C645 Mega-Recruitment

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Returning home after his meeting with the Justice League's top heroes, Peter couldn't help but mull over the potential alliance. The invitation had been laid out, but now he had to wait for their decision. With the Justice League operating similarly to the Avengers, a majority decision needed to be made among its members.

'Batman might be a problem though…' Peter sighed as he recalled Bruce making the same argument as Magneto, favoring his own universe's problems over anything else. 'I guess I'll just have to convince them in the same way as the Avengers…'

As he contemplated his next steps, Peter's thoughts drifted to other powerful entities on Earth. Kamar-Taj, the mystical sanctuary, and Wakanda and Talokan, both technologically advanced civilizations, and the Valkyrie, who had long settled into the land that Peter had gifted them, crossed his mind.

'Eh, f*ck it.' After some thought, he decided to throw caution to the wind and recruit them, envisioning the manifold benefits they could bring to his budding organization.

The day unfolded with a series of meetings. First on the list was Wakanda, and Peter found himself in the presence of King T'Challa. The king, after a brief discussion, agreed to join the cause without much persuasion. The looming threat of the Kang's as well as an unknown multiverse seemed too wearisome for him to refuse.

Before ending their meeting, T'Challa said, "At the very least I'd like to join in order to be informed of any possible threats to my people and the planet we share…"

Next up was Talokan, where Peter engaged in a conversation with Namor. The king of the underwater civilization needed little convincing, still too scared of Peter's strength to refuse his offer.

Though he was relieved that the mysterious island that had surfaced was Peter's doing and not some unknown threat, which was what he and his people originally believed.

Both of the leaders of Earths most powerful and technologically advanced nations were on board, providing Peter with a sense of accomplishment as he left their countries.

Carried by the momentum or his recent successes, Peter visited the Valkyrie community that settled down in upstate New York, and just like the rest they came to a swift decision and agreed to join. After all, they owed Peter their lives, so why not help him when he specifically came and asked?

Knowing that there was no point in wasting time, Peter bypassed a direct visit to Kamar-Taj and opted for a simple text to the Ancient One. After all, he'd already explained all of his plans to her just the night before during dinner, so there was no need for an another long meeting to explain everything.

Her response was swift and positive, confirming her interest in joining the venture. Peter wasted no time instructing her to assemble the Sanctum Masters for the first meeting of his now-nameless organization in six days, as they are the highest level members of Kamar-Taj.

Of course, everyone else that Peter has talked to would be attending the meeting as well, even those who hadn't decided yet, as he planned to convince them then and there.

With the groundwork laid for these powerful alliances, Peter reveled in the first real bit of progress he had made. The prospect of a united force, combining the strengths of all sorts different people, fueled his determination to make this happen.

Amidst the glow of recent accomplishments, Peter's thoughts sparked with the realization of an off-world ally, which would be without a doubt his most powerful and significant recruitment yet.


He had deep connections there, a friendship with Thor Odinson, and even debts owed by the mighty Allfather. Loki, too, was on surprisingly good terms with him.

Opening a portal to the majestic realm of Asgard, Peter found himself standing within the grandeur of the Royal Palace's throne room. The sudden appearance caused a stir among the guards, who swarmed to the scene.

Concealed by his new black-themed, shadowy spider suit, Peter remained unrecognized, even by Thor, who sat atop the throne, navigating the tedious affairs of the day.

Even Peter's portal was unrecognizable since he now used purple Cosmic Energy instead of golden Eldritch Energy to form them.

"Yo," Peter waved as the guards surrounded him, spears drawn and ready.

As Peter's voice echoed through the hall, Thor's eyes widened, and recognition dawned. The big oaf of a king leapt from his throne, excitement evident in his booming voice. "Spider! How I've missed you, my friend."

Thor's enthusiasm translated into a bear hug, a gesture that, thanks to Peter's enhanced strength, didn't result in a bone-crushing experience.

The guards, realizing the identity of their unexpected visitor, dropped to their knees, a collective apology pouring forth. Many of them owed Peter their lives, a debt they carried with great reverence.

With the commotion settling, Peter explained his presence, and Thor, despite not recognizing him initially, caught up swiftly. The conversation flowed, and Peter extended an invitation to join his new endeavor.

"…Will you join me?" Peter inquired.

Thor's eyes gleamed with eagerness as he clasped Peter's shoulder. "Aye, Spider, I shall stand with you. The prospect of facing formidable foes across the realms is an opportunity I cannot pass. We shall forge a formidable alliance!"

