C530 Loot

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"Tommy! No!" As Joel's desperate voice echoed through the air, calling for his brother Tommy to stop, Peter's reflexes kicked in.

In an instant, he rushed towards Tommy faster than he could comprehend, snatching the hunting rifle out of his hands. Without hesitation, Peter buried the butt end of the rifle into Tommy's stomach, leaving him crumpled on the ground, holding his stomach in pain.

Sarah screamed, "Uncle Tommy!" while Joel rushed over to check on his injured brother, leaving his daughter Sarah beside MJ, unable to walk due to an ankle injury. MJ crouched down, offering a reassuring smile to Sarah, "Don't worry, sweetie. We're here to help."

Meanwhile, Peter assured Joel, "He's fine. Just learned a little lesson about pointing guns at people without reason." As he spoke, he tossed Tommy's gun to MJ, who caught it with ease before resting it on her shoulder.

While Joel tended to his brother, Peter walked over to the lifeless FEDRA soldier's body and started looting. He took the assault rifle, pistol, ammo, and other supplies he deemed useful. As he did, MJ approached, "Why are you looting this guy? It's not like we need guns…" She asks in a hushed whisper.

Peter smirked, "A zombie apocalypse wouldn't be fun if we relied too heavily on our powers. Let's hide our abilities and rough it a bit. It'll be a lot more fun that way." MJ considered his words and nodded in agreement. In the end, she was just satisfied that Sarah didn't share the same fate as in the game, a moment that always brought tears to MJ's eyes.

Peter went on to explained that they could still use their powers when needed or when they got bored enough, but without them, they would get the full Apocalyptic experience. Of course, it's not like they can seal their bodily enhancements, nor would they if they could, so even if they don't use their magic, webs, and other powers, they still have a huge upper hand.

Peter summed it up in one sentence. "It'll be like playing a game at max level from the start with the ability to use cheats later on if we're bored."

MJ smiled, excited for whatever comes next. "What should we do now?"

Before he could answer, Joel, now standing with Tommy, who was still holding his aching stomach whilst glaring at Peter, approached the newly wed couple. "Thank you for saving us." Joel sent MJ a thankful look before giving Peter an apologetic one. "And I'm sorry about my brother. Please don't blame him. He was just trying to protect us."

Peter shrugged. "It was no problem."

MJ nodded alongside her husband. "Yeah, and I'm just glad I could help…"

As they spoke, Joel and Tommy couldn't help but eye the guns in Peter and MJ's hands, growing wary of the mysterious couple. They might have saved them, but they didn't know these people.

Hoping for the best, Joel picked up Sarah, cradling her in his arms since her ankle prevented her from walking. "We'll just be on our way…"

Tommy couldn't help but exclaim. "What?! What about my hunting rifle?"

Although Joel agreed with his brother, he didn't want to get shot so, "Forget about that! You're lucky they didn't shoot you-"

As they were arguing, Peter aimed his newly acquired pistol in their direction before firing three times in rapid succession.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Joel's eyes widened as he kicked Tommy aside and shielded Sarah with his body, but after a few seconds, he realized the bullet didn't hit them. Craning his head upward, he saw a group of three zombies collapse to the ground about two yards away, each with a single bullet in their forehead.

Peter, smirking, holstered his new pistol. "You're welcome, again," he quipped, the tension dissipating as they collectively realized that they'd just been saved for a second time.

MJ put on a reassuring smile. "You don't have to rush off. We can-"

As MJ began to speak, her words were cut short by the sight of more zombies. Instantly, her and everyone else realized that they were drawn to the gunshots and yelling. In the distance, they could see a horde pouring through the town's alleyways, headed directly toward them. Dozens turned into possibly hundreds of undead, a relentless wave of rotting flesh and fungus, each step echoing an ominous threat.

Acting quickly, Peter pulled out his pistol once again. He would save the assault rifle for later, keeping it strapped to his back for the time being. Opening fire, each bullet was like a homing missile, always finding its mark on a zombie's head. The shots rang out over and over, marked by the sound of bodies crumbling to the ground.

"Follow me, and stay close!" Peter took charge, leading them toward a large brick building with barred windows at the back. The bricks, a seemingly sturdy barrier, and the metal bars provided an added layer of protection. The unknown structure loomed, offering an uncertain sanctuary in the midst of the approaching undead.

Amid the chaos, Joel and Tommy exchanged a wary glance. They didn't know Peter and MJ, yet they had saved them twice now. Reluctantly, they decided to put some trust in this mysterious couple and did as Peter ordered.

