C612 Conniving Recruitment

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

The next morning, MJ awoke, her hand stretching across the bed, searching for Peter's presence. However, she was met with nothing but emptiness, the space beside her unoccupied. Frowning, she pondered her husband's whereabouts, considering that she had gone to bed earlier than him, she expected him to still be asleep.

Shrugging off her concerns, accustomed to Peter's erratic sleeping patterns, MJ rose from the bed. After a quick visit to the bathroom, she made her way downstairs, the wooden steps creaking beneath her footsteps. As she descended, MJ couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, an unusual atmosphere enveloping the living room.

Stepping off the last stair, MJ hesitated, sensing a strange quietness that hung in the air. Confused, she scanned the room, finding it seemingly vacant. The silence was almost palpable, a subtle but distinct presence that piqued her curiosity.

Suddenly, a low groan caught her attention, prompting her to follow the sound. She walked around the couch, and there, on the other side, lay Peter on the floor, drenched in sweat, looking like he just walked out of the ocean. Nine empty vials were scattered beside him, each one labeled with the name of a powerful individual.

Concern etched across her face, MJ rushed to Peter's side, her hands shaking him gently. "Peter, are you alright?" she inquired, worry evident in her voice. However, Peter remained unresponsive, lost in a deep slumber that seemed to resist any attempt to wake him.

MJ's concern deepened as she observed the aftermath of what she guessed was his evolutionary ability. 'Did he use all of these?!' She wondered, clearly worried for her husband's wellbeing.

Despite her efforts, Peter showed no signs of stirring from his deep sleep.

As she sat there, trying to wake him, MJ's mind raced with questions. Did he over use his powers? Will he wake up? Was he in danger? A surge of anxiety swept over her, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on her shoulders.

Unable to rouse him, MJ decided to call in reinforcements. Retrieving her phone from her pocket, she dialed the Ancient Ones number.



Within moments, the bald sorcerer supreme, who was not home at the time, stepped out of a portal and arrived at the scene, concern mirrored in her eyes as she surveyed her unconscious pupil.

"What happened?" She questioned, her gaze flickering between MJ and Peter.

"I have no idea. I found him like this. I think he might have evolved one to many times," MJ replied, her voice tinged with worry as she gestured to the empty vials. "He's not waking up…"

"What an idiot…" The Ancient One muttered, clearly upset at her students rash behavior.

MJ couldn't help but agree, but she was far too scared for her husband's wellbeing to voice her complaints. That time would come when he's awake and healthy again…

Turning to MJ, who refused to leave Peter's side, the sorcerer supreme smiled comfortingly. "You can relax. He'll be fine. From what I can tell, he's just extremely exhausted. He might sleep for a while though…"

MJ sighed in relief, her shoulders dropping as she let out a soft sigh. "Good, I'll get him to bed before the kids wake up then…"


Meanwhile, as Peter continued to rest, unconscious and immersed in his post-evolution exhaustion, a gathering of Spider-People unfolded at the Spider-Society headquarters.

Each member of the spider group chat, including Ben, Spider-Pig, Peni, Miles, Noir, Tobey, and Andrew, arrived at the society for the first time ever, invited under the guise of a recommendation from Gwen Stacy.

The elusive organization had been shrouded in mystery, with Gwen and Peter offering little insight into its workings.

Miguel O'Hara, the leader of the Spider-Society, welcomed the newcomers with a charismatic demeanor. "Welcome to the Spider-Society. Here we try our best to…" As he led the group through the intricate corridors of their headquarters, he explained the mission and purpose of the organization.



"So you're saying us spider guys…" Noir spoke but Peni cleared her throat, making her presence known. "…and galls have our own canon events…"

"Which are usually horrible life ruining situations…" Ben adds, clearly not liking this place. "And you enforce them… Why would you do that?"

Miguel sighed. "I don't always like what we have to do. But I know that it has to be done. Because without canon events, the universe will erase itself. You might feel happy about saving your loved one, or stopping a canon tragedy, but what's the point if it causes everyone to die anyway, including the people you were trying to save?"

The Spider-People listened attentively, conflicted by what they heard. He was basically saying that they were forced to let tragedy strike them over and over, or else everyone in their universe would pay for it, even their loved ones.

Some in the group seemed convinced, while others, like Ben, Tobey, and Miles, took Miguel's words with a pinch of salt. They didn't believe him, at least not fully. It also didn't help that they seemed to get a bad feeling from this place, which just didn't sit right with them.

