C187 Pregnant?!

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"That's your Mommy." Peter says with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"W-what!?" MJ was having a hard time keeping it together. "I'm not-"

"Staying for long." Peter interrupts her, knowing that her refusal could cause problems with his little AI daughter. "Mommy has to go home to grandma, so you can talk to her next time, okay?"

As Peter says this, he winks in MJ's direction and opens a portal below her feet.

"I..." MJ tried to speak, but lost her footing and disappeared from the room, falling into her bed at home.

As the portal snapped shut, Peter looked back at the camera and smiled at his new daughter.

"Did mommy leave?" She asked sadly.

"Yes, but she'll be back another day, I promise." Peter swears as he plans to talk to her about this later on.

"Okay, I want to see Mommy next time too." She says with a hopeful tone.

"Of course." Peter nods with a smile.

"Umm..." Peter's new AI daughter says as if she had something to say.

"What is it?" Peter asks.

"D-Do I have a name?" She asks with a cute nervous stutter.

"No, I haven't thought of one, but we can pick one together now." Peter says as he leans back and starts thinking of names.

"I want a cute name, like Bizzy!" She exclaims in excitement.

"Uhh..." Peter didn't know how to tell her no, as he didn't want to upset his new daughter. 'Bizzy? What is she? A dog?'

"You don't like it, Daddy?" She asks as her tone goes from excitement to depression in a single moment.

"Well, how about we add it to the list." Peter offers, though he doesn't deny her statement. "If you still want to be called Bizzy after we come up with a few other options, then I'll support you."

'Either way, In a few months, when she's more mature, she'll beg me to change her name.' Peter thought as an amused smile appears on his face.

"I can't think of any other names..." She says thoughtfully.

"Well, let's brainstorm together..."


Almost an hour passed, the new father and daughter threw names back and forth, compiling a small list of options, which both of them agreed upon.

"Okay, I think that's enough." Peter says as he looks over the list. "We can do this three ways. I can choose, you can choose, or we can leave it up to chance and pick a random one."

"Umm, I want you to pick, Daddy..." She says nervously.

"Alright, let's see..." Peter nods as he reads over the list one more time. 'Emma, Abigail, Luna, Mia, Alice...'

After a long pause, where nothing but the hums of the nearby machinery was heard, Peter finally spoke.

"I think I picked my favorite." Peter says as he heard an excited squeal from the terminal's speakers.

"Tell me! Tell me!" She exclaims.

Peter could picture her hopping up and down from the sheer excitement.

"Are you sure that you want to know?" Peter asks teasingly drawing it out.

"Yes!" She practically screams, causing Peter to smirk.

"I don't know-" Peter says.

"Daddy! Stop being mean." She whines in annoyance.

"Lily Bizzy Parker." Peter reveals.

"..." The newly named Lily goes silent.

"If you don't like it, we can try another-" Peter says, but was quickly stopped.

"No, I love it!" Lily says, not wanting to change her name. "But... I thought you didn't like Bizzy?"

"Well, you like it and your middle name isn't that important. If someone asks, we can just say that you're Lily Parker or Lily B. Parker." Peter explains with a shrug.

"Okay, but why are we hiding it?"



While Peter was trying to appease his daughter's love for a pet's name, MJ lay in bed with a confused and contemplative look on her face.

She didn't expect that Peter's project would be an artificial child, who would call him Daddy and her Mommy.

MJ was expecting some sort of gadget or serum, not... that.

"Honey, are you back?" Her mother asks from the hallway but didn't receive a reply, so she opened the door with a basket of folded laundry in hand.

As the door opens, Grace finds her daughter in her Silk suit, unmoving on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"MJ? Are you okay?" She asks with a worried look.

"Mom..." MJ takes off her mask and looks her mother in the eye.

"What? What's wrong?" Grace asks as she started thinking of the worst scenarios.

"If you suddenly found out that you're going to be a mother, what would you do?" MJ asks, looking to her mother for advice.

Silence fills the room as Grace's eyes go wide in shock and her mouth hung open.

"Oh my god..." She utters as the basket in her arms falls to the ground. "You're pregnant!"

"Huh?" MJ grunted in shock as she realized her mistake. "No, it's..."

MJ was about to explain herself when she remembered the promise that she made to Peter.

She couldn't explain...

"Did you take a test? Where is it? We have to book an appointment with an obstetrician." Grace started pacing around the room, both excited to be a grandmother and worried for her daughter, as it isn't easy being a teen mom.

Suddenly, a look of realization appeared on Grace's face.

"What are we going to tell your father?"


After another hour of hanging out with his new daughter, Peter opened up a file named 'Day1info' on the terminal and dragged it over so that Lily could have access to it.

"Huh?" Lily grunted as she found some new information at her fingertips. "Daddy, what's this?"

"This is your homework." Peter answers.

"Homework?" Lily repeats in confusion.

"Yes, I need you to study everything in that file." Peter explains.

"That doesn't sound fun..." Lily didn't sound enthused whatsoever.

"Well, I have something to make it worth your effort." Peter says as he drags over another file titled 'Cartoons'.

"Oh, what's this..." She asks, enjoying the new things appearing out of nowhere.

"That, my cute little Lily, is something that you really want to see." Peter hypes it up, knowing she would like it as any other child does.

"Can I open it?" She asks, finding it impossible to do so without her Fathers permission.

"Sure..." Peter pauses just enough to get her hopes up, before crushing them completely. "That is, once you finish your homework."

"Why are you so mean!" Lily huffs.

"It shouldn't take you more than an hour to do your homework." Peter chuckles with a roll of his eyes.

Although it wouldn't take long, that didn't mean that the file was small. No, it was huge and filled with all sorts of information.

Everything a child would learn from Kindergarten to 6th grade along with some extra basic knowledge and important dos and don'ts.

The reason that she would be finished learning everything in an hour was the dozens of state-of-the-art Stark processors, which would accelerate her learning speed to a crazy degree.

While this information would take a normal child many years to learn, she would master it all in only a single hour.

Truly, she was a cheater of the highest order.

If she were a transmigrator like Peter, then the world would be conquered in no time at all.

'And I still plan to upgrade this equipment later on.' Peter thought as he couldn't imagine Lily's future processing power.


In a dimly lit room with a long table, Aldrich Killian sat at the head chair, vibrating with excitement. Around the table sat men and women with all sorts of expressions on their faces.

Some were excited for the future, while others looked absolutely dejected, though a few seemed to hide their emotions better than the rest.

"This is it!" Killian stands from his seat and slams his hands on the table. "Enough hiding! We take the fight to the Avengers in full force. No more playing around..."

As he finished speaking, Killian looked off to the left, where a large hangar could be seen on the other side.

In that hangar, hundreds of Extremis-enhanced soldiers stood in single file lines, wearing black and grey military uniforms with orange accents, matching the AIM logo.

As the soldiers marched orderly into large military transport planes, they were handed loaded assault rifles, pistols, and extra magazines for both weapons.

As the planes filled, one by one they took off out of the hangar, each with the same heading, New York City.

While everyone was staring out of the window alongside Killian, no one seemed to notice one of the men in the room take out his phone under the table.

It wasn't out for long, as he sent a quick message before stashing it away again, hoping that no one saw anything.

A/N: 1483 words :)


[Eh, I'm to lazy😴today. Just give me🔶stones🔶pls.]