C629 Spider-Karen

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🚨Insert Bad Haircut GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

As the gravity-like force descended upon the battleground, a stifling weight settled over everyone present. The Spider-Society members, still recovering from Uncle Ben's brutal onslaught, found themselves frozen in place, beads of sweat forming on their foreheads as fear gripped them.

Peter, standing amidst the immobilized crowd, couldn't help but notice the numerous injured Spider-People, many of which were borderline crippled at this point, such as the man with his knee kicked inward. With a furrowed brow, he questioned, "What the hell happened to these guys?"

The power holding everyone captive suddenly vanished as Peter retracted his energy. A collective exhale of relief echoed through the battlefield, yet not a single member dared to make a move. The unspoken understanding hung in the air, running away now would be perilous.

Even Jessica Drew, contemplating a strategic retreat, hesitated, realizing a second attempt would only incur the wrath of the enigmatic man before her. She resigned herself to staying put, content that at least she had managed to send a message to Miguel through her watch.

"Well…" Ben, who never felt an ounce of Peter's power weighing him down, tried to explain. "They tried to stop us, and Uncle Ben went a bit overboard…"

"Uncle Ben?" Peter muttered as he noticed the old man stood a few meters away from him. 'He looks just like the Uncle Ben from Tobey's universe…'

Speaking of Tobey…

Just as Peter noticed Uncle Ben, so did Tobey, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief as he caught sight of his Uncle, the same Uncle that he saw just the other day.

(A/N: For those that may have forgotten, Peter saved Tobey's Uncle so he never died.)

Though one thing was certainly different about this man as compared to Tobey's kindhearted Uncle back home, and that was the stern, battle hardened demeanor that surrounded him, making anyone feel hesitant to approach.

Meanwhile, Peter's focus shifted from the gruff version of Uncle Ben to the injured Spider-Society members. "Here, I'll fix you guys up." With a wave of his hand, he cast a mass healing spell, infused with a touch of his newly acquired purple cosmic energy.

Seconds later, a large purple colored spell circle materialized above the area, completing its formation before shining down and commencing a rapid healing process.

Broken and mangled bodies were restored to pristine condition within a matter of moments, including Ben, Uncle Ben, and Spider-Punk, who were worse for wear after facing the relentless onslaught of the Spider-Society.

The healing spectacle left everyone, Spider-Society members and Peter's allies alike, staring at him in disbelief. The realization that a Spider-Man possessed such extraordinary abilities dawned upon them, creating a moment of collective shock and confusion.

Uncle Ben, caught between conflicting thoughts, couldn't discern whether Peter's arrival was a boon or a bane to his cause…

On one hand, if Peter aligned with his vengeance against Miguel, the path would no doubt be much easier. On the other hand, if Peter opposed his murderous pursuit, Uncle Ben's quest for revenge could become an insurmountable challenge.

With the battlefield now transformed into as everyone's injuries were completely healed, Peter stood amidst the bewildered Spider-Society members, their injuries miraculously mended.

An air of uncertainty lingered as Peter, fueled by a newfound authority, declared, "Everyone here is under arrest. If you have any weapons, gadgets, goobers, or doohickeys, then please place them on the floor before putting your hands above your heads."

Confusion rippled through the crowd, painted on the faces of both the healed Spider-Society members and Peter's allies. Gwen, breaking the silence, questioned, "Arrest? Why do we need to arrest everyone?"

Meanwhile, Miles, casting a skeptical gaze toward Gwen, struggled with the remnants of betrayal in his eyes. "…"

Feeling his suspicious gaze on her, Gwen hastened to clarify, "Most of the Spider-Society members are just like us. They're heroes who do what's right and save the day. I agree that Miguel and some of them might be up to something, but not all of them are evil…"

Miles's suspicion waned, yet trust remained elusive. He especially didn't like her choice of words when she said Miguel 'might' be up to something. 'Whose side is she on?' He wondered, hoping it would be his, but he wasn't so sure…

Peter, unaffected by the internal dynamics, responded matter-of-factly, "When dealing with a suspicious organization, it's best to simply detain everyone for questioning first. If they're innocent, that will come out during interrogation…"

The crowd of Spider-Society members, now facing the prospect of being arrested, which was most certainly a first for almost every single one of them, grappled with the odd situation.

Not only that, but they also struggled to comprehend what Peter meant by 'suspicious organization.' Because in their eyes, the Spider-Society wasn't anything like that.

Unfazed, Peter continued, his eyes scanning the uncertain faces around him, "Now, I'll give you guys a minute to turn yourselves in. After that, I'll have to get handsy with you..." His tone carried a veiled threat, setting the stage for an imminent confrontation.

