Chapter 4: Fitting In

That afternoon Anna noticed her dress was getting muddy and filthy, her hair was starting to get tangled and looking at her nails she thought to herself, I am in need of a pedicure. She had to admit life in the wild was definitely no fairy tale. She went to a lake nearby and placed some water in her hands to wash the dirt off her face. She told herself, " Great, I washed my face now, how do I make myself more proper?" This is not what she was used to . In the castle Anna always had to dress nicely and fix her hair properly even if there was no specific occasion.

From the age of thirteen, she remembered her mother opening up the curtains so early in the morning so she could wake up and get dressed; she was never allowed to get out of her bedroom if she was not properly present. She could hear her say, " Anna it is time to get up and get ready for breakfast you have 15 minutes to get ready. I will meet you downstairs." She was about to leave and turned around and smiled, " Do not be late." From the morning mother would bring Mona to fix her bath and brush her hair and she would dress up in the most beautiful gown.

After she was done getting dressed she would go down stairs to have breakfast. Her parents, the king and queen would already be seated at the dining table waiting for her to have breakfast. The dining table was set in a proper manner, servants were standing next to the table waiting to be called for.While Anna's parents would be talking about matters that have to do with the kingdom, Anna would excuse herself and go out to the garden and greet the beautiful animal. She went up to the rabbit and picked him up, " Good morning Bunny, being with you is the best part of my day." She laughed and snuggled him with her nose touching his.

She found Bunny a few years back while coming back from a neighboring town when their carriage wheel broke . She was inside with her mother and her aunt Emilia and her annoying daughter Rachel . " What is wrong now, why did we stop?" Emilia shouted annoyingly, " It is hot and stuffy in here, when will we reach the castle?" The horsemen said, " I am so sorry my lady but the carriage wheel has broken." Rachel, not being patient yelled at the horseman, " Well don't just stand their fix it!" They all got out of the carriage , Anna asked her mother, " Mother now that we are here waiting , can I explore the area."

Her mother looked around and said, " I guess that would be fine but don't go too far." Anna then asked Rachel, " Would you like to join me?" Rachel looked at her with disgust , " And risk getting my dress dirty. No thank you, I prefer to wait here until the wheel is fixed."

Anna shrouded her shoulders and went to explore the area. It was so quiet as if no one was in sight. It seemed like an abandoned forest. She clearly heard the birds chirping and the buzzing of the bees, she was never allowed to wonder out in the wild forest so she was going take the opportunity to discover the area ,the trees were so tall that they reached the sky .Anna laughed at the sight of monkeys hanging on the tree branches swinging on from branch to branch. She thought that they sounded so funny, " Ouou, AA,OuOu,AA '' She admitted to herself that she has never seen a more beautiful site than this in her life.

The monkeys jumped down to the ground and began to throw bananas at each other, Anna laughed and smiled. It was like they were putting on a show. Anna clapped for the monkeys to show her encouragement. Then suddenly a bigger monkey which actually looked like an ape came up to the group of monkeys and then they began to follow him. For Anna, curiosity got the best of her and she sped up to follow them wondering what they were going to do. They were all leaping in a straight line following the ape who Anna presumed to be their leader , they finally arrived at their destination. It was a clearing in the forest without any trees or bushes. Anna looked closely to see what the commotion was all about, she couldn't believe her eyes there was a rabbit tied on a tall thick stick and what was worse it appeared that this small, fragile, rabbit was the monkey's meal of the day.

Anna had to think fast; she had to find a way to save this poor , sweet ,rabbit before it became the monkey's dinner. She had an idea how to distract the monkeys , apparently she was next to a banana tree and rushed to get some bananas from the tree ,but unfortunately she suddenly realized that she had to climb up really high to reach the bananas , searching down on the ground looking for something that would help her . Thankfully she found a long rope ,picking it up she quickly wrapped around her waist and around the tree branch , so that will allow her to climb up and fetch the bananas from the tree.

She rushed up to the top of the tree with the help of the rope. When she could reach the bananas she picked a few and placed them in her hand. She gave a long whistle to get the monkey's attention , " Hey over here." She showed them the bananas that she was carrying in her hand and said, " Who wants some delicious bananas?"That grabbed the monkey's attention and left the rabbit helpless on the ground and ran towards the bananas.

Anna rushed towards the rabbit's side and untied him and quickly ran off with him before the monkeys noticed that he was gone. When she went to where the carriage was , she noticed her mother was furious with her. " I have been looking over for you everywhere . Where have you been?"

Anna replied, " Sorry mother, I just lost track of time. Look what I found!" She showed the rabbit to her mother, " Can I keep him please?" She begged her mother. Her mother was still mad at her but had to admit that the rabbit was cute so she replied, " Ok fine but in one condition . You are the only person that should take care of it and only you . Now go inside the carriage with your rabbit so we can leave this place."

Anna was so happy that she was allowed to keep him and from that day on they became the best of friends. Anna heard a voice calling out to her from a far, "Hello, Anna wake up ." She opened her eyes to see Sly looking back at her, She noticed that she was lying down of the grass bet the stream. She got up and said, " Of sorry I most have dozed off." Sly huffed, " Well there is no dozing off in the wild princess there are no fairytale castles over."

Anna shouted, " I meant that I was tired and I didn't mean to fall asleep." She stormed off, " I am going to look for something for us to eat. You can join me if you want to." Sly laughed at her childish behavior, " Ya I will join you just so that I make sure you don't fall asleep while picking up the berries."

Anna had enough of his attitude, " Would you please stop with this attitude of yours . I am trying to adapt to this new setting and guess what it isn't easy." Anna began to shed tears from her eyes and wrapped her arms around her face to hide them. Feeling sorry for her Sly came up to her and she felt his strong hands remove her arms from her face and he apologized, " I am sorry I didn't mean to offend you." He continued to say , " You don't deserve that." He took a handkerchief from his back pocket and gently wiped her tears. He slowly let the handkerchief move down to her lips and without thinking of the consequences he lowered his face towards hers feeling Anna's heart beating so fast and placed his arms around her and kissed her strongly on her red beautiful lips. She did not want him to stop but he did and looked at her with confusion on his face then he walked off.