Skywalker Residence Final

(Qui-Gon Jinn P.O.V)

After Revan's shocking reveals, the dinner concluded. He and his companions retire to rest for the night, and so does Padme. Jar Jar seemed to have decided to sleep next to the table for some reason, but I had long given up on understanding the gungan.

While I'm sitting outside, Anakin approaches me. Neither of us say anything though, we simply stare at the stars. Eventually though the boy speaks. "Why'd you come here, mister Jedi?"

'Interesting, I thought he would have asked me about Revan. Though I suppose he is smart enough to realize I know nothing about him.'

"We are on a mission," I answer, "heading to Coruscant, in the central system in the Republic, on a very important mission."

"Then how did you end up here in the Outer Rim?"

"Our ship was damaged, so we came here to get it repaired. Though it seems that Revan beat us to the part we need." A wry smile crosses my face. Given the odds of someone needing the same part we need to fix our ship at the same time is more than just coincidence. It is the Force guiding things.

'Though I do wish it was more direct sometimes.' I wait for a moment, but the Force shows no response to my thought. 'Drat.'

I'm drawn out of my thoughts by Anakin's next words. "Well if you ask, I think that he'll help you." I can't help but quirk an eyebrow. Seeing the questioning look, he continues. "He said it himself, he's willing to help. That's why you're heading to his ship in the morning, right?"

"That is correct, but his words at the table do not inspire confidence in cooperation." He's admitted to killing Jedi, which is concerning for a number of reasons.

If it were true, then his name should be well known to me and my fellow knights, at least. if only so we know to avoid him. Otherwise there would only be two scenarios that I can think of.

One: He was lying, and he simply found the lightsabers, whether on a body or at a store.

Two: He has ensured that no one knows that he is the one who killed them, meaning that he was hidden. Or that he left no witnesses alive afterwards.

Both situations would be concerning, though for different reasons.

'Though... he does not seem the type to kill without reason.' I can't help but think, recalling the look of conviction in Revan's eyes when he was talking to Anakin. And his assertion that he used to be a Jedi...

(A.N: *Cough* Just ignore the 'special' bounties on Taris... He needed money! (Innocent whistling))

'The Force is strong with him, enough that it is easily felt by those who are sensitive to it. This is rare, one of the few individuals this has happened with is Master Yoda.' Once again, my musings are interrupted by Anakin.

"Even if he's not a Jedi anymore, he used to be right? Then he should want to help at least a little bit."

I smile at the boy, who does not know how monumental a thing it is to leave the order. To separate from your lightsaber...

Suddenly, my thoughts snag on this fact. When a Jedi leaves or is exiled from the order, their lightsaber is left behind to show that they are no longer a part of it. But he claimed that the two on his belt are his. What could that mean?

'I must meet with the Council to discuss this. As soon as possible.'

A plan of action determined, I manage to overhear Anakin mutter to himself, "I wish I could be a Jedi..."

I smile hearing his words. This is a good chance to see how strong with the force he is. "In that case Ani, would you allow me to test some of your blood? The Jedi Council wishes to ensure that applicants are free of any kind of disease or infections when they wish to join."

I'm not sure why, but I feel the need to not mention midichlorians to the boy. An odd feeling, but the Force surely has its reasons.

His face lights up, only to fall a second later. "I'd love to become a Jedi, but what about my mom? And I'd have to get permission from Revan now that he's owns me..."

I place my hand on his head and give him a reassuring smile. "How about you leave that to me. Have faith in the Force." If he's meant to become a Jedi, then he will.

He beams a wide grin at me and lets me take a blood sample. I send him off to bed and contact Obi Wan. I send him the sample and request a report on the Midichlorian count. The results are shocking.

"Twenty-thousand? No jedi has a count that high." Not even Master Yoda, and he founded the current order millenia ago!

"What does it mean, Master?" My apprentice's tone is shocked, but I have no answer to give him.

"I'm not sure." Sensing a presence, I look at the door leading inside. There, I see Shmi watching me. After shooting me a small smile, she heads back inside.

A sudden thought strikes me, and I continue speaking. "One more thing, Obi Wan. Have you any recollection of a Jedi named Revan? One who had left the Order, that might have been around your age?"

"Revan? No Master, no one comes to mind. Wait, did you say leave the order!? Why would someone do that!?"

I sigh. So experienced, yet so young in other ways. "The Jedi way is not for everyone, Obi Wan. Some must pursue their own path."

"...Yes, Master." The reluctance in his voice is clear, but there are some things that only experience can teach. After explaining that we would be sending Jar Jar back to the ship in the morning while I negotiate, I hang up. Though it's odd that the handmaid is so insistent on being there for the negotiations, it does concern her home so i simply shrug it off. She also likely wishes to relate what happens to the Queen.

With my mind on the negotiations tomorrow, I retire to bed. In the morning, Padme and I accompany Revan and his companions, as well as Anakin and Shmi, to his ship. There I hope we come to a favorable outcome.

Though as we depart, I sense that a darkness has descended upon the planet. I can't help a frown crossing my face thinking of what it could mean.