C308 Inner Battle/Evaluation

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⚠️Insert Prison GIFs here - Most likes wins⚠️

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Scar_Justice!🏆 (A/N: Will the Champion ever fall?)

As Genie was slapped across the Mirror Dimension, Peter lost consciousness and found himself in a dark space.

"Where am I?" He spoke curiously as he wandered across the pitch-black void.

Of course, he could remember everything clearly.

Injecting the blood.

The excruciating pain.

Feeling his entire body expands into a giant Hulk-like monster.

He even remembered backhanding Genie, but nothing after that...

After walking for what felt like hours, Peter found nothing whatsoever.

He seemed to be in a flat black space with nothing in the surroundings but a smooth unbreakable floor.

Not even his enhanced senses could find anything but open space.

"This has to be my subconscious mind..." Peter guessed as he brought his hand to his chin in thought. "...but where are my memories? It shouldn't be this empty and dark."

Although Peter wasn't exactly sure, as he never entered his subconscious mind like this, it was his best guess at the moment.

Suddenly, deep angry breaths filled his surroundings.

It sounded like an enraged dragon was huffing and puffing.

"?" Peter spun around and found nothing.

But just as he thought that the sound was gone, a hot steaming breath tickled the back of his neck.

"?!" Whipping his head around, Peter turned just in time for a red fist to impact his left cheek. "Ugh!"

He grunted in pain as he flew across the black space.

Of course, this wasn't his first fight.

Peter twisted his body in midair and landed perfectly on his feet, surveying the area as he waited for his attacker to show himself once again.

And when the dragon-like breathing filled his surroundings once again, Peter was shocked to realize that he couldn't sense its position.

Though he should have known that since his spider senses didn't save him from that attack earlier.

"Show yourself, coward." Peter called out into the void.

After those words left Peter's mouth, a deep growl could be heard as an intense heat emanated toward his back.

Dashing to the side, Peter narrowly dodged another giant red fist.

And now he could finally see his attacker.

A giant red Hulk with glowing yellow eyes stood across from him.

[Insert picture of Red Hulk here]

"You aren't green..." Peter commented in interest.

"Shut up!" The Red Hulk screamed like an angry child before rushing forward.

"Hey, let's just calm down, Okay?" Peter tried to settle this peacefully as he dipped under yet another punch.

Though his opponent didn't give up.

Instead, he flailed around like an aggressive little boy, trying to land a hit in any way possible.

"Stay still!" Red Hulk screamed in annoyance as Peter sidestepped his fist.

"You won't be able to beat me like this." Peter commented as he kicked off of the ground and sent a knee into his attacker's face.

"Augh!" Red Hulk grunted as he tumbled backward.


"Hmm?" Looking down, Peter found his clothed knee burning from the impact. "Your face is really hot. Do you have a fever?"

"RAUGH!" The Red Hulk roared as his yellow eyes brightened.

Peter watched curiously as power seemed to fill his adversaries eyes before two beams of fiery yellow light shot out in his direction.

"Interesting..." Peter muttered as he waved his hand and formed a spell circle between himself and the attack.

As soon as the fiery laser beams struck the spell, his magic jump right into action, absorbing the attack with ease.

"Yeah, that's Gamma radiation..." Peter muttered as he deployed a separate spell in order to identify the energy.

"Uhhh?!" Red Hulk grunted in confusion as he found his attack doing absolutely nothing to his opponent.

"That's a pretty cool ability. Why don't I try it next?" Peter said as he reached into the spell and pulled out the collected Gamma radiation. "Hehe, I have a good idea..."

Cupping both hands over the yellow Gamma radiation, Peter spread his feet farther apart and brought the energy to his side.

"Kame... Hame...HA!" Peter spoke the noble words of Master Roshi as he swung both hands forward and shot out a thick yellow pillar of Gamma radiation.

Instantly, Peter's pillar and Red Hulk's two eye beams collided and fought for dominance.

The collision of the two powerful attacks brightened the dark space with a blinding yellow light.

Of course, Peter could have done this whole attack without the movements and the words, but where was the fun in that?

"AAAAHHH!" Red Hulk screamed in anger as his eyes grew brighter, which in turn increased the power of his attack.

