C484 America

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After helping Janet set up the foundations of a new democratic government in Axia, Peter knew it was finally time to head home. The city was now in the capable hands of its newly elected officials, and it was time for him and his companions to return to their own dimension.

However, there was one important task they had to complete before leaving. And that was ensuring Janet's well-being and the safety of their own world. As they prepared to depart, Peter insisted on giving Janet a thorough check-up.

The Quantum Realm was a mysterious and dangerous place, and who knew what kinds of exotic germs or viruses she might have been exposed to during her time here.

Before they had ventured into the Quantum Realm to find her, each member of their group had been subjected to a protective spell by Peter, guarding them against any potential Quantum contaminants. Unfortunately, Janet had been living in this dimension for a prolonged period and wasn't protected by anything.

"Alright let's see here…" Peter muttered as he waved his hand, surrounding Janet with a few golden spell circles. Peter's mystical scans revealed that Janet indeed carried some peculiar viruses. "You didn't tell us that you have powers…"

To everyone's surprise, the viruses in her system had given her unexpected powers that she failed to mentioned for one reason or another. Her abilities seemed to be Quantum Energy Manipulation, allowing her to control the Quantum energy that's collected within her body over the years, heal herself and others, or even harness it as a weapon.

Hank and Hope exchanged worried glances upon learning about Janet's condition. The question that weighed on their minds was whether she would have to stay behind due to the potential danger she posed to the Earth. After all, they couldn't risk bringing back some unknown Quantum virus. Doing so could have catastrophic consequences on their world.

Hank spoke up first, his voice tinged with concern. "Should we stay here until we figure this out?" He wouldn't leave his wife behind.

Hope chimed in, echoing her father's worries. "Yeah, we can't risk bringing any Quantum threats back. I'll stay too…"

Just as Scott was about to voice his agreement, Peter waved his hand, conjuring a golden spell circle that encompassed Janet's entire body. Everyone watched in confusion as the mystical symbols danced around her. Hank, his brows furrowed, asked, "Umm, what are you doing?"

As the spell circle faded away, Peter explained with a reassuring smile, "I've neutralized the viruses inside her. It's safe for her to return with us."

Relief washed over Hank and Hope as they realized that they wouldn't have to leave Janet behind. They could finally return home as a family. Janet, still processing the revelation of being able to go home, stared at her hand, which emitted a mesmerizing rainbow of Quantum energy.

Curiosity and wonder filled her voice as she asked Peter, "Why do I still have these powers? You said you removed the viruses."

Peter nodded, explaining, "I removed the viruses themselves, but your powers were a side effect, and apparently a permanent one. I guess they're a part of you now."

Janet grinned, feeling her connection to the Quantum energy that coursed through her. "Thank you. Not just for this, but for everything. Without you, I don't think we could've beaten Kang so easily. You saved a lot of lives."

Peter shrugged. "No problem. It's what I do, and the tech we got out of it was definitely worth the hassle."

With the matter settled and Janet's condition under control, they prepared to leave the Quantum Realm and return to Earth.


The familiar hum of the Quantum Realm faded away as Peter's portal deposited them back in the Avengers Tower. It had been a long journey, and that was mainly because they had to build up an entire government before they left, but now they were finally home. Janet, eyes wide in shock, looked out of a nearby window at the cityscape below. She was finally home.

Hank, standing beside his wife, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Welcome back, Janet," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth and relief.

Hope, who had arrived through the portal alongside Scott, rushed forward to hug her mother tightly. "I'm so glad you're back," she exclaimed, her eyes brimming with tears.

Janet returned the embrace, holding her daughter close. "It's good to be back, sweetheart."

As the family shared a heartfelt moment, Peter couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Not only had they successfully rescued Janet from the Quantum Realm, but they had also gained a valuable ally. Not only does she have Quantum related abilities, but she's an extremely useful scientist as well. After all, she's been living in Axia, a place far more advanced than Earth.

'She's probably surpassed Hank at this point…' Peter guessed.

Once the initial excitement had settled, Peter cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "Now that we're all back safe and sound, there's something I'd like to discuss."

Hope, Hank, Scott, Tony, Genie, and Janet turned their attention to Peter, curious about what he had in mind.

Peter continued, his tone serious but thoughtful. "Janet, has anyone spoken to you about the Avengers?"

She nodded her head. "Yeah, you're little superhero group. Hope was telling me about it the other day."

Peter continued. "Good, then that makes this easier. As I'm sure you already know, your daughter and her boyfriend are part of the team. I'd like to offer you a position as well."

Janet blinked in surprise, clearly not expecting this offer. She exchanged a glance with Hope, who wore an encouraging smile.

Peter elaborated, "With your Quantum powers and after your Wasp suit is fueled up, you could be a valuable asset to the team. Though if you don't want to, then you can just be a scientist like Hank here." He gestures to her husband. "He mainly works with Hope in her lab, since he didn't want to join."

Janet considered Peter's words carefully. She didn't mind joining, as it reminded her of the work she did in the resistance. More importantly, she couldn't deny that the idea of working alongside her daughter held a special appeal.

