C443 New Roommate & ?

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Lemayr_3815!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

After a heartfelt conversation with the rejuvenated Ancient One, the two of them momentarily went their separate ways. She returned to Kamar-Taj to prepare some things and Peter made his way up the basement stairs and into the cozy kitchen of his home. The smell of breakfast filled the air, and he found his family gathered around the table, sharing a meal together.

As he stepped into the room, MJ's eyes lit up with a mix of relief and joy. She jumped out of her seat and rushed into his arms, wrapping him in a tight embrace. "Peter! You're back!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with emotion.

Peter held her close, savoring the feeling of being in her arms once again. "I'm here, MJ. I told you I'd come back," he whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Around them, Lily, his energetic and excitable daughter, squealed in delight. She dashed over to him and clung to his leg, looking up with wide eyes. "Dad, did you win?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and pure happiness.

Peter chuckled and scooped her up into his arms, holding her tightly. "Of course, I did. What do I look like? I'm Spider-Man, I always win."

Aunt May beamed at him from her seat at the table. "It's good to see you safe and sound, Peter."

Grace, MJ's mother, smiled warmly as well, her gaze filled with a mixture of relief and affection. "You had us all worried, you know."

As Peter settled into his seat, with Lily now firmly in his lap, he shared the details of his battle with Dormammu, sparing no detail. His family listened intently, hanging onto his every word. The Ancient One's miraculous revival, thanks to the resurrection elixir, which gave her a new lease on life. Though, they all knew very well about the elixir since it was used on them as well.

After finishing his story, Peter cleared his throat, his gaze sweeping over his loved ones. "There's something else I need to tell you all," he began, his tone both serious and thoughtful.

He took a moment, letting the suspense build, and then announced, "The Ancient One will be moving in with us. We talked about it, and I think it would be better if she lived in more of a home-like household, instead of Kamar-Taj, which is basically like living at her job."

The room fell into a surprised hush, everyone's eyes widening at the unexpected news. MJ blinked in astonishment. "Wait, what? The Ancient One is going to live here?" She asked, clearly shocked.

Peter nodded. "Yes, as I said, she's free from Dormammu and young again. Now she wants to experience some semblance of a normal life. She also feels a connection to me and wants to be closer, so I offered her a room."

Aunt May exchanged a glance with Grace before sharing a smile with Peter. "Well, if you trust her, Peter, then we'll support your decision."

MJ's expression softened, her concern turning into acceptance. "I've only met her a few times in training and with you, but she seems nice."

Lily, who had been listening attentively, clapped her hands in excitement. "That's so cool! We're gonna have another person in the house!"

Peter grinned at his daughter's enthusiasm. "Indeed, Lily. And I'm sure you'll get along great with her."

Lily's eyes lit up, and she turned to MJ. "Can I help decorate her room? Please?"

MJ chuckled and ruffled Lily's hair. "Of course, sweetie. We'll all help make her feel welcome."

With everyone on board, plans were made to go furniture shopping later in the day. The weekend was a perfect time for such an excursion, and with Lily and MJ's new mystical abilities, they could easily transport any chosen items back home.

As breakfast came to an end, Lily was practically bouncing in her seat with excitement. "Can we go now?"

Peter laughed and ruffled her hair. "Let's finish cleaning up first, then you girls can head out."

After the dishes were cleared away, Peter spent some quality time with his family, enjoying their company and the normalcy of their interactions. However, duty soon called, and he excused himself, giving his daughter one last tight hug before heading off to the Avengers tower. After all, the Ancient One wasn't only joining his family…


Upon arriving at the Avengers tower, Peter wasted no time in calling for a Council meeting. It had been a while since they all gathered to discuss matters of importance, and Peter had a significant update to share. He activated the holographic communication system and sent out invitations to the Council members, arranging the meeting for a few hours later.



As the designated time approached, the council room began to fill with members. Tony Stark entered with a yawn, clearly not thrilled about the sudden meeting. Charles Xavier strolled in, his bald head shining in the light, followed by Nick Fury who took his seat with his trademark scowl. King T'Chaka, the newest member of the Council, looked around with a calm demeanor. And finally, Magneto entered with a silent and imposing presence.

Once everyone was present, Tony leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed. "Alright, Spidey, what's so urgent that you had to pull us all away from our work?"

Peter stood at the head of the table, a small smile hidden ended his mask. "Well, I've got some big news to share. My teacher has agreed to join the Council."

The room fell into a stunned silence, each Council member processing this unexpected revelation. T'Chaka was the first to speak up, his brow furrowed in curiosity. "Your teacher? Who's that?"

Peter nodded in understanding, launching into an explanation. After all, T'Chaka was new. He detailed the existence of Kamar-Taj, the school of sorcerers, and their mission to protect the Earth from mystical and dimensional threats. He spoke of the Sorceress Supreme, the leader of Kamar-Taj, and her agreement to join the Avengers Council.

