Off to the Races

I stare at Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn judgmentally as I repeat what I've just heard. "You haven't gotten Anakin's chip removed? What if something set it off! And don't say that it couldn't happen, given how you didn't even know about it before meeting him you wouldn't know."

He sighs. "I have simply failed to find the proper time to do it. Given the situation with Naboo, him becoming acclimated to the temple, and the assignments the Council have been assigning me, it is difficult to find a time when we are both available. Not to mention that finding someone who could do the procedure itself took time."

"But you did find someone who can do it?" At his nod I sigh. "Very well, I suppose it is understandable then. It's not ok, but it is understandable. Send me the location and we'll meet there tomorrow so that both Anakin and Shmi can get them removed. I'm sure that they'll appreciate getting it done together."

At hearing that I want to get it done tomorrow, he grows curious. "Why not get it done today?"

I smirk at him. "Well, it will give you time to ensure he can be pulled from his lessons without overly upsetting his instructors, which I'm sure you would be thankful for." His indifferent shrug causes me to laugh.

"Ha! But also, I have plans today." A quick check of the time reveals that I should be on my way soon. "Actually, I should be heading there now. Don't forget to send me the time and location for tomorrow." Leaving my words hanging in the air, I leave him, going towards the car Bastila and Mission bought.

Giving Bastila a peck on the lips as I climb in, I make sure that everything is ready.

"Mission took the swoop bike to the track?" She nods. "We've gathered some of the crew for when things turn violent?" Another nod. "And we have someone betting on me to win?"

"We have everything covered. Though I doubt that things will end up as they did on Taris during your failed attempt at rescuing me."

I quirk an eyebrow at her. "As I recall, you didn't manage to get out of the cage until after I won the swoop race and confronted Brejik."

She snorts. "Please. I had simply been biding my time until an appropriate moment to escape appeared. The fact that it just so happened during your botched rescue was simply a whim of the Force."

We stare each other down for a few moments before breaking down into laughter. No matter how much time passes, we'll always be arguing about who saved who during that situation. It's simply a bit of fun reminiscing about the past rather than anything genuine.

But I'm still definitely the one who rescued her.

The rest of the ride passes by with us snuggling in each other's arms. All too soon we arrive at our destination and reluctantly pull away from each other. Stepping out, we're engulfed in noise.

Looking out, I see a variety of swoop bikes and their riders. They look at me and my companion appraisingly before turning their attention to the car behind us. A few whistle appreciatively, but none approach.

People watch from wherever they can find a place to stand: On the sides of the road, up above on some pipes or the ledges of buildings. Most of them are watching the races below, but a few have their eyes on the holoprojector hanging above them that's telling everyone what course the race will take.

After walking over to my bike, I take note of where we'll be racing. The track seems longer than what I'm used to, but that shouldn't be any problem. I did, after all, get the top score on each planet we went to. Still though, I think, since this is a less legal race, there's no guarantee that there won't be outside interference. Or that there won't be a Brejik situation.

Checking in with my Bastila, I confirm that her, Mission, and Zalbaar are where they'll be handing out the prize. Above us, the light blinks on. It goes from red, to yellow, and on green everyone shoots off!

I'm in third, right behind a trandoshan. I dodge past cars flying past as they make their displeasure known. Pulling up on the handles, I jump above a low hanging support cross, a small ithorian child looking up at me in awe. But I'm gone before I can see more.

Buildings and signs rush past me, just as I pass the trandoshan into second place. We're going to come up on the final stretch soon now.Ahead of me, I see the current first place, a green-skinned twi'lek wearing goggles. I see them look back, and even from here I can tell that they're smirking at me. I simply smirk back and press a certain button on the bike.

The prototype accelerator activates, and I shoot forward, quickly surpassing them. I enjoy the brief look of shock I manage to see before I reach the finish line. The breaks automatically activate, and my bike rapidly slows down, letting me hear the cheers of the crowd. A few seconds after I come to a stop, the twi'lek and then the trandoshan cross.

Within a minute, the rest of the racers finish the race and turn off their bikes. Walking towards the hutt lying next to a massive golden cup, I wait for it to announce my victory. Imagine my complete and utter shock (no really) when it declares that I cheated, and my bike will be taken as payment for doing so.

Ten minutes later and a lot of dead thugs, and we're on our way to buy another ship, wondering idly about if the swoop races here will be over now that the person who organized them is dead.