C241 Tony’s Time Out

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"How is this possible?" Steve walked up to the big screen and stared fixedly at Bucky, who remained asleep in his cell. "I saw him fall. He died..."

"Oh, he's going to be dead alright." Tony mutters as he stood beside Steve to get a better look at the man that supposedly killed his mother and father. "I'm going to blow his f*cking head off..."

"No, you won't!" Steve turns a warning glare toward Tony. "I don't know what's happening, but that's my best friend in there. Nobody is touching him."

Instantly, a dangerous air formed in the room as both Iron Man and Captain America were a pin drop away from pouncing on one another.

"Let's all just calm down." Peter says as he snaps his fingers.

Before either of them knew what was happening, both men were pushed off of their feet and into chairs, which strapped them down tightly.

"!?" Both of them jolted in shock as they found themselves restrained.

Of course, each of them is a super soldier, so they both pulled against the chair with all of their might, yet they didn't budge a single inch.

Fury watched on with an impressed look, vowing to himself to look into this magic business, as it seemed like a useful skill to have in his arsenal.

Even if he couldn't perform magic himself, maybe a few agents who could do so would come in handy in the future...

"Now that we're all seated and relaxed, I can finish explaining what I've found out about the Winter Soldier or rather, Bucky Barnes." Peter says as everyone turns their attention back to him.

"You know using magic is unfair..." Tony says as he gives up on breaking free and glares at Peter.

"Thank you for restraining him, but I don't see why I should be bound as well." Steve asks as he never wanted to fight in the first place.

"Is this necessary?" Peggy asks as she didn't like seeing Steve restrained.

He only wanted to protect his best friend.

"Because, If I only tie up Tony, he'll complain about it nonstop for the next week." Peter explained with a roll of his eyes. "I'd rather just restrain you both and avoid Tony's whining as much as possible."

"Hey!" Tony shouts indignantly.

"I'm enjoying this..." Fury comments from the side.

"Shut up, baldy." Tony replied like a child.

"Okay, can I continue explaining what I know, or should I just leave you guys here for a while and come back later?" Peter asks as he wanted to get this over with so he could sleep a bit more.

After all, he only slept for a few hours before Grace's protection spell went off, waking him to her peril.

"I like that idea. Let's leave Stark here for the rest of the night. It'll help clear his mind." Fury agrees with a smirk.

"Don't you dare!" Tony yells.

"Please continue." Steve looks at Peter. "What happened to Bucky?"

"Well, to be clear, I didn't know that the Winter Soldier was Bucky until I saw him today." Peter lies with a shrug. "I only knew that the Winter Soldier was from your time, Steve."

"He had a mask on when you saw him earlier." Fury says doubtfully.

"Yes, but X-ray vision spells are rather easy." Peter explained, though he wasn't lying.

Spells to see through objects are child's play for a Sorcerer of Peter's skill. He could cast them in his sleep if he had to.

"You have to teach me that one." Tony says with a perverted smirk on his face.

"So, what do you know?" Steve ignores Tony's outburst and asks.

"The Winter Soldier is a Hydra-made super soldier, who was brainwashed into following every order no matter the difficulty. He is periodically frozen, like you were, so that his service to Hydra can be prolonged for as long as possible. They only let him out when it's time for a mission." Peter explains.

"How do you know this?" Peggy asks, as information like this is heavily guarded.

"I have my ways." Peter says vaguely.

"What's his mission?" Steve asks.

"To kill me." Fury admits, drawing everyone's attention.

"Pierce did say he would take care of you, didn't he?" Tony comments as he recalled the recording that Peter showed them.

Of course, the recording was fake but Peter knew Hydra would target Fury sooner or later, so it seems like his prediction was correct.

"This doesn't change anything..." Tony says as he turns to glare at the screen. "He killed my mother. I loved my father, but he was a d*ck. My mother on the other hand is a very different story. I will kill him."


The room went silent as everyone looked at Tony with a mix of both pity and sympathy.

"Okay, then you won't be leaving that chair for a while." Peter says as he waves his hand and released Steve.

"Hey! You can't just keep me as a prisoner in my own building!" Tony yelled in anger as Fury chuckled from the side.

"Yes, I can. Although Bucky killed your parents, he wasn't the one responsible." Peter states as he turns to Steve. "As for you, feel free to visit the prisoner, though he probably won't remember you."

"Thank you..." Steve says as he rushes out of the door before anyone could speak further.

"I'll go with him." Peggy says as she walks off.

"Peggy." Peter calls, stopping her in her tracks. "Just remind Steve that Bucky is to remain in his cell. We will try to find a way to fix the brainwashing, but he needs to be here for that to happen."

"Yes, sir." Peggy nods as she turns to rush after her boyfriend.


As Peter and Fury were about to leave the room, Tony spoke up with a reluctant look on his face.

"Fine, I won't kill him. Just let me go already." Tony pleads unconvincingly.

"No, you're too emotional right now." Peter says as he knew Tony was lying. "Once you calm down and fully understand the situation, I'll let you go."

If not for Peter's actions, Tony would most likely follow in his movie counterpart's footsteps and go after Bucky, which would drag Steve and Peggy into the situation as well.

"You can't just drop the news that my parents were killed, show me the killer, and then say I can't do anything about it!" Tony yells furiously.

"As I said, you're too emotional right now, Tony." Peter says as he waves his hand. "I'll come to talk to you in a bit."

Instantly, Tony and the chair that he was strapped to were swallowed up by a golden portal.

"F*ck you!" Tony screamed as the portal closed.

"First I find out your real identity and now Tony is in a magical time out." Fury smirks at Peter and lets out a small laugh. "Could my day get any better?"


*tap tap tap*

Steve stood outside of Bucky's cell, tapping the glass with his knuckles.

"You may want to visit another time." Blonsky said as he leans against the wall of his cell. "I've been calling to him for a while now, but he just won't wake up."

"Bucky!" Steve yelled as he kept tapping the glass, ignoring the other prisoner's words.

Sadly, Bucky didn't budge a single inch.

"I told you. It's like he's in a coma or-" Blonsky said though he was cut off by the press of a button.

"That's better." Peggy commented as she used the control panel to mute Blonsky and fog up the glass of his cell. "Now we can have our privacy."

"Thanks." Steve says as he keeps his eyes locked on his best friend. "It's true. He's actually alive..."

"He's been through a lot." Peggy says as she walks over. "I don't remember the metal arm."

"He had two arms when I last saw him." Steve replies sadly.

"Don't sound so gloomy, soldier." Peggy says as she grasps Steve's arm and holds it close. "This is a cause for celebration. Bucky is alive and well. We just need to break his brainwashing and he'll be back to normal."

"How do we even go about-" Steve spoke though he stopped as he saw some movement in the cell.

"Is he awake?" Peggy asks as Bucky's eyes snap open and he sits up like the Undertaker. "Okay, that was creepy."

"?" Bucky looked around in confusion as his eyes landed on Steve and Peggy. "Where am I?"

"A cell in the Avengers Tower." Steve answers as he looks his old friend straight in the eyes. "Do you remember who I am?"

"..." Bucky didn't reply as he stared at Steve for a moment.

After the small staring context concluded, Bucky stood up, walked to the glass, and started pounding on it with his metal arm.

*bang bang bang...*

Each hit didn't even rattle the cell, let alone damage the glass, which stayed in pristine condition throughout every strike.

"Bucky, stop! It's pointless." Steve calls out as he moved to stand in front of his friend, hoping to somehow make him remember.

"Who's Bucky?"

A/N: 1532 words


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