C267 Freedom

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"What's the meaning of this?!" The collector looked p*ssed, like a spoiled child who opened his Christmas present and found nothing but an empty box.

"?" Gamora was stunned into silence.

"How the hell are we supposed to know?" Quill comes to her rescue. "You asked for this Orb and we brought it. Now, pay up."

Hearing Quill's demanding tone, Tivan looked furious as he reached into his pocket and pressed a bottom.

In an instant, the ceiling opened up and countless blaster turrets descended into the museum, each of them taking aim at the Guardians.

"I agreed to pay for the contents of the Orb, not the Orb itself." The Collector says as he glares at the group menacingly. "Now, which of you insignificant little bugs is greedy enough to think that you can trick me?!"

Watching the group suspiciously, Tivan began to wonder if it was only one of them that tried to cross him, or if all of the Guardians were involved.

Meanwhile, poor Carina was cowing in the corner, shaking like leaf.

"?!" As the Guardians stared down certain death, each of them could only think of one person.

In tandem, each of them turned to look at Peter in suspicion.

After all, he was the one that took possession of the Orb last, unless the Nova Corps somehow swiped it beforehand, which was unlikely.

"Don't look at me." Peter lies with a shrug. "I didn't even know the thing could open."

Seeing every suspect turn to the masked man in red and Blue, The Collector made a motion with his hand, directing the majority of the turrets toward Peter.

"Where is my Infinity Stone?" Tivan asked threateningly.

"I don't know. Have you checked that bird's nest on your head?" Peter answers uncaringly and without an ounce of fear. 'This may be a good opportunity for them to learn how to fight together...'

"Wrong answer..." The Collect says as the turrets all fire at Peter, ripping him into shreds.

Everyone watched in shock as the strongest member of their crew was turned into Swiss cheese and collapsed onto the ground in a puddle of his own blood.

"Carina, dear." Tivan runs a hand threw his hair as he turns to his pink slave girl. "Clean up this mess and make an appointment with my stylist. I'm having second thoughts about my hair. Maybe something shorter would be better."

"Y-Yes, Master..." She stutters in fear as she rushes off to get the proper supplies.

"Spider!" Drax was the first of the Guardian's react as he drew his blades and rushed forward.

"Wait, Drax!" Gamora exclaims as she tries to stop him.

"Motherf*cker!" Quill broke from his shock as he pulled his blaster and started firing at the turrets, hoping to give Drax some cover as he goes for the attack.

Meanwhile, Rocket watched on before scrambling toward the door.

"I am Groot!" Groot shouts as his roots grew and tangled themselves around his longtime friend's ankles.

"Groot! let me go, right now!" Rocket reprimanded his tree companion as he was pulled backward. "We need to get the hell out of here, you brainless moron!"

"I am Groot." Groot pulls Rocket up to his eye level and says decisively.

After a brief staring contest, Rocket was released and crashed onto the floor headfirst.

"Fine, stay here and die for all I care!" Rocket huffs as he looked over his shoulder one last time before rushing out of the room on all fours, leaving his friends behind.

"Agghh!" Drax let out a loud war cry as he rushed forward.

"Fool." The Collector commented as the turrets shifted toward Drax.

"No!" Gamora gave up on stopping Drax and pulls out a handful of throwing knives, joining Quill in destroying as many turrets as they could.

*Pew pew pew...* (A/N: PewDiePie Lol)

As the turrets locked onto Drax, they instantly let loose a hundred lasers in a single second.

Just as everyone thought another person would be joining Peter in the afterlife, countless brown tree roots swiftly crept their way across the metal floor before shooting upwards, interweaving with one another and creating a thick wooden shield for Drax.

"I am Groot!" Groot shouted as his roots took all of the damage.

"Haha!" Drax laughed as he was saved. "This dumb tree is my ally!"

Hearing that unneeded insult, Groot grunted as his roots began to burn, catching fire from the hundreds of lasers that he just endured.

"Rah!" Gamora roared as she kicked off Drax's shoulder and leaped over the burning root barrier.

"And this Green wh*re is as well!" Drax exclaimed happily as Gamora expertly threw one of her larger knives in the Collector's direction.

"Hey! Don't call her that!" Quill reprimands Drax as he ran to the edge of Groot's barrier and fired a few shots at Tivan as well.

As the knife and blaster shots were only inches away from the Collector's body, a blue force field lit up, deflecting all attacks easily.

"Your efforts are useless-"

Just as he was about to continue taunt the Guardians, Tivan caught sight of Groot's fire spreading to one of his bookshelves, igniting it fairly quickly.

"How dare you ruin my collection!"


"Is he always like this?" A voice asks, scaring Carina as she cowered behind one of the doors with cleaning supplies still in hand.

Turning around quickly, the poor slave girl came face to face with a ghost.

