The day of the fateful meeting part 5


New mission available:

Become an S-mage's apprentice and enter the central academy.

Award: 1500 exp.

Accept -> yes/no


The course of action was simple for Cain. All he had to do was to take Patricia up on her offer and he'll be set for life.

Even if he did not make it into the academy on his one merit, he was sure the S-class mage would pull some strings to get him in there.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

But still, Cain could not help but feel as if he was being tested by the other female.

"What's wrong? Too stunned to reply to my offer?"

Patricia sounded smug when she asked that question. It made Cain uncomfortable to see her invested in a stranger like him.

Were all S-class mages this fee with their time and effort?

"I…can I decline your offer?"

Cian had meant to think that offer over but spoke hurriedly once he felt the female's eyes on him.

The intensity in her eyes made Cain think of a leopard eying her prey.

He could not help but feel as if he was about to be devoured.

"I…excuse me? Did you just decline my generous offer? Are you a fool?"

Patricia sounded stunned but impressed.


"Is that a question or an answer? And what is your problem? Are you brain damaged?"

Cain frowned as he heard those insults. They were a little too excessive for his brain.

"There is nothing wrong with me. I just don't think taking a stranger's offer like this is beneficial to me. What if the female turned out to be a pedophile?"

The female did not look like a pedophile but looks could be described.

Patricia had already proved herself to be a two-faced person.

"You won't believe me without proof, right? Then I will provide you with proof. Follow me and I'll take you to the royal guards."

"You might not have recognized me but even you would not be able to refute my claim once you cast your gaze on the crown prince. His magnificence cannot be matched."

Wow, those were some passionate words.

Cain could have sworn that the female was blushing when she recited those last words.

"Those are some heavy words you are sprouting. There is nothing unmatched in this world."

This teaching was something his mother had taught him.

To be alive was to be in a constant struggle of being the best. And the thing about that was - there will always be someone better than you out there.

"You're just saying this because you have not met crown prince Edward yet. Once you do, you'll understand what I mean."

Patrician sounded sure of their claim.

The thought of going anywhere with this crazy lady scared Cain. But he also felt like he would not be able to get away from her very easily.

Besides, he had to bead back and help prince Lawrance out. Be owed it to the younger male.

"Alright. Let's head back."

Even if the female was ticking him, Cain had to keep his promise. And he also had to think over what just happened to him.

The message flames in front of him again.


New mission available:

Become an S-mage's apprentice and enter the central academy.

Award: 1500 exp.

Accept -> yes/no


"Your highness, we have secured everyone. Your younger brother has been detained as well. Should we place magic wards around his carriage?"

Katie tried to gauge the Crown Prince's expression.

It was hard to read what he was thinking most of the time because of his cold and calm face.

Despite being only 19, Prince Edward had a lot of responsibilities being shoved on his shoulder.

He had to deal with the royal court, the pressure of his studies, and also diplomatic relationships.

And then there were those attacks from the demons and the giant tribe. They were getting more and more vicious with the time.

It almost felt like a great calamity was approaching them.

"There will be no need to put up magic wards around the carriage. It's not like anything can hurt him with so much security around."

Katie knew it was the truth.

Their magic security was top-notch. There would be no need to make things more complicated for the poor prince.

"By the way, where is Patricia? Has she returned yet?"

"Not yet. But she did contact us to let us know she is coming back. I don't think she needs to come back at all."

Katie knew she was being petty but she could not help herself.

She had been competing over Prince Edward's affection for so long. With the court and other childhood friends in the equation, it was difficult to get the prince to notice her.

And with her talent being only S-level, Katie knew she was nothing extraordinary.

Even if the number of mages exceeds S-class only powdered 500, she was still nothing exceptional in front of the crown prince.

But she had tried. And just when she had felt like she was about to reach him, Patricia had arrived.

Strong, beautiful, and talented. Patricia was everything Katie had not been.

And that was where the trouble began for an easy life.

"Huh, I was gone for a few hours and you are already planning on replacing me? I'm hurt, Kat."

Speaking of the devil and the devil shall arrive.

It was Patricia and she had brought a child with her. Katie was not even surprised at the turn of events.

After all, Patricia had always been a little too free with her actions. She hardly ever considered what could happen if she did something wrong.

In that sense, she was not like Katie and her cautious nature.

"Patricia, welcome back. And who's that?"

Was it Katie's imagination or did prince Edward sound interested in the kid following Patricia?

It made Katie curious to glance at the teen as well.

And she tried to stop the gasp from escaping her lips but she couldn't.

If not for Prince Edward standing at her side, Katie would have thought this new person to be him.

No, not him.

More like a younger version of the kind.

Katie had accompanied Prince Edward for a long time and she had come to recognize his aura and features a long time ago.

And this teen gave off almost-similar energy as Prince Edward.

"Patricia, where did you find it? This thing is too repulsive to look at. Return it to its trash heap."

Katie's brain stopped short of thinking.