Reaching the back of the building with a zombie horde hot on their tail, MJ discovered a metal fire exit door, seemingly the only way in. However, it appeared to open only from the inside, lacking any handle on the exterior. Peering over her shoulder to make sure no one else could see, MJ, with a surge of strength, dug her fingers into the metal door and pulled it open, breaking the lock as it flung wide.

Waving everyone inside, MJ strategically positioned her body to hide the bent and broken part of the door. As Peter, being the last to enter, slipped inside, he quickly pressed a kiss on MJ's lips.

Meanwhile, Joel and Tommy, aware of the approaching horde, yelled for them to close the door. ""WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! CLOSE THE F*CKING DOOR!""

Seeing this, Sarah shared the same thoughts as her father and uncle, but she couldn't help but blush and turn her head away from the unexpected display of affection.

Closing the door behind them, MJ subtly used a bit of magic to fix it, ensuring it would stay closed and secure. The repair was discreet, invisible to everyone except Peter.

In the relative safety of the building's interior, the group caught their breath. The moans, shuffles, and banging of the zombie horde echoed outside, a reminder of the peril they narrowly escaped.

Joel, catching his breath, eyed Peter and MJ with a mix of gratitude and wariness. "You two... you've got some skills..."

Peter, holstering his pistol, offered a casual grin. "I'm Peter, by the way." He says as he gestures to the side. "And this is my wife, MJ."

Joel nodded. "I'm Joel and this is my daughter, Sarah, and my idiot brother, Tommy."

Tommy ignored his brothers words as he eyed the inside of the building, finding nothing but a clean, empty hallway. "Where are we? What is this place?"

MJ, glancing around the dimly lit interior, responded, "Your guess is as good as ours. We're not actually from around here..."

Joel, though still cautious, acknowledged their predicament. "Fair enough. You saved us three times already, so I guess we can trust you. We'll stick together for now. But we need to figure out a plan. We can't stay here forever."

Peter nodded in agreement, "Agreed. We'll need supplies, a vehicle, and a plan to get out of town. Let's make sure this place is sealed and see if there's anything useful laying around. Then we can discuss our next move."

As Peter finished speaking, Tommy's eyes lingered on the gun in MJ's hand. Hesitantly, he spoke up, "Hey, can I have my rifle back? It was mine to begin with..."

MJ shrugged nonchalantly, tossing the gun back to him. Simultaneously, she reached over to Peter's back, deftly pulling the assault rifle off and claiming it as her own. "This one's better anyway," she remarked, glancing at Peter with a mischievous grin. Peter clicked his tongue in mock irritation.

"Not cool," Peter complained. "That was my loot…"

MJ chuckled, giving a playful wink. "Consider it a wife tax. What's yours is now mine, babe."

Joel and Tommy exchanged sympathetic glances, having experienced similar dynamics in their own lives. Sarah, however, laughed and looked at MJ holding her new rifle with admiration, as if she were the coolest person she'd ever seen.

With the weapons distributed, the group split up. Joel carried Sarah, following Tommy in one direction, while Peter ventured in another. Peter gestured for MJ to follow Joel and Tommy. "I know you want to make sure Sarah's safe," he said, understanding her protective instincts.

Walking through the halls and rooms of the building, Peter realized that it was a police station, explaining the bars on the windows. It seemed empty, as if the staff had either left town or the station was closed when chaos erupted. Even the jail cells were empty, which was probably normal for a small town like this.

Speaking of the town, Peter was finally able to see where they were. A plaque on the wall displayed 'Wimberley, Texas.'

'Texas? I guess we won't have to worry about finding guns and ammo…' Peter thought.

Reaching the front entrance, Peter noticed it filled with zombies who had broken through the glass doors. However, the lobby was sealed away from the rest of the building, thanks to sturdy metal doors and bulletproof glass separating it from the receptionist's desk. The design likely aimed to prevent any potential danger from reaching the police on duty.

Ensuring the doors were locked and there was no other way for zombies or others to breach from the lobby to the rest of the building, Peter went to find MJ, but suddenly, he heard multiple gasps with his enhanced hearing.

Walking over at a normal pace, as he knows MJ is there to protect them, Peter found everyone standing outside a locked armory door. Through the small window, they could see an impressive array of police equipment. Everything from assault rifles, stun grenades, riot shields, shotguns, bulletproof vests, and tons of ammo.

Peter whistles, realizing they had stumbled upon a treasure trove of supplies. "I guess we found the first part of our supplies."

A/N: 1760 words :)