stacking them in the hall and other rooms.

"Sigh, I feel like a factory worker or something..." Peter comments as he finally finished packaging the detained ninja.

He could have just left them here and taken Nobu and Murakami for questioning, but Peter decided to not allow any witnesses to get away.

They could tip off the other fingers of the Hand, which would most likely bring Peter nothing but trouble. Though they could already know.

Walking up to Nobu and the ball that contains Murakami, who he left in the office, Peter pulls up an office chair and takes a seat.

"Wakey wakey!" Peter says as he dumps a glass of water on Nobu's head.

"Huh!?" Nobu grunts and gasps for air as the water splashes his face.

After getting his bearings, Nobu looked toward Peter and sighed sadly. He could see the blood and destroyed room alongside some of the bodies stacked in the hallway outside and the still twitching ball, containing his master.

"Sigh, I knew we shouldn't have done this..." Nobu sighs defeatedly as he relaxes onto the ground, not daring to test Spider-Man patients.

"Tell me about who can force the Hand to capture me? It didn't sound as if you or your boss here-" Peter pats the web ball. "-wanted to do this, so give me your best guess?"

"I won't speak." Nobu says defeatedly. "Just kill us and be on your way."

"What were your words earlier? 'We may not fear death, but there's only so much dragon bone elixir to go around'." Peter repeats Nobu's earlier sentence word for word. "Why kill people that don't fear death and probably won't remain that way?"

Instantly, Nobu's eyes go wide as he knew that he shouldn't have said that earlier. Just one slip of the tongue has revealed one of the Hand's greatest powers.

"You know what?" Peter stands as he thought of something. "You guys probably won't break very easily, so let's send you all somewhere to think about what you've done, shall we?"

As he says this, Peter knocks Nobu out once again before waving his hand, conjuring a portal on the floor, which swallows Murakami and Nobu.

A/N: 1554 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As the king of fanfictions, I need to secure my position through military means. We must expand the army! Therefore I'm accepting applications. Just leave your name, number, and social security number here.]

(JK pls don't actually do that. I don't want to be liable for your identity being stolen)