After a moment of contemplation, Janet nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. "I'll accept your offer. If it means I can work alongside Hope, then count me in."

Hope's face lit up with joy as she hugged her mother once again. "Thank you, Mom. This is going to be so much fun!"

Normally, a grown woman would find it unappealing to work alongside her parents, especially since she already has her father crowding around her lab, but Hope was more than happy to work alongside her mother. After all, they have so much lost time to make up for.

Hank, who had been quietly observing the exchange, couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. He had been Janet's partner in both life and science for years, and he couldn't bear the thought of being separated from her now that she had joined the Avengers.

Peter, ever perceptive, caught Hank's conflicted expression. He smirked beneath his mask and said, "You could join as well, you know? I could even make you, Janet, Hope, and Scott a team."

Hank frowned in contemplation, "I don't know…"

Peter shrugged. "If you're worried about your age, I could recommend you for the super soldier serum. It won't make you young again, but it'll certainly help. Plus, it's only fair if you and Janet get to work side by side again, right?"

Hope couldn't contain her excitement as she added, "Dad, you have to agree!."

Hank chuckled, realizing that this was an opportunity, not only to continue his endeavors alongside his wife and daughter, but also to help heal his aged body. "Well, if Janet's in, then I'm in too. And I can't exactly turn down becoming a super soldier, can I?"

Peter nodded. "Good, I'll get the paper work sorted and put you and Janet's name forward for the serum."

Tony added. "I don't think anyone on the council will disagree. We can just use their old age as the reason. After all, I don't think they'll pass basic training without a little pick me up."

"Are you calling me old?" Janet glared dangerously in Tony's direction.

"Yes." Tony answered without a drop of shame before being forced to flee due to a hail of Quantum Energy blasts.

"I'm not old!" Janet exclaimed as she hurled bolts of energy from her hands.

"Can I take the serum too?" Scott and Hope asked simultaneously. After all, who wouldn't want to become a super soldier.

"I could put your names forward as well. But it's not likely." Peter answered negatively. "The council doesn't like giving out superpowers without reason. We've argued about this for a long time, and it's always a split vote."

Although they were discouraged to hear that, neither of them cared that much. After all, they already had powers thanks to their suits.

"Anyway, I'm going to start on the recruitment paperwork." Peter said as he walked off. "In the mean time, you guys should show Janet around the tower."


Weeks later…

It was a bright and sunny afternoon in New York City, and in the backyard of the Parker residence, Lily Parker was playing tag with her friends, Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy. Her parents had just left on a date, leaving Lily and her friends in Aunt May's capable hands. Laughter filling the air as Miles chased the girls around, annoyed that he was forced to be it for the hundredth time.

As they laughed and ran around, suddenly, the tranquil scene was shattered by a deafening roar that sent chills down their spines. The children froze, their eyes wide with fear, as a young girl around their age and a monstrous, tentacled creature burst through a Star shaped rip in the fabric of reality itself.

The unknown girl had brown hair that fell in loose waves to her shoulders. Her eyes were a deep brown as well, and they often held a determined and fierce expression. But at the moment, they held nothing but a deep seeded fear for the creature behind her.

[Insert picture of a young America Chavez here]

It was some sort of dimension monstrosity, a terror from a realm far removed from their own. The creature's otherworldly appearance was unlike anything they had ever seen, a writhing mass of tendrils and eyes, its very presence radiating malevolence.

The young girl from the star shaped portal ran towards them in a hurry. "Run! Don't just stand there!" She screamed as she grabbed Miles and Gwen by the hand and pulled them toward Lily.

But before she could get to Lily, something surprising happened. "Mom and Dad are going to be so mad…" Lily muttered as she disappeared in a burst if speed.

Lily vanished before their eyes, her body moving with a speed that defied all logic. And before anyone could react, she had appeared again, positioning herself between the dimension monster and her friends.

Gwen and Miles watched in astonishment as Lily dodged the creature's tentacles with ease, her reflexes and agility honed by her training sessions with her parents. She moved swiftly, using her limbs to deflect the monster's attacks and to protect Gwen, Miles, as well as the unknown girl.

The creature roared in frustration as Lily began her assault, its form jiggling and shifting as small fists impacted its grotesque body. It was clear that it couldn't withstand Lily's onslaught for long.

And in one final, powerful blast, Lily unleashed a torrent of Eldritch energy upon the monster. It screeched in agony before exploding, covering the backyard as well as its occupants in slimy goo.

As the backyard returned to a state of calm, Lily stood there, her hands still faintly glowing from her final attack, while Gwen and Miles looked at her in awe. After all, they had no idea that Lily had superpowers. 'Is she a metahuman?' They two of them thought.

The mysterious young girl approached Lily, a warm smile on her face. "Wow, you're amazing," she said as she began to wobble on her feet. "I'm America Chavez. What's your-" But before she could finish her introduction, America collapsed to the goo covered ground in exhaustion.

A/N: 2076 words :)