With a hearty laugh, the God of Thunder declared, "Let the warriors of Asgard join this noble cause!" He shouted, causing the guards to bang the butts of their spears on the floor in unison, pledging themselves alongside their king.

Peter's satisfaction swelled as Thor's agreement solidified Asgard's participation. The potential of his plans skyrocketed in an instant.

As the two friends continued to discuss the details of their collaboration, the energy in the throne room shifted. The seeds of a powerful alliance had been planted, and the multiverse would soon witness the strength of Asgard and its people.

'If all of this doesn't get the Avengers and the Justice League to join, then I don't know what to do…' Peter felt as though they would have to participate at this point.

After a day filled with negotiations, explanations, and alliances, Peter found himself back at his house. MJ lay sleeping peacefully in bed, unaware of the task that awaited Peter in the dimly lit room.

With a sense of purpose, he retrieved one of the multiverse-hopping watches confiscated from the Spider-Society. 'Okay, I have six days to figure this out…'

Seated at his desk, Peter delved into the intricate mechanisms of the device. Magic enveloped the room as he carefully disassembled the watch using telekinesis before scanning it with spells, examining each piece with a precision far higher than a master craftsman.

He had promised the Spider-Society a surprise, a reliable means of navigating the multiverse without the haunting flaw of being tethered to a single timeline. After all, he didn't want to act as a ferry, taxiing everyone back and forth all the time.

'Hopefully, I can get this done in time…'


Six days flew by in a blur of arcane research and technological development. The watches underwent a metamorphosis under Peter's skilled hands, emerging brand new and improved, and even given a plethora of some very much needed security features.

Now, with the watches perfected, Peter faced a different challenge, the gathering of over a hundred Spider-People. 'Hopefully, everything goes as planned…' He thought as he waved his hand, opening countless star-shaped portals in unison.

The portals he conjured deposited a variety of Spider-People into the main square of their newly established base on the island. The new arrivals, astounded by the sight of what appeared to be their base of operations, murmured in disbelief, eyes wide with amazement.

Among them, Spider-Punk stepped forward, asking the question on everyone's mind. "Is this all ours?"

Peter nodded with a wry smile. "Yes, but we'll be sharing it. I've recruited some more members to help fill out the place."

Confusion swept through the Spider-People as Spider-Pig pointed to the heroes that surrounded Peter at the moment. "Are you talking about them?"

Beside Peter on each side stood the Avengers Council and the high level members of the Justice League, both of which he planned to recruit today.

Though based on their demeanor, it appeared that they were only here to be respectful. Even Peter, who was hopeful of their recruitment, could tell that their votes didn't go his way.

But that didn't mean he still could change their minds.

Peter clarified, "No, these people here are a stubborn bunch of sticks in the mud who haven't decided on joining us yet. Your new comrades should be arriving any moment now."

As if on cue, an advanced Wakandan air ship appeared on the horizon. Seconds later, the ship landed nearby and opened up, releasing armed female guards alongside their King T'Challa, who nodded in greeting.

His father, T'Chaka, who stood among the Avenger's Council, didn't seem surprised by his arrival. "…" Nor did he flinch under the looks his fellow council members were giving him.

Right after Wakanda's entrance, Talokan followed suit, as a ship emerged from the ocean, parking on the beach before releasing Namor and a handful of his soldiers.

"W-What's that?!" Jessica Drew exclaimed, drawing everyone's attention as she pointed towards the sky.

In the distance, white flying horses approached, carrying Valkyrie warriors on their backs as they descended toward the island, landing with grace and standing at attention behind Peter.

And as soon as the Pegasus landed, a portal opened beside Peter, and the Ancient One, along with the elite of Kamar-Taj, stepped forth, their robes billowing as the portal snapped shut behind them.

But that wasn't all…

Just when it seemed the roster was complete, and the entrances were finally over, suddenly, a dazzling beam of rainbow light struck the island, frightening many of the onlookers. "?!" Especially the Spider-People, who had no idea about Asgard or the Bifrost.

As the light receded, Thor Odinson, king of Asgard, stood beside the warriors three and Loki. Behind them, over a hundred Asgardian soldiers formed up in even lines, resplendent in armor, their presence almost overwhelming.

The arrival of these powerful beings left the assembled heroes in a stunned awe. "…"

The former members of the Spider Society exchanged stunned glances, seeing and feeling the strength of their new comrades for themselves.

The Avengers and the Justice League, initially skeptical and unwilling to join Peter's newest endeavor, found themselves reconsidering in the face of such united strength.

Seeing the expressions on their faces, Peter couldn't help but ask, "So… have either of you come to a decision yet?"

A/N: 1787 words :)