C93 Virgin

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 6 chapters ahead at chapter 99. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today.


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"It was this huge abomination! It fell from the sky and flattened a taxi. I'm pretty sure whoever was inside is dead..." News clips played on the TV in Peter and May's living room. "This Abomination just came out of nowhere and scared me half to death."

May slept through the whole ordeal last night, but as soon as she woke up, she saw a recording of Peter on TV as Spider-Man addressing some sort of monster attack in Harlem that he was involved with. It was crazy for her to watch the footage of the two monstrous entities destroying the city with their battle.

Thankfully, not too many people were hurt, and even fewer were killed, so she wasn't called into the hospital to help out.

It's at times like this that she, and everyone else that loves Peter, worries for his safety. After all, this all started with normal criminals, but recently the types of characters that Spider-Man faces have been ramping upward in quality.

First, it was normal criminals. Then, a man in power armor, and now a literal science fiction monster. It's a miracle that not a single meta-human has tried anything like this yet either.

'When will things go back to normal?' May couldn't help but think as she watched the clips on every news channel.

Although she is happy that Peter is out there saving people, May just sometimes wish that it was someone else out there.

Though, If things like this happened and Peter wasn't a hero, many more people would have been injured and killed last night.

Of course, with the Avengers thing that Peter has been building for these past months, he may not have to be the one handling all of these situations anymore, so things may be looking up in the future.

Not expecting him to be there, May checks Peter's room to see if he was home yet and found him sleeping on his bed in his spider suit. Only his mask was removed on the floor by the bed.

Sighing to herself, May sat at Peter's bedside and played with his hair as she looked down on him with a proud yet worried look on her face.


After finishing with the press conference, Peter waited another hour for the Hulk-proof reinforced cage. Once it finally arrived, Peter wasn't surprised to see an almost replica of what Shield used to hold Loki in the Avengers movie.

Knowing that the Hulk was able to break out of the cage in the movie, Peter had Abomination locked inside with his metal bondage in place and had Magneto use some metal from Stark industries to reinforce the cage even more.

Just to be safe, Abomination's cell was moved into Erik's penthouse for now. Magneto would have a roommate close by until a more long-term form of detainment was made.

Of course, they had to break a hole on the side of the building in order for the cage to get inside, but that would be fixed in a day or two.

With the world informed and Abomination under lock and key, Peter was finally able to return home and sleep. The only one of the Avengers that wasn't sleeping by this point was him and Fury.

Erik went straight to bed as soon as Abomination was plopped down into his living room and everyone else was lucky enough to not have any responsibilities.

Magneto would usually be amongst this group, but his power came in handy today.

Returning home through a portal, Peter texted Tony and told him to work on a good long-term way to contain Abomination when he wakes up. With Tony on it, Peter was sure that this problem would be solved within 48 hours. Possibly soon.

Taking off his mask, Peter hopped into bed and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.


By the time Peter woke up, it was dark outside and he could feel something on the left side of his chest. Not only that, but Peter could also hear the TV in his room on, which wasn't on when he was awake earlier.

Opening his eyes, Peter turned to see MJ cuddled up next to him with her head on his chest, watching what appeared to be Game of Thrones.

It was a Dothraki sex scene as well...

'I didn't know this world had Game of Thrones...' Peter thought as he turned to see MJ watching the scene with a heated look. Her face was a bit red and she seemed to be very interested in the TV, still probably thinking that Peter was asleep.

"Are you watching porn?" Peter asks with a teasing smile as he snakes his arm around his beautiful girlfriend.

As soon as she hears his voice, MJ freezes in place and turns her head robotically toward Peter. Everything goes silent except the TV as moans from the mating of a Dothraki couple become louder and louder.

Jumping into action, MJ uses the controller to change the channel and a sponge-bob episode begins to play, but she soon lowers the volume.

"P-Peter, it's not what you think..." MJ says as she tries to explain what Game of Thrones is, knowing that Peter doesn't watch much TV.

"I see..." Peter says as he pulls her closer and puts his face into her neck. "You were watching that scene fairly closely though. We haven't done 'that' yet, but I'm ready when you are."

"I-I-I..." MJ didn't know how to answer and soon all cohesive language failed her as Peter began kissing her neck.

"It's okay..." Peter stops and pulls back, resting his head back on the pillow. "Just let me know when you're ready. Unless that time is now?"

Instantly, MJ started shaking her head. She may love Peter at this point, but the thought of sex scared her. She has heard a bunch of awkward first-time stories, not to mention the pain that comes along with it.

Peter was a virgin in his previous life as well, so he was eager to do the deed, but he could wait. His hand is always a viable option after all.

"Alright, we can wait as long as you need." Peter says as he steals the controller and switches the channel back to Game of Thrones.

"What's this show about?" Peter asks as he puts up the volume once again. 'Maybe this universe will end the series better than the last.'

Thankfully, the sex scene was over, so MJ wasn't embarrassed any further.

Ignoring his phone, which blew up with texts from Tony, who was trying to weasel his way out of doing any work, Peter stayed up most of the night and caught up on the latest episode of Game of Thrones with MJ.

MJ's mom didn't have a single problem with her staying the night and May was the same. They both thought that the two were having sex by this point in their relationship, but they were usually watching something or playing games.


Within two days since the Abomination appeared in New York City, Tony came up with a perfect way to detain the big guy.

He created a cryogenic cage that would freeze Abomination's body just as Peter thought. Blonsky would live his life like a paraplegic. His entire body below the neck would be frozen solid, leaving only his head unfrozen.

Normally, this would kill any living creature, as the heart wouldn't be pumping blood anymore, but Blonsky's body is enhanced by a large degree.

"He should be fine... Maybe..." Tony said with a shrug.

"Good enough for me." Peter says with a shrug of his own. "Try to get some blood and tissue samples before locking him up."

"Already done!" Tony says as he opens a nearby lab fridge and shows multiple vials filled with blood and sealed containers of lizard-like skin.

"Good, keep that locked up safe somewhere though. Those samples could be dangerous in the wrong hands." Peter says as he grabs half of the samples for himself.

"Hey, get your own monster parts!" Tony says and fails to take them back, as Peter ducks out of his way and opens a portal.

"Thanks!" Peter says as he steps through the portal and waves as it slowly closed before Tony's eyes. "Good work! Keep it up!"

A/N: 1405 words