She had never heard the prince talk like that about something, much less a person.

It was as if the price didn't even recognize the teen in front of him as a human.

"Excuse me? I'm not a thing but a human being. You can't treat me like that."

The teen replied with an annoyed tone.

"Patricia, I send you to look after my brother's kidnappers. Not to find trash. Now explain yourself."

Oh, God. The crown Prince was pissed.

"I know. But listen to me. This child has potential. A lot of it and it reminded me of Prince Edward."

"As you know, the human race is lacking raw manpower. We can't maintain peace like this. So I…."

"So you picked this teen up to train him? I don't agree with your choice. He's too unstable."

Katie could not believe her eyes and ears.

We're Patricia and Prince Edward fighting? Over some no-names teen?

What was this world coming to?

But Katie could see where Patricia was coming from.

As a person with the highest level of potential, Prince Edward was often under strict guidance. His free time was limited.

But there was no one else who could share his burden. Especially his useless younger brother who could only cling to his life.

If someone did have potential at the same level as Prince Edward, then it would make things easy.

So Katie tried to have a feel of the teen's potential while the other two fight

She expected to find a small but powerful spark of magic.

But what Katie found was a whole furnace trying to overwhelm her.

The magic inside that teen was so wild and intense that it made Katie break out in cold sweat

It was not like someone's common potential. It was a massive ocean of opportunities.

This teen was someone equal to the crown prince Edward.

And now Katie could see why Patricia had gone out of her way for this teen.

The crown prince must have sensed this potential as well. So he should be aware of what importance this teen held.

Then why was he so adamant about not having him trained properly.

Katie had to do something. She had to sway Edward's mind.

She hated to agree with Patricia but she needed to do so now.

"I think we should train this teen. We do need all the help we can get."

Silence eclipsed the gathering at Katie's words.

She had never gone against Edward's decision before but now seemed like the time to not hold back.

"Katie, even you? Very well then. It seems like you both are hell-bent on your decision. This teen will be your responsibility from today."

Katie felt like today was a fever dream.

First, Patricia had defined the crown prince. Then Katie had done the same.

And now Prince Edward had backed away from his decision.

Just what was going on here?

"Hey Cain, don't you want to add something to our talk? It is about you after all."

Patricia finally addressed the teen behind her back.

Cain looked uncomfortable in the presence but Katie could see that he was gathering his resolve to speak.

"H-How is prince Lawrance? He stayed behind and…"

"...You don't need to worry about my brother. He is rearing in the back wagon. Alone."

If anything, the words seemed to cause Cain to panic.

"We can't leave him alone. He'll try to kill himself again."

The words caused a small wave of laughter in the clearing.

Even Katie could not bring herself to contain the small chuckle at those words.

Because of Lawrance? That cockroach with a tendency to survive anything? Trying to die?

It was funny to even think of.

"You're still on about that joke, kid? Don't embarrass yourself like that."

Patricia was the loudest one to laugh. It even held a mocking tone in its execution.

"B-But I'm not lying. Prince Lawrance did try to kill himself. He even took the risk of hatching a dragon….

".... Is that so? Then I will go and clear this matter myself. You do not need to worry about it any longer."

"Forget you ever saw Lawrance and you will live a happier life."

That was weird.

Prince Edward had not even cracked a smile at the teen's amusing words.

On the contrary, he looked a little awkward.

"Let's go kid. We need to get you settled down and start your training as soon as possible."

Patricia took charge of the situation.

The teen was still struggling against her but it was useless for him to do so now.

Once Patricia had her claws in you, you were doomed.

"Katie, lead everyone back home. I'll take the carriage work with my brother."

Prince Edward's words were final. Katie had already pushed her limit for the day.

So she could do nothing but agree with his command.


"You can stop trying to act unconsciously now. The soldiers are gone."

The voice sounded familiar to me. But I could not pinpoint where I had heard that voice before.

So the first thing I did after opening my eyes was to look for the speaker.

And I don't know if it was my luck or my curse, but a familiar goddess was looking back at me with amused eyes.

"Yo. Did you have fun in your new body? Have you gotten over your suicidal mindset yet and realised that you want to live."

The goddess was asking a question. I wanted to answer her but my throat felt sealed.

Something was terrifying about her presence.

Maybe it was the lack of magic around her. Or maybe it was her overwhelming intensity.

"It doesn't look like you've learned your lesson yet. So why don't we enforce some training on you?"

"After all, there are more messed up things in this world than death. But only surviving can make it all worth it."

I wanted to move.

The goddess's words confused me. I wanted to ask her more questions.

But I had no strength.

"Have you ever realized why your body refuses to die? It's because of your incredible will to live. Your unconscious mind wants to live but you're a fool and don't realize that."

It did? That can't be true.

"You just seek the thrill of life by living your life on the edge. Now, let's see what we can do about you.

I had not been knocked out initially but I could feel the goddess's magic submerging me in a cold embrace.

And before I knew it, I was out.