The Council

The two women stand outside the doors to the Jedi Council as Masters Qui Gon Jinn and Quinlan Vos make their reports. While they wait they discuss what they've seen so far of the temple.

"How does it compare to when you were here? How much has changed?"

"Surprisingly, it has not changed very much at all. Everything looks older, of course, but remarkably similar to when I spent my own time here."

Mission frowns. "Really? They haven't changed it at all? I don't know if I should be impressed or astonished."

Bastila moves her shoulders in the approximation of a shrug before resettling against the wall. "Indeed. While I am well aware of the Jedi's dedication to tradition and maintaining the balance of the Force, this is rather unsettling."

Mission nods. "I know what you mean. But you know what I find weird?" She doesn't wait for a reply, "Everybody is so carefree! I bet I could rob each Jedi walking down the halls of their lightsabers and they wouldn't even notice."

A passing pair of Knights give her a glare as they walk past, but do not otherwise engage. She gestures at them. "Like them. I bet they didn't even notice when I grabbed them right now." The two stumble at her words before hurriedly checking their belts. Finding their lightsabers still attached they exchange confused glances.

They flush as Mission continues. "That's what I would say if I didn't promise you that I would behave. But look, they were so unaware that they felt the need to check!" The two quickly walk away before she can target them for anything else, her chuckle echoing behind them.

Hiding her own smile behind a thin veneer of disapproval, Bastila rebukes her. "You shouldn't provoke Jedi like that. You know how dangerous a trained Force user can be."

She rolls her eyes in disdain. "Yeah, I do. And I think we can both tell that what we've seen so far can't really be considered 'well-trained'."

She hates to admit it, but Mission is right. The way they move, the way the Force flows around them.

They would qualify as well trained padawans back in her time, but here they are considered full fledged Knights. Even their connection with the Force is fainter. A few have a reasonable amount of power, but they are not connected with all of it. Many of them would be unable to utilize their full potential like this.

While she could attribute it to the fact that the temple is built on a nexus of the Dark Side, they seem more… lax in how they treat it.

Before she can think on it more, the doors open and Vos and Obi-Wan step out. Vos gestures for the two of you to enter and then they leave, not saying a single word, though Obi-Wan does nod his head in greeting and farewell. The girls don't take it personally of course, since Vos had been quiet since they started traveling together, likely worried for his padawan.

They enter the Council Chamber, taking in those seated, as well as Qui-Gon standing to the side. Though there are a wide variety of beings on the Council, only a few stand out.

One of them is a bald black man with an imperious stare.

Another is a Zabrak male, brown skin and horns ridging the front and top of his head.

The third is a Kel Dor, notable for their mask and goggles.

The fourth is a Cerean Jedi with a white beard and mustache.

Another human is fifth, a dark skinned woman with white hair and some kind of helmet.

The final notable member is one that Bastila is familiar with, as would Revan if he were there. A small, green skinned being covered in wrinkles, his eyes watch as they examine the Council, examining them in turn.

Once they walk to the center of the room, the Council looking down on them from above, he speaks.

"Greetings. To make your acquaintance, a pleasure it is." The two women blink at his words. "Told I am, that trained in the Jedi ways you are. Curious of who trained you, and where, we are." He pauses to let them prepare their reply, the entire Council leaning forward to hear their answers.

Imagine their shock when, instead of replying, they question the Grandmaster of the Order! "Are you talking like that on purpose, or do you just like messing with people?" And to add to the insult, the one who replied wasn't even the Force Sensitive!

Before the other Council members can voice their indignation, the Grandmaster chuckles. "Multiple roads, each path has. So do, does speaking."

Mission nods in satisfaction, having her answer. 'He totally likes messing with people!'

Deciding to ignore the byplay, Bastila answers his questions. "I was trained by someone of your same race, his name was Master Vandar."

The interest of the entire Council piques, with Yoda leaning forward a bit with interest. He does not know of many of his kind in the Universe, with one of the few he knows well being Master Yaddle.

"Know him, I do not. Like to meet him, I would. His location?"

Bastila sighs. "Unfortunately he has passed. He was a patient and wise teacher." A flash of grief passes through her features before she tamps it down. Yoda makes a note of it before sighing as well.

"Unfortunate, this is. But to the matter at hand, we return to."

The Cerean member of the Council chooses now to interject. "You claim to be trained in the Force, but we have no record of you walking our hallowed halls. Moreover, you claim to have been trained by another stranger. You should understand we have our doubts of your intentions.

Bastila raises an eyebrow at his tone, subtly gesturing for Mission not to speak up. "Before I address that, may I ask for your names. I feel it would only be polite. I am Bastila Shan, and this is Mission Vao."

Realizing that they can't refuse without being overtly rude, they introduce themselves, and Bastila responds to Ki-Adi-Mundi. "I am not here for conflict, but to simply tell you of my companions' and I's plans."

This time it is Mace Windu who speaks. "And what plans do you have that you felt the need to reveal yourself to the Council?"

She smiles. "We intend to train those sensitive to the Force in our way. Separate from the Jedi."