C378 Training

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): AlienWarlord!🏆 (A/N: The true God King returns!👑)

Miles felt the rush of wind against his face as he hurtled towards the ground.

Panic gripped his heart, and his mind raced to remember what little Ben had taught him about swinging. He desperately flailed his arms, trying to activate the single web shooter on his right arm.

Just as he was about to give in to his fear, a blur of red and blue shot towards him. Peter, his newest mentor and fellow Spider-Man, dove off the building as well. He was prepared to save him should he fail to swing on his own.

But then something miraculous happened. Miles' web shooter fired, shooting out a strand of web that latched onto a nearby lamppost. The sudden jolt halted his fall, and he swung upward, leaving Peter behind for a moment.

Miles spun around, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and exhilaration. "I did it!" he exclaimed, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. "I actually did it!"

Peter caught up with him, swinging alongside him with a proud grin on his face. "That's it, Miles! You've got the hang of it now. Just follow my lead!"

With newfound confidence, Miles focused on Peter's movements. He observed the way he angled his body, the timing of his swings, and the precise moment to release and shoot another web. It was like a dance, a symphony of acrobatics and agility.

As they swung through the city, Peter led Miles on a makeshift obstacle course. They dove and weaved between buildings, utilizing signs, buildings, fire escapes, and other obstacles to hone Miles' skills.

Each swing became more fluid and controlled, his fear melting away with each successful maneuver.

Laughter bubbled up from Miles' chest as he soared through the air, adrenaline coursing through his veins. He was doing it. He was becoming Spider-Man. The weight of responsibility felt exhilarating rather than daunting.

Peter's voice shouted back at him, guiding Miles through the course. "You're doing great, Miles! Keep it up! We'll take a break soon, but for now, show me what you've got!"

With a renewed sense of determination, Miles pushed himself further. He twisted and turned, seamlessly transitioning between webs and obstacles. The city became his playground, his web-slinging skills growing with each passing moment.

Time seemed to blur as they swung from one location to another, traversing the urban landscape with finesse.

Miles was in awe of the freedom and power that came with being Spider-Man. The weight of his decision to take on this new responsibility felt much lighter now.

As they swung side by side, Peter's voice echoed with pride. "You're a natural, Miles."

Miles grinned, his confidence growing by the second. "Thanks, Peter. I won't let you down. I'll become the Spider-Man this city deserves."

Together, they continued their exhilarating journey through the cityscape, swinging, diving, and weaving through the obstacles that stood in their way. With each obstacle overcome, Miles felt a surge of determination, knowing that he was one step closer to fulfilling his promise and stopping Kingpin.

The training session had just begun, but Miles knew that he had the support and guidance of his fellow Spider-People. As he swung through the city, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for what the future held.

Soon enough, Peter landed on a tall building with a flat rooftop, waiting for Miles to follow his lead.

Miles landed in front of Peter with a perfect superhero landing, crouching down on one knee and raising his other hand in the air triumphantly.

Peter grinned and gave him a thumbs up. "Not bad, kid," He said, his voice filled with approval. "You're getting the hang of this hero stuff."

Miles couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as he stood up straight, his chest puffed out. He had always dreamed of becoming a superhero, like all children who idolized Spider-Man, and now he was training with a seasoned veteran like Peter.

Peter motioned for Miles to join him at the center of the rooftop. "Okay, Miles, we've covered the basics of web-slinging, but being Spider-Man is more than just swinging through the city. It's about being prepared for anything. That includes hand-to-hand combat."

Miles nodded eagerly, ready to learn how to fight like a bada*s.

Peter continued. "As much as we rely on our powers, there will always be times when we can't rely on them alone. We have to know how to fight. And the best way to beat someone in a fight is simply by being better than them."

Having strong superpowers was one thing, but there were others out there with powers of their own. Being able to hold his own in a fight would give Miles an edge.

Miles listened attentively, his gaze fixed on Peter. He began to respect his new mentor's experience and knew he had a lot to learn from him.

Peter stepped forward, adopting a fighting stance. "Let's start with the basics. Remember, your spider senses will give you an advantage in combat. They'll help you anticipate your opponent's moves, so pay attention to your instincts."

Miles did his best to mirror Peter's stance, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. He had never been in a real fight before, aside from a few schoolyard conflicts that were more like hugging and rolling around on the floor.

