C91 Forced Team Up

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead at chapter 98. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today.


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Feeling some taps on his face, Hulk groggily opens his eyes. The last thing he remembers was losing to the lizard-man-looking thing and then getting hit over and over again without the power to retaliate.

"Wake up, big guy. We got a monster to smash!" A voice says as Hulk sees the spider that he flicked away only moments ago.

Thinking back, maybe he should have taken the spider up on his offer to work together, as only minutes after turning him down, Hulk was getting beaten so badly that he passed out for a brief moment.

The only problem with accepting help from a human is the fact that every human Hulk's ever met has either been deathly afraid of him or attacked him with military-grade weaponry.

Hulk has a very bad opinion of humans and that opinion is completely fair and justified. After all, ever since the day he was 'born', Hulk has had to fight his other half's battles for him. All of those battles against humans.

Those that didn't attack him, cowered in fear or ran away, and that type of treatment to a newborn being certainly won't help in their development.

It's safe to say that the Hulk has some problems.

Not only does he have trust and identity issues, but he was also molded into a racist somehow.

Racist toward the human race to be exact.

He's a giant with the mind of a child but no one has had the opportunity or inclination to ever find all of this out. They were usually too busy running in the other direction or shooting in his direction.

"Come on, big guy. Don't look at me like that..." Peter says with an unseen pout as he sees Hulk's annoyed face. "Let's be friends. We can beat that monster together and get some pizza afterward. My treat?"

"Hulk has no friends!" Hulk exclaims as he sits up and sees Abomination getting back up to his feet as well.

"That's right!" Blonsky yells. "We're practically gods! Friends, family, possessions. All we need is to know who's the strongest and that's me!"

"Hulk is strongest monster." Hulk corrects challengingly as he rushes at Abomination.

"Fine, let's do this the hard way." Peter muttered as he watched Hulk and Abomination go at it once again.

As the two start throwing fists once again, Peter doesn't sit idly by any longer. Looking for an opening, he slips into the brawl and assists Hulk the best way he can.

Using his webs or even his body, Peter redirects attacks that would otherwise hit the Hulk. He didn't need much power to do this. Only agility and dexterity. Both of which Peter had far more than either Hulk or Abomination.

"Annoying insect!" Blonsky yells in fury as Peter kicks his arm at the elbow, causing him to only graze Hulk's chin with his fist. "Go away!"

At this point, Peter has made him miss multiple attacks on Hulk, so Abomination had enough and turned towards the annoyance, ready to take care of him before finishing the fight with Hulk.

"What? Are you mad?" Peter asks condescendingly with a tilt of his head.

This had the exact effect that Peter was hoping for. Blonsky looked to get even more p*ssed off than he was before, as he turned his attacks toward Peter in an instant.

Luckily, Peter was faster and smaller, making him hard to catch. That combined with Blonsky's angered state of mind makes every attack thrown Peter's way fairly predictable.

"Are you sure you're not mad? You seem angry?" Peter antagonizes Blonsky more as he sidesteps a punch that cracks the concrete street upon impact.

Meanwhile, Hulk stood off to the side with a dumb look on his face. All he could think about was how this human wouldn't take no for an answer. He asked Hulk to work together and he refused. He asked to be friends and Hulk refused again.

After his many refusals, the same human just kept showing up and helping him and Hulk didn't like it one bit. In his mind, humans should either run away or attack him. They could do nothing else.

"Maybe you should calm down?" Peter says the forbidden words, which makes Abomination's anger skyrocket to the point of no return.

"You f*cking annoyance! Just die already!" Blonsky screams as he picks up a car and throws it at Peter.

Using his senses and enhanced body, Peter jumps through the already broken window of the car, completely passing through the car without touching it. The car continues to soar passed Peter and straight at Hulk, who was too caught up in his own thoughts to react as the car smashed into his chest.

"Oops..." Peter mutters as he landed and saw Hulk get knocked back by the car. 'What's with these guys and using cars as weapons?'

"Hulk...Angry..." Hulk says angrily as he staggers back while catching the car and tossing it aside. "...HULK SMASH!"

Hulk has had enough of all of this. He only wanted to help and get rid of this monster as his other half wanted, but he was losing and then the spider started getting involved.

Not to mention the two flys (Erik/Tony) that were overhead and interfering in his fight constantly. Whenever they would stray too far from the center of the street, they would be attacked from above until they steered closer to the road once again.

Neither of the two could fly so they had to just take it as they slowly grew used to staying on the road away from buildings.

Hulk had enough and it was time to let all of that built-up anger out. What better way to do so other than violence?

"Aaaauuughhh!" Hulk exclaimed and sprinted over to Peter and Blonsky.

Feeling the ground shake as Hulk grew closer, Peter does the smart thing and slips away just in time for Hulk to collide with Abomination.

Hulk spear-tackled the bigger monster, which sent Abomination tumbling backward and onto a car with Hulk on top of him.

Before Abomination could get his baring back and retaliate, Peter, who was perched at a nearby light post, acted quickly to assist Hulk by shooting constant streams of his webs from his wrists at their enemy downed form.

As the web was sticking into place on Blonsky's arms and legs, Hulk didn't even notice due to his blinding rage. He started raining his large fists down on the face of his enemy just as Abomination did to him earlier before Peter stepped in.

The tables turned as Abomination strained against the webs holding him down, taking fist after fist to the face. The power of these hits was enough to make it feel as if there was some sort of earthquake happening. The ground shook and cracked. Cars, trash cans, rubble, and even the light post that Peter was on shook with every punch that landed on Blonsky's face.

"Aaaugghh! Sleep!" Hulk yelled over and over as he just kept punching away, causing a small crater to form in the street.

At one point, Abomination almost broke out of Peter's webs, but sadly for him, Peter would just add more. That combined with the fact that Blonsky was getting his face beaten in, made it hard for him to think straight after a certain amount of time.

As time went on, Abomination's face started getting more and more mangled as each munch opened a new cut or swelled a new bruise. Soon, Blonsky stopped struggling against the web and seemed to pass out, but Hulk didn't stop.

The attacks continued on the unconscious face of his enemy. Hulk either did not caring or hadn't noticing that he already won the fight.

The question now is should Peter stop him or let Hulk kill Abomination?

'Should I step in?' Peter thought as he and the other Avengers stood by and watched Hulk keep smashing Blonsky's face in.

After a moment of thought, Peter made a decision.

Jumping off the light post and onto Hulk's shoulder, Peter pats the big guy on the head a couple of times before speaking.

"That's enough. You won, big guy." Peter says these simple words, which instantly causes Hulk to stop and look down at his still alive yet mangled enemy.

"Hulk win?" Hulk says as he stands up with Peter still on his shoulder.

At this point, the news helicopters flew a bit lower to get a better shot, and some nearby police officers start pushing into the area as well, both thinking that the situation was over.

The addition of these people set off alarm bells in Hulk's mind, as his only history with armed humans and helicopters was very violent, to say the least.

"Huh?" Hulk grunted as he looked around and thought the worst.

"Hulk calm do..." Peter tries to explain that they were on their side, but he was flicked off of Hulk's shoulder for a second time before he could finish speaking.

With Peter off of his shoulder, Hulk turned and ran off, not wanting to deal with the humans that he thought would attack him at any moment.

A/N: 1542 words