C237 Miles Who?

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On the next day, MJ took Lily to school while Peter stayed home and hacked into some government databases to find the home addresses for each member of the World Security Council.

Luckily, each of them is a prominent public figure, which leaves them open to public scrutiny.

They couldn't just live in safe houses, as people would catch on to their odd behavior.

Thankfully, this makes finding them an easy task.

Though, since they are easy to find, that means the security around them should be extremely strict.

Naturally, Peter would be able to bypass any mundane safeguards effortlessly.

'The perks of being a sorcerer just keep growing.' Peter thought as he sent all of their home addresses to his phone for later use.

In order to save time, each member of the World Security Council would be detained in the tower, where a long investigation and interrogation would determine which of them were Hydra plants.

Of course, Peter knew which ones were dirty, though he had no proof to show it, except for Alexander Pierce, who Peter 'caught' in a conversation with Zola.

In actuality, that conversation was faked with the Reality Stone, as catching high-level Hydra members like Pierce and Zola in a conversation like that would take a lot of work and luck.

Peter simply used the Aether to make a phone, which played out the whole conversation whilst he recorded it on his computer with an AUX cable.

Using the memory of Zola's voice from the movie and videos of Alexander Pierce speaking in the News and other media, Peter was able to perfectly recreate their voices.

No amount of analysis would be able to prove it false, nor would anyone be able to cross reference phone records, as Hydra members use all sorts of encrypted communications, which wouldn't leave any records behind.

'I wouldn't be surprised if they actually had a similar conversation as well.' Peter thought as his phone buzzed and a text message appeared.

Opening it, Peter found a long message from Fury with the address of each Shield base all around the world.

'I guess it's time to get to work...'


After sending a message to MJ and May, explaining that he would be gone for the entire day, Peter made himself invisible and started his tour of the world, portal by portal.

There are 195 countries in the world and 193 of them are members of the United Nations.

Thankfully, Peter didn't need to visit every country. Only the major ones that Shield deemed worthy of building large-scale bases and other facilities.

Places like Canada, the USA, China, Russia, India, Australia, Germany, Brazil, France, the UK, Japan, Afghanistan, etc.

Although he didn't have to visit every known country in the world, most of the countries on Fury's list had at least two addresses, leaving Peter much more work than he originally thought.


Opening a portal to the top of a skyscraper in Shanghai China, Peter leaped across to the adjacent building.

"Did you hear that?" A heavily armed guard, who was posted on the rooftop, asks in Mandarin.

"No..." Another guard grunts as they search the wide-open roof with a single glance. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, maybe it was just the wind." He answers confusingly.

"Maybe you should lay off the caffeine..."

While the guards obliviously talked amongst themselves, Peter waved his hand and activated the Reality Stone, hiding his actions from the nearby cameras and guards.

With his work hidden, Peter conjured a complicated spell circle, which covered the entire rooftop and melted into the floor.

As of late, Peter has been casting spells without a spell circle, but a complicated spell that needs to activate upon command, and trigger all of the other spells across the globe as well took a level of expertise that Peter just didn't have yet.

Once the spell lines disappeared into the building, Peter left the roof and deactivated the Reality Stone before portaling to his next destination.


One by one, Peter visited underground bunkers, tall towers, government buildings, hidden facilities, and a plethora of other Shield bases.

Over and over, Peter disguised his work with the Aether, placed the spell, and portal'd to the next spot.

By the time he was finished, the day turned to night and the night turned back to day.

Without a second of rest, Peter visited 92 Shield bases before heading back to the tower, where he explained everything to the Council, as well as Steve and Peggy, who were invited to join the mission briefing.

"Damn, I didn't know we had so many bases." Peggy comments in shock. "When I was in charge, we only had around 46 and I thought that was a lot at the time."

"We've been expanding. World Council's orders." Fury says as if he had a bad taste in his mouth.

"Right..." Peter utters as he stands up and stretches his tired body. "I'm heading home to take a nap. We'll start the operation tomorrow during peak work hours."

Of course, Steve wanted to get things done as soon as possible, but he held his tongue.

Without Peter's help, this entire situation would be a million times harder than it already was.

Waiting another day wouldn't hurt anything...


Touching down in an undisclosed landing strip in upstate New York, a private jet slows to a stop and the door falls open.

As the steps unfold leading to the ground, a deadpan-faced Bucky Barnes walks down the steps with a large duffle bag across his back.

A few meters away from the plane sat a blocked-out sports car, which Bucky entered immediately.

With the push of a button, the engine roared to life and the car peeled off, leaving black tire tracks on the landing strip.

"Turn left in 500 feet."

Instantly, the GPS in the car came to life, mapping out a route straight to New York City.


Portaling to his room, Peter changed his clothes and heads toward the bathroom to take a nice long shower.

"7... 8... 9... 10. Ready or not. Here I come." Peter heard an unfamiliar kid's voice from the living room. 'Is that Lily's friend?'

Detouring from his shower plan, Peter headed downstairs, where he found the same kid from before searching the house with a smile on his face.

Just as he was about to open the small door under the stairs, Miles turned to see Peter walking down the stairs.

"Uhh... you're Lily's dad, right?" Miles asks awkwardly.

"Yeah, you playing hide and seek?" Peter asks back and Miles nods to him in confirmation. "Then don't bother looking on the first floor. Lily usually hides upstairs."

"Thanks!" Miles excitedly runs past Peter and heads upstairs.

Suddenly, as Miles left the first floor, Lily poked her head out of the cupboard under the stairs.

"Thanks for the assist, Dad." Lily whispers with a smirk as she tiptoes out of the cupboard, rushing to hug her father. "Welcome back. I missed you."

Although he was only gone for 24 hours, It was actually the longest amount of time that Peter and Lily were separated since her 'birth'.

"I missed you too." Peter smiles warmly as combs his hand through her hair. "Where's your mom?"

"In the kitchen." Lily says as she runs off to follow Miles upstairs, hoping to hide in a room that he already checked.

Strolling into the kitchen, Peter found MJ and May eating takeout on the counter.

"Yo, I'm back." Peter says with a wave.

"Welcome back." MJ says as she pulls him into a hug, though after a single sniff, she instantly pushed him away. "You stink! Go take a shower."

"What, you don't like my stank?" Peter asks as he pulls her back into his chest. "That's what over 24 hours in my suit get you."

"Eww..." MJ groans as she pushes him away and picks up a bottle of air freshener, spraying it in his direction. "Get back! Back!"

"Fine, I'll take a shower." Peter says as he dodges the cloud of lavender-scented chemicals.

"Good." MJ says as she holsters her cleaning spray.

Before Peter could leave the kitchen, May spoke up.

"Did you see Miles yet?" She asks with a smile on her face. "He was here yesterday too, but you missed it. He's such a sweet boy. Maybe he'll become Lily's childhood sweetheart..."

"Yes, I just saw him-" Peter said as he did his best to ignore his Aunts usual romantic daydreams, though he soon froze in his steps and looked back over his shoulder in confusion. "Wait, did you say Miles?"

"Yeah, why?" MJ asks as she could tell that Peter was acting weird.

"What's his last name?" Peter asks questioningly.

"I think Lily said it was Morales?" May says uncertainly.

'Miles Morales...'

A/N: 1474 words

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