Peter swung a quick punch at Miles, who barely managed to dodge in time. "Good reflexes. Now, try to counterattack."

Miles attempted to throw a punch in return, but it was slow and uncoordinated. Peter easily evaded it and gently corrected his form. "Remember, speed and accuracy are key. Try again."

They continued the training session, with Peter patiently guiding Miles through various combinations of punches, kicks, and defensive maneuvers.

At first, Miles struggled to keep up, but his enhanced physique and spider senses helped him adapt quickly.

As time went on, Miles grew more confident in his movements. He started to anticipate Peter's attacks and respond with quicker, more precise strikes of his own.

The sound of fists hitting the air and the occasional thud of a successful hit echoed across the rooftop.

Peter nodded approvingly as Miles executed a series of well-timed punches. "That's it, Miles! You're getting the hang of it. Remember, it's all about finding the right balance between offense and defense."

Miles grinned, sweat dripping down his forehead. He could feel his muscles working and his heart pounding with exhilaration. This was a whole new level of training, and he relished the challenge.

They continued their hand-to-hand combat training, pushing Miles to the absolute limit.

Peter would occasionally throw in a surprise move or feint, testing Miles' ability to react quickly. Each time, Miles relied on his spider senses to guide him, his body moving with an almost instinctual grace.

As the sun started to set, casting a warm glow over the city, Peter called for a break. Miles collapsed to the ground, his chest heaving with exertion as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

"You're doing great, Miles," Peter said, a hint of pride in his voice. "I'll make an Avenger out of you yet."

"Avenger?" Miles asked curiously. "What's that?"

As Peter saw the curiosity in Miles' eyes, he realized that there was something he had overlooked. In all the excitement, he hadn't properly introduced himself.

"You know, Miles," Peter began, his voice gentle yet filled with a weight of experience. "I've been so caught up in everything that's happened that I forgot to give you a proper introduction. My apologies for that."

Miles looked up at Peter, his eyes widening with anticipation, signaling his readiness to listen.

"I'm Peter Parker, as you've probably guessed." Peter said with a wave. "I was the first official superhero in my world, but it didn't take long for other heroes and villains to start popping up. You see, in my universe, we have a whole range of extraordinary individuals, from meta-humans to aliens."

Peter paused for a moment, letting the weight of his words sink in. He continued, "To protect our world from both foreign and domestic threats, I co-founded the Avengers, a hero organization that works tirelessly to maintain peace and security. We have a council, and I'm one of its members."

Miles listened attentively, his eyes widening with each revelation. The name "Avenger" sparked recognition in his mind, realizing what Peter meant only moments ago.

"But that's not all," Peter added, a glimmer of pride in his voice. "In addition to being Spider-Man, I've also studied under the Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar-Taj, mastering the mystic arts. It's given me an understanding of magic and the ability to tap into its power."

As he says this, Peter waves his hand and bends the horizon out in front of them, distorting it in odd waves. Though no one else seemed to notice but them.

Miles couldn't hide his astonishment. The pieces were slowly coming together, revealing the vastness of Peter's abilities. "You're the one who made that portal?" He asked in awe.

Peter nodded his head. "Yeah, cool right? It's one of the many perks that come with being a sorcerer."

Miles' jaw dropped, unable to process the sheer magnitude of Peter's abilities.

Unbeknownst to them, the other Spider-People had arrived while they were engrossed in their conversation, and they had watched and heard everything.

Each of them stood there, their eyes wide with astonishment and disbelief.

Ben was the first to break the silence, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and humor. "Well, ain't that a kicker? We got ourselves a web-slingin' sorcerer here. I didn't see that one coming."

Spider-Pig blinked his large eyes and squealed in disbelief. "Whoa... How did he do that?" He gestures to the horizon, which was now back to normal.

Noir adjusted his fedora and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I've seen my fair share of weirdness, but this takes the cake. Sorcery and spandex, a peculiar combination indeed." He commented between drags of his cigarette.

Peni looked down from atop from her mechanical companion and scratched her head, a mix of curiosity and admiration in her eyes. "Wow, you never mentioned that you had such mystical abilities. This changes everything."

With his magical abilities, their plans would have to change. Though it would be for the better.

A/N: 1746 words :)

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