Tony's eyebrow raised. "Didn't she refuse to join over and over? I remember you complaining about it…"

Peter nodded again. "Yeah, but I finally managed to convince her this morning. It took a lot, but she's on board."

Tony leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "Should we vote on this or what?"

Peter agreed, looking around at the Council members. "But before we vote, does anyone have any objections or questions?"

T'Chaka raised a hand. "I am not familiar with this Kamar-Taj… Magic is new to me, so I'll abstain from this vote." He says as he leans back. "Please continue without me."

With T'Chaka abstaining, Tony tapped a button on the holographic table. "Alright, let's vote."

The holographic screen displayed the vote, and one by one, the Council members registered their decisions. And just as Peter expected, the vote passed unanimously. The Ancient One was officially recognized as a member of the Avengers Council.

Fury, always one to cut to the chase, spoke up. "So, she's here, right? I've got a few agents I'd like to send her way for training."

Suddenly, Interest piqued among the Council members. Each of them wondered whether they should do the same. Charles and Erik could send some Meta-Humans. Tony would just like to go himself, and T'Chaka thought that his daughter would love to learn magic. Even sending a few of his most loyal soldiers sounded like a good idea.

Peter shook his head with a smile. "She's not here right now, but she'll be at the next meeting. She's got a busy schedule."

As the meeting drew to a close, King T'Chaka stood up and produced a set of elegant invitation cards from his chest pocket. "Before we part ways, I would like to extend an invitation to each of you." He handed out the cards, one to each Council member. "It is an invitation to my son's inauguration as the new king. T'Challa will be taking over the throne."

Curiosity lit up the room as the Council members examined the invitations, carving the time and date into their minds. After all, none of them wanted to miss the one time that they'd be allowed into Wakanda, the worlds most wealthy and advanced nation.

Frowning, T'Chaka quickly apologized to Peter. "Please send my regards to the Ancient One. I didn't know to bring an invitation for her." He said, like the perfect diplomat. "If she wishes to attend the inauguration, then please bring her along. After all, we both know that you don't need an invitation to get into Wakanda."

Peter grinned under his mask. "Thank you, T'Chaka. I'll be sure to bring her along."



Hours later, as Peter returned home, he was met with a heartwarming surprise. The Ancient One's room had been fully furnished, a testament to the efforts of MJ, Lily, Grace, and Aunt May. The room looked warm and inviting, ready to welcome its new occupant. Peter couldn't help but smile as he looked around. The presence of the Ancient One was already bringing positive changes to their lives, both personally and on the Council.



Later that night, while everyone was asleep after a long day of decorating, Peter waited patiently in the Ancient Ones room. And soon enough, a portal opened and the baldy herself came walking out, pulling suitcases behind her.

"Sorry, I took so long." She said as she collapsed onto her new bed without an ounce of her usual grace and poise. "I had to change the command structure of Kamar-Taj before leaving. With me not being there 24/7, some changes needed to be made to keep things running smoothly."

"It's fine." Peter says as he leans back into to his chair. "Do you like your room? The girls spent the whole day furnishing it for you."

A warm smile creeped its way onto the Ancient Ones face. "I love it. Tell them I said thank you." She originally thought that Peter used a few spells to decorate for her, but hearing that it was her new roommates brought a warm, happy feeling to her, which she hadn't felt in a long time.

Peter shook his head. "Just tell them during breakfast tomorrow. You live here now, remember?"

"Oh, yeah…" she muttered in realization.

After explaining everything that happened at the council meeting, Peter stood up and walked to the door, leaving her to sleep since it was getting late. But before he could get too far, the Ancient One called out behind him. "I believe you're forgetting something…"

Turning around, Peter gave her an innocent and forgetful smile. "What do you mean?" He asks, the eye of agamotto still hanging around his neck.

"My necklace…" she states as she holds out her hand.

Clicking his tongue, Peter reluctantly pulled off the necklace and handed it over. "Fine, I was planning to give it back… in a few hundred years… maybe…"

Rolling her eyes, the Ancient One waves her hand and opens the necklace, revealing a shining green stones. "Here." She levitates the stone out and guides it toward Peter. "You can borrow the Time Stone for as long as you want, but it needs to return to Kamar-Taj at some point, understood?"

Peter eyed the stone as if it were the One Ring, but stopped himself from taking it at the last minute. "Don't you need the stone to power the Eye of Agamotto? I know you like to use it a lot… After all, you have a huge peeping fetish."

The Ancient One did her best to squash the urge to strike her student. "First, I don't have a peeping fetish. That's nothing but a baseless lie and you know it. And second, the Eye of Agamotto has been bathing in the Time Stones power for thousands and thousands of years. I should be able to use it for minor to mid level time-related spells. And if I need a bit more power, then you can lend me the Time Stone. After all, we live together now, remember?"

Smirking as he heard his own words used against him, Peter reached out and stored the Time Stone in his necklace, alongside the other infinity stones. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome." She nodded and waved her hand, shooing him away. "Now get lost and lock the door on your way out. I need to get some sleep. It's been a long and hectic day."

A/N: 2100 words :)