As the seconds ticked away, the once confident members of the Spider-Society found themselves caught in the unexpected crossroads. The uncertainty in the air thickened, and Peter's words lingered as a pressing challenge.

As the minute elapsed, the tension in the air reached its peak. Peter watched the crowd to see what they would choose, knowing many would probably try to fight or run, but surprisingly, it wasn't the Society members who were the first to run.

No, it was Uncle Ben.

Uncle Ben, with a stern determination in his eyes, carefully interpreted Peter's words. To him, it meant surrender, an act he was unwilling to perform. His quest for vengeance against Miguel was long overdue, and the old man refused to give up.

With a resolute stride, Uncle Ben turned and sprinted away from the gathering, hoping to get away whilst Peter was dealing with the Society members, who would no doubt put up at least a little bit of a fight.

Peter, noticing the fleeing figure, turned to Ben with a questioning look. "Wasn't that old man with you? Why is he running away?"

Ben, looking slightly awkward, offered an explanation, "Uncle Ben wants to kill Miguel, so maybe he thought you'd get in his way?"

Nodding absently, Peter, with a casual snap of his fingers, conjured two portals, one below Uncle Ben's feet and the other beside himself. In an instant, Uncle Ben, mid-sprint, tumbled through the portal and came tumbling out in front of Peter, his escape thwarted without Peter having to move a single step.

Peter looked down at the old man and remarked, "Stop trying to escape, Old Man. You'll throw out your hip or something."

Uncle Ben glared defiantly, his resolve evident in his piercing gaze. Peter chuckled, finding the old man's persistence amusing. "Relax, you want Miguel dead, right? If you have a good enough reason, I might be able to make that happen. But for now, sit tight and don't get yourself hurt. Your old bones might shatter if you overdo it."

Uncle Ben, seething with restrained anger, disliked the way Peter seemed to look down on him for his age. Nevertheless, he reluctantly complied, seeing a glimmer of possibility for his long-desired revenge on the horizon.

As Uncle Ben lay on the ground, defeated and begrudgingly compliant, the Spider-Society members seized the opportunity to escape.

Scarlet-Spider, Jessica Drew, and may others exchanged a quick glance, silently communicating their intent to use the multiverse-hopping watches for a swift retreat. With a collective activation of the devices, they initiated the process of summoning a portal to whisk them away from the unfolding confrontation.

Peter, however, felt their actions and intentions through his senses, signaling the attempted escape. "Not you guys too… I thought I made it clear how pointless this is." His reaction was swift, his fingers snapped together for a second time, echoing through the air.

Instantly, the watches on the wrists of the fleeing members vanished before their eyes, shocking them once more. Stunned, they looked up to find their once-reliable devices materializing in a pile at Peter's feet, which the man himself barely bothered to even glance at.

"I guess this means I'll have to get handsy, doesn't it?" Peter's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, sending a collective shiver down the spines of the Spider-Society members.

The realization hit them hard, they had underestimated the extent of Peter's powers. They should have just given themselves up…

In an ominous display of authority, Peter stepped around the pile of watches, making his way toward the crowd of defiant Society members, his bloodthirsty smile unnerving those who dared to meet his gaze. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you too bad. But even if I do break a few bones here and there, I can just heal you up afterward..."

The crowd swallowed nervously as Peter cracked his fingers, the anticipation of impending confrontation palpable. As he took a deliberate step toward them, disappearing in a burst of pure speed, the fear in their eyes intensified, knowing that escape was no longer an option.

Peter's promise to avoid severe harm offered little comfort as he appeared before his first victim, sending a flying knee to his skull, immediately knocking him unconscious. "That's one…" He muttered before moving on to the next one.

A resounding gulp echoed through the crowd, a collective realization settling in, surrendering earlier would have been a far more prudent choice.

They had truly and severely f*cked up.

With a chilling calmness, Peter engaged each member, incapacitating them with a combination if pure speed, which they couldn't even follow, and powerful strikes, which incapacitated them instantly. His movements were swift and precise, leaving the Spider-Society members unconscious on the battlefield, one by one.



Minutes later, amidst the fallen bodies, Jessica Drew stood as the sole witness to the overwhelming power displayed by the man before her. Fear etched across her face, she looked at Peter with a mixture of awe and terror. She was the only one on her side remaining, the bodies of her comrades scattered like fallen leaves.

"…" Everyone on Peter's side was stunned into silence by his show of power, especially Uncle Ben and Spider-Punk, who didn't know anything about him until now.

"Is he even human?" Spider-Punk muttered, his eyes wide and his mouth dropped open.

Finally, Peter turned his attention to Jessica, who he left alone for a reason. "Hello there," he greeted her, his tone carrying a sense of nonchalance. "I'd like to speak to your manager…" He asked like a true Karen, barely hiding his amusement.

A/N: 1808 words :)