Little did they know, Miguel had a hidden agenda for this little recruitment he was doing. While he appeared to recruit them based on the fact that they were fellow spider-people, his motives were far from altruistic.

Miguel saw Peter as a potential threat and aimed to gather information on him through his friends, considering them as pawns in a larger game. And if the need called for it, he would gladly use them in his fight against Peter.

'I've come too far to let anyone get in my way…' He thought, not the least bit sorry for using his fellow spider-people like this.

As the tour continued, Miguel strategically shared only what he deemed necessary, emphasizing the importance of unity among Spider-People. The group chat members, captivated by the society's grandeur, remained blissfully unaware of Miguel's ulterior motives.

They marveled at the advanced technology, the many unique members of the society, the training simulations, and the vast knowledge, which seemed so foreign to them.

Miguel, ever the charismatic guide, maintained an air of trustworthiness, winning the Spider-People over with tales of past victories and the potential for a brighter future.

The Spider-People, eager to contribute to a cause that felt larger than themselves, shared stories of their encounters, even mentioning Peter here and there. Miguel absorbed every detail, building a mental dossier that could potentially be weaponized against their unsuspecting friend and mentor.

The tour concluded with Miguel extending a formal invitation for the Spider-People to join the society. And everyone seemed on board except…

"Do you mind if I think about it first?" Tobey asked. "This seems like a big decision to make, so I'd like some time to decide."

"Yeah, I don't know if I'm able to join…" Miles spoke up next, clearly unwilling to accept. "I have school to worry about, you know?"

"Me too…" Ben nodded alongside him, causing everyone to look at him oddly. "Well, I don't have school, but I have a family to worry about. MJ and I just got back together, and I really don't want to mess things up this time, so…"

Of course, these were all just excuses. The real reason they declined was simple, they didn't believe or trust a word that came out of Miguel's mouth…

Miguel himself frowned under his mask, clearly unhappy with their decision, but in the end, he couldn't allow the few undecided in the group to ruin his plans.

"Of course, please take all the time you need…"


A full day had passed since MJ discovered Peter unconscious on the living room floor. The room, once filled with the palpable tension of concern and worry, was now bathed in the soft glow of daylight filtering through the curtains.

In his bed, Peter gradually stirred, awakening from the deep slumber that followed his intense evolution. Every bone, muscle, nerve, and tendon ached in pain, a testament to the relentless series of transformations he had subjected himself to throughout the night.

As he opened his eyes, Peter felt the weight of exhaustion press upon him. The journey through evolving with each vial had been arduous, and the memories of constant agony lingered in his mind. Yet, beneath the pain, he sensed a pulsating hum of newfound power coursing through his veins.

He had pushed through the torment, evolving with every vial he consumed. At first, the idea was to limit himself to a few samples, but determination and resolve fueled his decision to continue, pushing his limits until the pain became a symphony of evolution.

With a groan, Peter sat up in his bed, his senses gradually registering the room around him. His body felt heavy, yet strangely invigorated. He flexed his fingers, marveling at the strength that he felt. The evolution had taken its toll, but the rewards were evident.

Tightening his hand into a fist, Peter couldn't help but smirk. The blood and power of all 9 heroes and villains alike, had transformed him into a powerhouse. He felt like he could defy gravity itself, slap the sun across the universe, and reshape reality with a mere thought.

It was an addicting feeling, this surge of power that pulsed within him. The very essence of his being had undergone a radical change, and the possibilities seemed limitless.

"I need to test my powers," Peter muttered to himself, the smirk on his face growing. The prospect of exploring the extent of his newfound abilities ignited a spark of excitement within him. The pain, the evolution, it had all led to this moment, where he stood on the brink of realizing the true extent of his potential.

As Peter was just about to climb out of bed and test his newfound powers, a sudden interruption echoed through the room. His phone buzzed with a notification. "?"

Grabbing his phone from the nightstand, he saw a few notifications from the Spiderverse chat app, though it wasn't from the main chat, where everyone spoke freely, but direct messages from a few notable members.

Curiosity sparked, Peter tried to unlock his phone, but just as he squeezed it in his hand, the phone shattered, pieces crumbling to the floor.

"…" Staring down at the remains of his phone, Peter couldn't help but curse, "F*ck"

A/N: 1750 words :)