C610 Finally, A Worthy Opponent! (2/2)

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The Silver Surfer, now taking Peter seriously after the unexpected transformation, surrounded himself in white energy, his metallic form pulsating with enhanced power. He launched himself at Peter with blinding speed, shooting beams of intense light from his hands, aimed with deadly precision.

Peter, standing confidently, awaited the oncoming assault. As the beams of energy struck him, something remarkable occurred. Instead of piercing his skin or sending him flying, the energy flowed into Peter, a surge of power coursing through his veins. The Silver Surfer's eyes widened in surprise, but he pressed on, increasing his speed and intensity.

With the newfound power from the Surfer's attacks, Peter could now perceive the cosmic entity's movements with ease. As the Surfer closed in for a punch, Peter reached out, his giant hand grasping his opponent around the midsection.

"Is it just me… or did you get slower?" Peter asked tauntingly, his smirk clear for all to see.

The Surfer tried to reply, but Peter wouldn't let him. Squeezing with incredible force, blood spurted from the Surfer's open mouth, his entire body caving in on itself, crushing his internal organs.

Laughing happily, Peter swung his arm back, hurling the Silver Surfer into the moons surface. The impact created a colossal crater, the moon shaking beneath Gwen's feet as she watched in fear. Quickly, she scrambled out of the way, narrowly avoiding the plummeting surfer.

"Watch where you throw him, you oversized idiot!" She yelled up to Peter, infuriated but also happy that he seemed to be winning now.

"Uhh… Sorry, Gwen. My bad…" Peter apologized, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

Despite the devastating blow, the Silver Surfer rose once more, his resilience unwavering. The cosmic entity, now fueled by determination, confronted Peter with renewed intensity. Shooting off the surface of the moon, he took advantage of Gwen's interference and kicked Peter in the chest, sending him flying backward.

Using his Phoenix flames, Peter was able to better navigate the weightlessness of space, redirecting his flight and turning just in time to avoid yet another attack from his opponent, who flew past him.

The cosmic entity, undeterred by the minor setback, surrounded himself in white energy once again, facing off against Peter.

The battle paused for a moment as both sides stared at one another, sizing each other up. After a moment of stillness, the two clashed in a series of powerful blows, each strike echoing through the silent void of space.

Gwen watched from the moons surface as they disappeared and reappeared, unable to follow their movements for more than a few seconds at a time. "Come on, Peter!" Although she was scared, Gwen couldn't help but grow excited after seeing such a display of power.

"Is that all you got?" Peter taunted, his voice carrying across the desolate expanse. His powerful fists clashed with the Surfer's silver limbs, creating shockwaves that rippled through the cosmic landscape.

The Silver Surfer, determined to prove his might and complete his masters mission, retaliated with swift, calculated strikes. He wanted to use his energy to fight as well, but after seeing Peter's ability to absorb it and empower himself, the surfer found himself stuck in a battle of brute force.

"You really need to up your game. This is getting too easy!" Peter goaded, his taunts punctuating each powerful strike, pummeling his opponent in a burst of speed and accuracy.

The Surfer, frustrated by the unexpected turn of events, pushed forward, determined to overcome the cocky Spider-Man.

In a sudden burst of speed, the Silver Surfer closed the distance between them, launching a flurry of strikes in retaliation. Peter, relying on his enhanced perception and newfound abilities, dodged as many hits as he possibly could.

Gwen, watching from a safe distance, couldn't help but be amazed and terrified by the spectacle unfolding before her. The sheer force of their clashes made her feel the vibrations through space itself.

In the midst of the chaos, Peter's thoughts raced. 'This is insane. I'm actually starting to get tired...'

But he wasn't the only one. Across from him, the Silver Surfer breathed heavily, just as exhausted as Peter seemed to be.

The empty space between them hung in a momentary silence as both Peter and the Silver Surfer, exhausted from their intense clash, caught their breath. The weightlessness of space seemed to amplify the tension, with both sides acknowledging the weariness in each other's eyes.

Noticing the opportunity, both combatants rushed forward with determination, ready to bring an end to their cosmic duel. Peter, his giant Red Hulk form shrouded in Phoenix flames, faced the Silver Surfer, his silver body covered in pulsating white energy.

