Ravi was happy inside when Arha said she wouldn't text or call him until her exams got over.
In Arha's opinion, he might feel upset because he loves her too much and does not think he can live without her.
But Ravi's opinion was totally the opposite. Firstly, he could use this opportunity to meet his ex-girlfriends and do whatever he wants. He can smoke and drink. He can go anywhere he want.
Also, if Arha didn't inform him anything and got busy with her studies, he might make her more upset by saying that he cannot live if she doesn't speak. In addition, if she won't text him back, they may get into a fight.
Therefore, Ravi has many chances to fool her emotionally, get into a fight if she won't respond. He can get angry over small things and irritate her a lot.
He looked like he was about to die when Arha said that she couldn't reach him even though he was happy inside.
Ravi replied "Arha, I can understand that you will be busy with studies till exams get over but please text me before you start to study" **KEPT A PALE EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE**
Arha got closer to him and said **FELT PITY**
"Ravi just one and half months, it will pass very fast" **PINCH HIS CHECKS**
"So don't make your face so pale okay?" **AGEOOO**
Then he smiled as if he was really upset before "Okay, but you should promise me one thing?" **POUTED**
Arha got shy seeing his face "Okay what tell me?" he didn't believe in her even though he had pulled her inside his trap "First you promise me then I will tell what it is?" she was **SILLY BOY** **CUTE**
After she thought about it for a moment, she said, "Okay, I will promise you this" "tell me now what is it?".
Ravi believed her then, "You should not forget me or be careless or avoid me okay?" She kept a happy expression on her face, "Okay Ravi, I already promised again, I will promise you that I won't forget you won't avoid you" "Okay happy now?".
A smirk comes over his face and he drops Arha off at her house and acts as though he is already missing her.
Arha entered the house, and Ravi also returned home.