"?" Peter watched in interest as his Kamehameha was overpowered, though thankfully the absorption spell was still up, saving him the trouble of dodging. "Do you produce more Gamma radiation when you're angry?"

Now that he said that, Peter could feel that the heat had increased by a large margin since they first started fighting.

He could even see the waves of visible heat radiating off of the Red Hulk's body from all angles.

"Hmm..." Peter hummed as the red hulk gave up on his attack, as it seemed pointless. "Want to fight again?"

"Raaugh!" His opponent roared for the hundredth time before leaping forward.

"Let's see if you can heal like the Hulk as well." Peter wondered as he pulled on the remaining Gamma radiation.

Pointing his finger up to the red figure above, a yellow light gathered at the tip of his fingernail before firing in a bright beam.

"..." Red Hulk seemed calm as the beam impacted his chest and disappeared into his body.

The attack didn't leave a single mark either.

"Energy absorption too?" Peter commented as he felt the surroundings grow hotter once again.

Not only that, but his opponent's eyes brightened as well.

"You have some cool powers, My Friend." Peter says as he takes a few steps back.

And just in time, Red Hulk comes smashing down where Peter once stood.

"Not friends!" He yelled childishly.

"Whatever you say, pal." Peter shrugged as he planned to slowly win his inner Hulk over. "Now let's check your healing ability..."

Snapping his fingers, Peter called forth a portal, which opened and deposited a long black spear into his hand.

And without further ado, Peter kicked off the ground and launched forward.

"?!" Red Hulk's eyes widened at his enemy's speed as Peter dipped under his guard and sliced at his right knee. "AAAHH!"

Corvus Glaive's spear managed to cut Red Hulk's tough skin like a hot knife through butter, severing his leg from the knee down.

Peter stepped back as his legless opponent fell where he stood, screaming in agony.

After all, this was probably the first time he received such a severe wound.

Though it didn't last very long...

"Huh? That's way faster than wolverines healing factor..." Peter commented as Red Hulk's entire leg grew back in a matter of seconds.

Peter and Wolverine could regrow parts of their limbs, like this, but the amount of time that would take was astronomically longer than this...

From the bones, tendons, muscles, etc., everything morphed and grew until a brand new leg was formed, leaving Peter astounded.

'Can Hulk even heal this fast?' Peter wondered as he never got to test the Hulk, since Banner is too afraid to do anything.

"?" Even Red Hulk was left shocked by his own healing factor.

Though that shock soon turned to anger, which was swiftly projected straight at Peter.

"What? You started this fight. Don't come crying to me. If you didn't want to get hurt, then don't attack others without good reason." Peter lectures the giant red child like a pro.

After all, he had practice with Lily.

Of course, Peter's words didn't have the effect that he was hoping for.

"!" Red Hulk stomped to his feet and immediately closed in on his enemy. "Die!"

"Okay, I think that's enough for now." Peter muttered as he sidestepped a hot red fist before leaping up and tapping two glowing fingers on the giant man-child's forehead. "Sleep."

Instantly, Red Hulk's eyelids dropped downward and closed shut as he toppled over and snored into a peaceful sleep.

"I'll either need a meditation or sealing technique to deal with you." Peter muttered to himself as he stared down at the colossal figure. "Hopefully, the meditation route works. I'd rather not seal what's basically a child away. That would be sad."

Suddenly, Peter's vision blurred and shifted.

And once he could finally see clearly again Peter found himself laying in a pile of rubble somewhere inside the mirror dimension.

"You finally decided to wake up?" A familiar voice called out.

Lifting himself to his feet, Peter turned to see a heavily bruised and bandaged Genie held up weakly by two crutches.

"What happened while I was out?" Peter asked as a Genie clone appeared, dressed as a cop. "?"

"Is this the guy?" Policeman Genie asked his wounded self.

"Yes, Officer..." Genie answered his own question in a pitiful tone.

"Sir..." Policeman Genie pulls out a pair of handcuffs as he steps forward. "You're under arrest for assault and battery. Please lay flat on the ground with your hands behind your head."

A/N: 1527 words :)

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