C182 Angry Daddy

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Arriving home that night, Peter decided to let Tony find out about Extremis on his own, and spend some quality time with his beautiful girlfriend.

"Which movie do you want to watch?" Peter asks as he flips through Netflix on the TV.

"It's up to you, just don't pick any sappy love stories..." MJ says as she snuggles up to Peter on the couch.

May was already fast asleep, as she has work in the morning, so they had most of the house to themselves at the moment.

"We should order food." MJ says as her stomach grumbles.

"Okay, I'll order pizza." Peter says as he whips out his phone. "Can you get the blanket from my bed?"

"Sure, but don't forget to buy soda." MJ says as she ran off up the stairs.

Just as Peter was about to order the food, a loud knock came from the front door. Whoever it is was either in a hurry or very angry, because they kept knocking over and over.

"Are the police at my door?" Peter muttered in annoyance as he walked over and pulled the door open. "What do you-"

Just as Peter was speaking, the barrel of a large revolver was put in his face. He felt his spider senses tingle faintly, but stopped himself from reacting when he saw who it was outside the door.

"Umm... Mr. Watson, how can I help you?" Peter asks, finding this situation kind of funny on the inside.

After all, he could easily dodge out of the way before Fury pulls the trigger. He may be enhanced now, but Peter was still far faster.

"Move." Fury commands as he nudged his gun toward the living room.

Following his instructions, Peter walked to the living room with a gun on his back, wondering what Fury was doing there.

'Did he find out about me being Spider-Man?' Peter questioned as he saw the very pissed-off look on Fury's face. 'Nah, that wouldn't make him this mad...'

"Sit." Fury said as he heard someone coming down the stairs and stashed his gun away inside his trench coat.

"Peter, I got the blanket. Did you order the-" MJ froze as she walked in with a blanket over her shoulder, finding her father standing over Peter in the middle of the living room. "Dad? What are you doing here?"

"I went home to see you and found out you were here, so I came by to say hello." Fury lies easily as his angry face turns warm in an instant.

"Okay, but why are you standing over Peter like that?" MJ asks suspiciously.

"Oh, no reason." Fury smiles as he places a hand on Peter's shoulder. "We were just talking, right?"

Seeing the look Fury was giving him, which said 'Play along and keep your mouth shut' Peter smiled in MJ's direction.

"We're fine, babe." Peter said, causing Fury's eye to twitch. "Mr. Watson was just telling me how he sees me as a good potential son-in-law, right?"

Instantly, Fury contemplated pulling his gun again, as Peter turned the tables back on him. After all, his beloved daughter wouldn't be very happy if she found out her father was threatening her boyfriend with a loaded gun.

"Y-Yeah..." Fury ground his teeth as he could barely reply.

Hearing this, MJ recalled the odd spider lady that called Peter her future husband.

"Don't talk about stuff like that." MJ says in embarrassment. "I'm too young to get married... Maybe after college though."

"You heard her Mr. Watson. We'll have to wait a while before anything like that. I'm happy that you like me so much though." Peter says as he stands and puts an arm around Fury's shoulder. "I thought that you didn't approve of me for a while, so I was worried."

"..." Fury stayed silent as he gripped his fists tightly. 'This kid needs to die...'

"Me too." MJ had the same thoughts as Peter. "Do you want to stay and watch a movie with us, Dad? We're ordering pizza."

Hearing his daughter's offer, Fury wanted to just snap and start going off. If things went his way, Fury would shoot Peter in the head or at the very least lecture his daughter about sleeping at a boy's house, but he knew MJ wouldn't listen to him.

His outburst might even ruin the relationship that he spent so much effort to repair.

Thinking for a moment, Fury sighed inwardly and decided to do things covertly.

It's his specialty after all.

"Sure, can you make me a cup of coffee?" Fury asks MJ, who nods and throws down the blanket before rushing off to the kitchen.

She had no idea that her mother accidentally snitched about her regularly sleeping over at her boyfriend's house.

"Think you're smart, do you?" Fury says as he pulls his gun again and pushes Peter back onto the couch, resting the barrel on his forehead. "Feel smart now?"

"Eh, a little bit." Peter says with a smile.

Fury merely raised an eyebrow, finding his future son-in-law's confidence in the face of a loaded weapon both impressive and peculiar.

"If I thought you'd actually shoot, then I would be worried, but we both know MJ would despise you for all of eternity if you did anything to me." Peter says as he sits back and relaxes.

"..." Fury couldn't help but slightly admire the balls on the kid in front of him.

"Why are you here anyway?" Peter asks with a raised brow. "You're obviously angry about something."

"My daughter will not be sleeping here anymore." Fury says threateningly. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Oh, I get it now." Peter says with an understanding nod. "You went home and found out she wasn't there, huh?"

Fury grunted in affirmation, though it sounded more like a growl.

"Well, that's something you have to decide with MJ and her mother, not me." Peter says as it wasn't his decision to make. "I can't just tell her that she's not allowed to come here anymore. MJ would think that I'm not interested in her or something."

"Good, that sounds like the perfect outcome." Fury smiled at the prospect of that actually happening.

"For you, yes. But not for me or your daughter." Peter says as he picks up his cell phone.

"Put the phone down." Fury says as he cocks the hammer of the revolver.

"I can't." Peter says with a shrug. "MJ wants pizza and soda. If I don't order it, she'll know something is up between us."

"..." Fury stewed in his boiling hatred as he kept the gun at Peter's head during the whole call.


Hanging up the phone, Peter looked up at Fury, who stood above him with a contemplative look on his face.

"You might want to put that away." Peter says as he heard footsteps coming their way from the kitchen.

Hearing this as well, Fury clicked his tongue and stashed his weapon away for the second time.

"Here." MJ says as she walks through the door and hands over a mug full of coffee. "Do you want to pick the movie, dad?"

Just as Fury was about to reply, the front door swung open, and in rushed MJ's mother Grace, who looked out of breath and disheveled in her pajamas and sneakers.

"Mom? What's going on?" MJ asks as she now felt something was off about this entire situation.

"Umm..." Grace didn't know what to say, as she expected mass chaos and a lot of screaming upon her arrival. "I'm here to pick up your father."

"Okay..." MJ didn't believe a word she said, but she knew her mother would probably explain later.

"Right, let's go." Grace says as she walks up and pulls Fury to the door. "I'll call later, honey. Have a good night!"

"We will!" Peter replies with a smirk.

"...this motherf*cker." Fury cursed as he heard Peters reply.

"Don't you start anything!" Grace starts reprimanding Fury as they left the house.

"What the hell was that about?" MJ asks as she turns to Peter questioningly.

"Your father found out that you sleep here." Peter reveals with a smirk.

"Oh god..."


As Peter was dealing with an armed and angry father, Tony, Beast, and Banner were going over the research materials and notes from their many raids on AIM laboratories.

As the went through everything, one name stood out among the rest.


As they went over everything, they soon found out that Killian has been creating his own person army of unstable test subjects with something called the Extremis formula.

"Why does this all look so familiar?" Tony asks himself as he watched an early video of an Extremis experiment.

A dying plant was given the formula, rejuvenating it's dead leaves and branches instantly, but as soon as the plant made contact with something, it would explode in a big fiery blast.

Just like the many guards they encountered that day.

"I've definitely seen this before." Tony states as he wracks his brain for answers.

"Where?" Banner asks curiously.

"A woman showed it to me..." Tony suddenly remembered.

"Why am I not surprised."

A/N: 1532 words


[Handover my stones... or else😡... I'll cry😭]