A bright light flashed as the two forces collided, creating a dazzling spectacle that temporarily blinded Gwen, watching from the moon's surface. The clash echoed through the cosmic expanse, and when the light finally faded, Gwen's eyes widened at the sight before her.

Peter floated in the weightless environment, no longer in his formidable Red Hulk form. His right arm was missing, blood flowing from the open wound. Despite the injury, Peter remained surprisingly calm as he noticed Gwen's concerned gaze.

"If you think this is bad, then you should see the other guy," Peter quipped, motioning behind him.

In the distance, Gwen saw the Silver Surfer, or more precisely, his legs, floating in the void of space. Peter may have lost an arm, but the Surfer had lost his entire upper body. The remnants of their powerful clash were evident, leaving both warriors maimed.

Descending to the moon's surface, Peter landed beside Gwen, who rushed up to him, tears in her eyes. "Peter, you... you lost your arm!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with worry.

Peter, displaying a nonchalant demeanor, reassured her, "It's fine, Gwen. Calm down."

"Calm down? How can I calm down when you lost an arm?!" Gwen retorted, frustration and concern evident in her voice.

Peter, despite his injuries, flashed a reassuring smile. "It'll grow back in a few days... I think. Though maybe I should speed things up a bit?"

Gwen watched in confusion as Peter used his left hand to grab his necklace before six rings with glowing stones appeared. The rings emitted a soft, ethereal light, capturing Gwen's attention. She couldn't help but ask, "What are those?"

Peter, a smirk playing on his lips, replied, "They're the infinity stones."

Gwen furrowed her brow. "Infinity stones? What's that?"

With a nonchalant shrug, Peter used his telekinetic powers to float the rings over his fingers. However, with only five fingers at the moment, he was forced to double up two on his ring finger. Gwen, perplexed, couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

Peter grinned, mischief in his eyes. "Watch."

He snapped his fingers, and Gwen's eyes widened in shock as she witnessed Peter's injuries disappearing. His severed arm magically reappeared, and he looked as pristine and healthy as he did before the intense battle had begun.

Gwen, struggling to find words, finally managed, "How... What just happened?"

Peter chuckled, his confidence unwavering. "Infinity stones, Gwen. They can do pretty much anything. Handy, right?"

Gwen remained in awe, trying to comprehend the supernatural display of power she had just witnessed. "Wait…" She muttered, realizing something. "If they can do anything, then why bother fighting that guy? You could've just snapped your fingers and been done with it…"

Peter shrugged. "Because it was fun…"


As the Silver Surfer lay defeated in the desolate expanse of space, a ripple echoed through the cosmic connection between him and his master, Galactus. The cosmic entity, far away in the reaches of the universe, felt a disturbance in the force that bound them together.

Galactus, initially immersed in meditation as he tried to keep hold of his sanity as his hunger ate away at all rational thought, was abruptly jolted by the shock of the Silver Surfer's death through their shared link. A being of immense power and control, Galactus seldom encountered challenges that could threaten his heralds, especially one as formidable as the Silver Surfer.

The cosmic entity, momentarily stunned, processed the unthinkable, his strongest herald had been defeated. The realization struck Galactus like a brick to the head. The weight of the event resonated through the vastness of space, unsettling the balance of his mind, which he had meticulously maintained up until now.

Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds, felt an unfamiliar surge of unease. Few entities could pose a threat to the Silver Surfer, and the fact that he was dead sent shivers through Galactus's being. As the sensation of the herald's demise reverberated within him, Galactus couldn't help but pinpoint the exact location where his herald met his end.

'What were you doing over there…' Galactus couldn't help but wonder if this had something to do with Thanos. Though the Mad Titan himself would never be strong enough to stand against the Silver Surfer. 'Not unless he has all of the stones…'

And just as that thought surfaced on Galactus's mind, suddenly, a wave of power sparked across the universe, and in the exact spot where his Harold had just died as well.

'The infinity stones…' He felt their power for a brief moment before they disappeared once again.

Galactus, now aware of the circumstances of his Harold's death and the exact location of the infinity stones, turned his gaze towards Earth. He didn't knowI it was Thanos, who decided to go back on their deal, or some other inconsequential bug, but one thing was for sure…

Galactus would have the infinity stone, one way or another.

A/N: 1601 words :)