"Y-You're dead..." She stuttered in fright as Peter waved at her disarmingly.

"Nah, just a little sleight of hand, see." Peter says as he points to where his corpse once was.

"H-How?" Carina asks in shock as she turned to see a clean and empty floor, where a mangled body once lay.

"Just a bit of magic." Peter says as he gives her a magician's bow. 'The Reality Stone is really useful for times like this.'

"Are you not going to help your friends?" She asks hesitantly.

"Are you not going to help your Master?" Peter counters with a question of his own.

"No..." She admits, hoping that Tivan would die in this encounter.

"Same, though I think that we both have a different reason for that." Peter says knowingly.

"C-Can they win?" Carina asks nervously.

"Sure, as long as they work together." Peter says as they watched Groot save Drax's life. "So, why do you want your Master dead so badly?"

"H-He's horrible..." Carina went into detail about all of the abuse she and the Collector's former slaves were put through.

It seemed like the Collectors is an extremely sadistic psychopath.

Not only did he torture his slave woman in all sorts of horrid ways, but there was a reason why each of them was of Krylorians descent.

The rich pervert had a thing for torturing and r*ping beautiful pink-skinned women, which only made Peter even more clear on what had to happen.

Especially after the poor slave girl started bawling her eyes out in front of him.

"I see..." He muttered as this whole conversation just became extremely serious. "How would you like to set yourself free?"


"Why can't that idiot just listen to me?" Rocket muttered under his breath as he marched through the halls of the ship, looking for the exit. "Sentimental overgrown houseplant..."

As he grew closer and closer to the exit, Rocket's hushed insults for his friend began to disappear and his speed seemed to slow.

Soon enough, Rocket stood frozen at the exit as his tiny raccoon hands gripped into fists and his jaw clenched shut in frustration.

"F* k this..."


"How dare you ruin my collection!" Tivan screamed in furious anger.

Never has anyone dared to enter the collector's museum and even so much as touch one of his pieces, let alone set a whole shelf of priceless tomes on fire.

"I am Groot..." Groot groaned in pain the fire started spreading from his roots and toward his body.

"?!" Ignoring the screaming man-child, Drax rushed to Groot's side and used his blades to sever the burning roots, saving the trees life in return. "Now we're even, My-"

Before Drax could say another word, Groot toppled onto the floor and remained unmoving.

Although he was saved from the fire spreading to his main body, Groot was still extremely dried out and exhausted from the whole experience.

He would need a lot of water and rest in order to recover, or else Groot would continue to dry out completely and die.

"Groot..." A shocked voice muttered from the nearby doorway.

Heads turned to see a devastated raccoon standing there with a large cannon-like alien blaster in hand.

Just in time for his arrival, the root barrier that shielded the Guardians crumbled into a pile of flaming ash and twigs, revealing the man behind all of this.

"You!" Rocket exclaimed as he marched into the room with his weapon pulsing menacingly. "You killed my friend!"

"What a shame that his carcass has been damaged." The Collectors lamented as he did his best to ignore his burning tomes. "It isn't good enough to be put on display in my museum anymore, but perhaps I can mount his head in my bathroom?"

"Argh!" Rocket screamed in rage as he charged up his cannon-like weapon and fired.


As he pulled the trigger, Rocket was blown backward by the recoil as a giant basketball-sized body of energy soared across the room.

Just like before, the Collectors barrier appeared, saving his life, though it couldn't absorb all of the impact.

"Ugh!" Tivan grunted as he was thrown across the room by the force of it.

"Master!" Carina burst through the doors and rushed over to the Collector's side.


"Don't touch me!" Tivan exclaimed as he picked himself up and backhanded the poor slave girl across the face, sending her falling to her knees. "Disgusting filth."

Turning to the group of Guardians, who were surprised to see him still alive after all of that, the Collector smirked evilly as every remaining turret shifted into place once again.

"This has gone on long enough." The Collector says as an unnoticed figure rises to its feet behind him. "First, you try to rip me off, and then you destroy my-"


As Tivan spoke, a long knife melted through his forcefield and pierced into the back of his head, poking out of his eyeball.

"?..." A shocked look froze on the Collector's face as the life drained from his body and he fall to the floor, dead.

"I-I..." Carina stuttered in disbelief as she gripped the bloody knife, which was just in her Master's head only a second ago.

"You did a good job, Carina." Peter comforted her as he walked into the room and took the knife from the petrified girl's hand. "He deserved far worse than that. You're free now."

"..." Carina stared down at her former Master for a moment before turning her gaze back to Peter. "I'm free?"

"Yes, congratulations. No one can hurt you anymore." Peter as he waves to the Guardians. "Hey, guys!"

"?!" Before any of them could voice their feelings about Peter's fake death, a loud southern voice echoed across the ship.

"QUILL! Where are you, Boy!"

A/N: 1884 words :)

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