Chapter 4 - Cube master

I think I have quite a mood swing lately or was it my imagination? Because before I've gone to the cube, my personality was a bit rough but now it seems a bit calm as if I'm enlightened.

Nevermind that, what's more important is the cube itself, I don't know which material it's made of because it feels like metal but I'm sure it's not. Also, I wonder if the cube is made naturally by something in the universe or someone purposely made it.

To be clear, it's impossible for humans to possess powers like those in fantasy stories let alone creating a gigantic cube with some unknown material and trapping a human inside it. Then again, everything is possible now, if I haven't experienced it myself I wouldn't have believe in such crap.

But what if that someone who created the cube is not human at the first place? Will that be possible? I have no idea, human scientist have been searching for life beyond Earth yet there was no response yet.

I don't know if human technology is still lacking or was there any life beyond Earth. Speaking of human technology, I heard of no news about the cube I was trapped in so that proves that the cube is either really far away from the Milkyway galaxy or it's another dimension.

Ah hell, I've been thinking too much since yesterday, I should leave the questions about the cube for later and focus on what should I do now.

But... What should I do? I feel quite empty after I've left the cube, I don't have anything to do now unlike in the cube where I have to struggle and destroy cubes to escape from there.

Well, there's bound to be a thing that sparks my interest.

I then walked inside my classroom and all eyes are on me as expected.

"Yo, it's Azon, how about we go party tonight, Azon?"

"Ahhh! It's Azon, his handsomeness is just out of bounds and his riches are unparalleled."

I don't know if this is considered as one but I was doing an act of bullying back then and also now in senior highschool. I didn't hit them physically since the law is above all, it's just a battle of words, really sharp words at that, sharp enough that it will turn into a knife that will stab its victims.

Originally, I started bullying other people on my own because I want them to know about our status difference but over the time, many people started following my footsteps and proclaim themselves as my followers. Personally, I don't like them too, they're but cowards who are unable to do anything once their leader is no more.

I simply ignored the compliments given to me and just sat down at my seat.

I can then hear gossips about my attitude and personality.

"Hey, isn't Azon quite different lately?"

"Now, now, maybe Azon is just tired, after all, he is the successor of his father's company."

These idiots really won't stop gossiping, huh?

The teacher then came in our class.

"Hello, class, I'm your substitute teacher for today since your teacher is really sick and is currently in the hospital right now. Anyways, I'm Helia, nice to meet you, students."

All of us then stand up and bowed down our heads to the substitute teacher.

"Good morning, teacher."

"That's nice, you guys are quite enthusiastic just like the teacher told me, all right, we'll start classes today. Ah, before that, may I ask your class president where is the documents your teacher has told you to tackle with."

Cyrossa then gets up and gets the document from her offices and hands them over to our substitute teacher.

"Here's the document, ma'am."

"This is incredible! Who solved this?"

"It was Azon, ma'am."

"Azon was it? It's quite the feat for someone only in college to solve such questions within a specific time range."

I then replied with a smile in my face.

"It was nothing, ma'am, I'm just doing my part as a student of this class."

"That's nice, keep up the good work."

That was close... I just used my speed to solve the documents handed over to me by Cyrossa within less than a second because I left it yesterday.

Anyways, school is quite boring for me these days, maybe I'm bored because I'm used to my life within the cube? Well, I'm not sure yet.

As I was thinking about the cube as usual someone whispered to me.

"Hey, why don't you try dating your substitute teacher?"

I was shocked since I didn't even notice someone getting close to me, I looked at my side and I saw a cube floating at my side.

"A cube? My hallucinations perhaps? I've been thinking about the cube for a while and maybe it finally occured."

"What do you mean hallucinations? Can't you hear me?"

I then stared at the floating cube for a while and it seems it's not a hallucination.

"Is that so? Then mind telling me who are you?"

"I'm the cube master, I'm responsible in the cube that you're trapped in."

"Really? That's cool then."

"...You're not going to ask me about the cube? Nor resent me for why did I send you there?"

"Yeah, I think about it for a while and I know you're the mysterious type so it's no use asking. As for resentment, I think I have no single ounce of resentment since I feel quite empty after I've left the cube."

"You're an interesting fellow, that's why I sent you to the cube but to think that you surpassed my expectations by a really really far margin."

"Do you send humans into the cube for your entertainment?"

"How could I? I'm not such a cruel existence as to send humans into the cube and let them suffer, I sent them to the cube to give them an opportunity."

"Opportunity? How so? Isn't that 5,000,000,000 years I'm in there a torture?"

"HAHAHAHA! 5,000,000,000 years what a menace, it's the first time I ever saw a being did that."

"Really? Are there others besides me who were also sent to the cube?"

"You could say that, after all, I've existed before the 'Calling of the energy' and have been sending only a handful of beings in that cube."

"Calling of the energy? And what do you mean you've been sending beings? Not humans?"

"Ah right, you humans refer to the calling of energy as the big bang and there are more types of living organisms is this universe aside from you humans."

"Is it? How long have you been sending beings inside that cube?"

"Glad you ask, I've been sending humans in that cube about 14,000,000,000 years ago and 'till now. Honestly, during that 14 billion years, I've only sent about 45 beings in that world."

"Oh? You do not send someone to the cube blindly? You actually have standards."

"That's right and let me tell you, I've only sent about 3 beings that belong to Earth, you being the 3rd one that is."

"Then may I ask what happened to those other 44 beings you sent?"

"They died."


"You didn't hear me? They died because they're incompetent, not able to utilize their intelligence, strength and break boundaries."

"What happened exactly?"

"The other 44 only stayed on the first cube and did not even bother breaking the cube because they thought it's a blessing to them, a groundbreaking discovery, a God that they'll worship or a method to grow stronger."

"Isn't that the cube all about?"

"You're wrong, the cube's purpose is unknown, it's literally mysterious."

"You, the creator of it is mystified by the cube?"

"Although I call myself the cube master, the origin of that cube is unknown but I believe it has existed at least 100-120 billion years ago."

"I see, then back to the previous topic. May I know how many years have the other 44 beings have been through?"

"The weakest of them only lasted for about 1,000 years while the strongest of them lasted 500,000,000 years."

"Is that so? Well, guess I'm quite the strong one then."

"You have gone quite cocky, huh?"

"What do you mean? I always am, even before I've gone through the cube."

"HAHAHAHAHA! Nice, it's good to see enthusiastic people like you. Anyways, let me let you into a little secret."

"What is it?"

"About the Earth."

"Whatever you mean?"

"The Earth will go into some serious changes, other beings in other galaxies have taken interest in planet Earth so I wonder how you'll respond?"

"...I'll think about how I'll respond in the future."

"Alright, I wish you the best of luck, 45th cube apprentice, Azon. I'm going to leave by your side now, this cube is only a medium for us to communicate after all."