C199 Job Offer x2

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"I can't see you..." Matt mutters in shock.

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, Matt, but..." Peter says as if he were a doctor breaking bad news to a patient. "You're blind."

Although Peter cracked that little joke, he knew from the show that despite being blinded as a child, Matt's remaining four senses are enhanced to a superhuman level, resulting in them becoming radar-like.

He can constantly feel numerous things, including balance, direction, minuscule changes in air density, vibrations, and blankets of temperature variations, that are usually imperceptible to human beings.

That, combined with his acute hearing and olfactory senses, allows Matt to evaluate his surroundings in what he describes as an Impressionistic painting of the world around him, which, according to him, looks like the world is on fire.

His superhumanly enhanced senses grant him tremendous awareness of his surroundings on a wide range, thus making him extremely alert to danger. In fact, Murdock's senses are so great, they are almost at the level of Peter's spider senses.

"Very funny, Mister?" Matt asks as he stays alert and keeps his back against the wall.

After all, he had no idea where the intruder was standing. Even Peter's voice was masked by magic and seemed to encompass the entire room without any real origin.

"Spider-Man," Peter says as he watches Matt's eyebrows raise in surprise.

"Why are you here?" Matthew asks as he shuffled along the wall and grabs his walking stick. "I don't believe that I've committed any crimes."

"Well, vigilantism is a crime..." Peter says as Matt stiffens for a brief moment.

"Arresting me for crime fighting would be a bit hypocritical of you, don't you think?" He argues back like a true lawyer.

"Hehe, true." Peter says with a laugh.

Seeing how uncomfortable and cautious Daredevil was being, Peter waved his hand and shut down the spells he placed on himself.

Instantly, Matthew twitched as he found the intruder on his couch, sitting calmly as if he wasn't breaking into his apartment.

"Is that better?" Peter asks.

"Yes, thank you." Matt answers as he does his best to calm down.

"Good, why don't you take a seat." Peter offers up a seat as if he owned the place. "I have a job offer for you. Two of them actually."

"I'm afraid that I'm already employed..." Matt didn't even sit down as he made excuses to decline.

"At least hear me out first." Peter says as he gestures to the seat across from him, knowing that Daredevil could see him in his own way.

"I don't seem to have a choice in the matter..." Matt sighs as he walked over and sat down.

"We always have a choice. It just depends on whether we make the right decision or not." Peter says as if he were a wise monk.

"Get to the point, please." Matt says in barely veiled annoyance. "I have a case scheduled early tomorrow morning."

His time spent training under Stick was filled with similar words of sagely advice, so hearing them now only brought back bad memories.

"Sounds good to me." Peter says with an uncaring shrug. "I would like to offer you a job as an Avenger."

"No, thank you." Matt immediately refused. "I'm just a normal man. Your type of work is far above my pay grade."

"True, though we both know that you are anything but a normal man." Peter says with a smirk. "As for the work, you would continue your protection of Hell's Kitchen, but with the training and resources provided to every Avenger."

"..." He paused upon hearing Peter's offer, which sounded very appealing. "I don't need any training."

"Training is mandatory for all members." Peter says with a shake of his head. "Not even I was exempt from basic training."

"What type of resources would be provided?" Matt asked.

"Well, anything you could ever need." Peter says with a shrug. "A specialized suit to replace those ruined black clothes in the bathroom, assistance from other members, police support, weaponry, technology, money, land. As long as it aids in the cause of protecting the earth and innocent lives, of course."

Everything Peter listed off sounded extremely tempting to a starting hero like Daredevil.

The suit was something that Matt has been looking into, as he needed something bulletproof.

Sadly, he happens to live in America, the country with more guns than people, so that was a major problem he kept running into.

Every damn criminal was armed to the teeth, making his job feel like an active war zone.

Assistance from other members wasn't as tempting as he prefers to work alone, though the possibility to ask for help could always come in handy.

As for Police support, that was a very big draw for him.

In the few months that Matt started his journey as a hero, the police have interfered in his work almost constantly. They even shot at him on a handful of occasions.

In fact, he just dug a police issue bullet out of his shoulder only moments ago.

Everything else Peter offered was just icing on the cake, though the land option sounded especially appealing.

'I could have my own base of operations...' Matt thought as he no longer found it a viable option to working out of his home.

After all, Peter just followed him inside and he didn't even notice.

"You said there were two job offers?" Daredevil asks, holding his decision back for the time being.

"Yes, but the next one includes your business partner, Foggy Nelson." Peter says as he sees Matt tense at the mention of his friend.

"Foggy isn't involved in my extracurricular activities." Daredevil tries his best to keep his best friend out of this.

"I know, but the next offer has nothing to do with fighting crime." Peter says, confusing Matt even further. "I'd like to hire your law firm to represent the Avengers. Exclusively, of course."

"Huh?" Matt wasn't expecting him to say that. "Is there a case filed against you? I haven't heard of anything related to the Avengers reaching the courts."

"No, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be prepared. The Avengers doesn't have any lawyers on retainer, so your firm would be the one and only." Peter says, hoping to entice him into accepting. "Of course, there is a stipulation to this."

"What?" Matt knew it was too good to be true.

"You must accept my first offer and join the Avengers." Peter says with a smirk under his mask.

Thanks to Daredevil's odd way of seeing, he could bypass Peter's mask and see a fiery figure's lips curve upwards.

Truthfully, the Avengers would almost never need a lawyer to represent them, as no government or court in any single country had the power to call upon them.

They only answered to a majority vote of the United Nations, which wasn't something that Peter worried about.

At least, for the time being.

Peter offered Matthew this second deal as an incentive to accept the first, plain and simple.

With the credentials as the one and only law firm representing the Avengers, Nelson and Murdock would skyrocket into the upper echelon of law firms in an instant.

Wealthy clients would line up for miles in hopes of retaining their law firm, if only to brag that they have the same lawyers as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Magneto, and the other Avengers.

"..." It wasn't hard for Matt to read between the lines.

He knew that Peter was giving him a very large inventive in order to secure him as a subordinate, and god it was hard to say no...

"I need to speak with my business partner before making any decisions." He says with a contemplative look.

"That's fine." Peter says understandingly as he stands up from the couch. "When Mr. Nelson says yes, bring him to the tower so we can sign the necessary papers."

Matthew found it hard to argue with Peter's confidence in his success. After all, Foggy would jump at the opportunity to work with New York's resident super hero's.

Not only does working for the Avengers look good for their firm, but they also have more than enough money to pay for the services rendered.

Ever since the two friends left their old firm to create one themselves, they've done nothing but low-paying jobs for poor victims.

A good handful of them were done free of charge as well...

Although helping others is good for the soul, it doesn't exactly pay rent or put food on the table.

Truthfully, Matthew might as well agree to everything now. The only thing holding him back was the fact that all of this was happening so suddenly.

He needed some time to think properly.

"Once again, I'm sorry for the intrusion." Peter says as he walks over to the window. "I'll see myself out."

Before Daredevil could say another word, Peter leaped out of the window and swung away.

'It's actually Spider-Man...' Matt thought as he could only see Peter as a fiery human figure. "I need to call Foggy."

A/N: 1523 words :)


💎STONES? Where art thou? Mine shining gems of power. Cometh to mine pocket pls💎