Chapter 13: Instructor

Kiyotaka's point of view:

Lilia came down the steps after me. Only our footsteps and the cheery voices in the distance broke the silence between our steps. The sound of voices and laughter coming through the wooden door caused Lilia to direct her attention there. The majority of them I recognized as the twin horns, but one didn't sound familiar.

I took a calm step towards the door, but before I reached it, I felt a tiny tug on my shirt.

Lilia had her small hand on the hem of my shirt when I turned around. I didn't say anything, but I also didn't take her hand away. Instead, I just kept walking, eager to meet this new instructor who was waiting for me behind the door.

When I got there, the door was made of dark wood, and I twisted the chilly metal handle. To be quite honest, I was rather curious to meet my instructor.

I was startled out of my thoughts by the sound of the door hinges. In an instant, the raucous room fell hushed, and everyone turned to face us. The Helstea couple nodded, the twin horns and my mother-My father was absent due to his new job- grinned at my arrival, and there was a new set of enquiring eyes looking at me.

"So you're Kiyotaka." From the rear of the room, a woman's smooth, velvet voice could be heard. She smiled and said, "You're handsome just like your father."

The russet-haired woman's words caused all of the girls to grin, but these smiles were purely uneasy ones.

My mother, in particular, had an icy aura about her; I even thought I saw her brown hair move in response to a mysterious wind, but Angela spoke before she could say anything. "Ruri, don't make such jokes."

The robed woman laughed quietly. "What joke?" she asked, shaking her head and growing more serious. "My name is Ruri Wechenster, former teacher at Xyrus Academy, Kiyotaka, if all goes well, I'll be your new instructor."

The woman rose from her seat on the couch and approached me, her long robe trailing behind her. Her dark reddish hair and light green eyes complemented her attractive appearance. I bowed after examining her.

"Thank you very much for this opportunity, Ms. Wechenster, I am Kiyotaka Leywin."


Lilia, who was hiding behind me, ran as fast as her little body could, her little footsteps sounding across the wooden floor, and jumped into her mother's arms as I was about to respond. I'm not sure why she didn't do it sooner, but maybe she didn't have the courage until now. Tabitha smiled and then placed her on her lap, apologizing for the interruption.

Mrs. Wechenster narrowed her eyes and smiled mischievously at the shy girl in Tabitha's arms, and Lilia shrank back and hid her face from the newcomer, eliciting a few smiles from the room's occupants.

Vincent took a step forward and smiled as he pointed to a small table for two. "How about you, Lady Wechenster and Kiyo, take a seat?"

Mrs. Wechenster sighed and sagged her shoulders in mock disappointment. "I don't know how many times I've told you Vincent to just call me Ruri." She shook her head and sat down at the aforementioned table with a smile. "You'll get wrinkles if you're too stiff."

Vincent simply laughed awkwardly at her remark and did not respond.

I followed her and sat across from her; the seat was comfortable, and there was a strange board game in front of us that, from Vincent's brief explanation, was similar to checkers, but a bit more complex.

She, on the other hand, did not appear to be interested in playing. She crossed her hands in front of her face, resting her elbows on the polished wooden table, and narrowed her eyes on me. If it were anyone else they would feel uncomfortable, her gaze was of someone trying to figure me out. But I was accustomed to it.

My mother and the twin horns stood on the sidelines, watching us, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. I was used to being observed in this appraising manner.

"So, Kiyotaka, tell me..." Mrs. Wechenster broke the awkward silence, but her green eyes scanned me with interest. "How much do you understand about mana?" she inquired.

I cocked my head to the side, contemplating her query. Was that a legitimate question to pose to a child? However, her tone of voice didn't say much, so I was truthful. "I've read some things from my books, but not many specifics," I explained.

She hummed and nodded thoughtfully. "Did your father teach you anything?"

"The most important thing he taught me was how to control mana."

Mrs. Wechenster's expression changed slightly, but she still smiled. "That is extremely helpful information." She made a pleasant sound by drumming her fingers on the table's wood. "Can you tell me anything else?" She finally spoke up.

"He also showed me how to refine my mana core." I disclosed.

"That's great." With her exaggerated nod, her reddish hair swayed. But then she became serious, her smile vanished, and she leaned forward, causing everyone in the room to tense up. She spoke after another look at me. "But tell me something, Kiyotaka, do you have a strange feeling with your mana?"

I didn't have a point of comparison to see if my mana was unusual, but I didn't feel anything while meditating. "Strange? No, I don't believe so..." After some consideration, I responded.

Mrs. Wechenster gave me a piercing look, her green eyes seemed to be trying to see into my soul, but I returned her gaze without much hesitation. The others looked uncomfortable, but I was the same as ever.

After a few tense seconds, she shook her head and sighed loudly. "That's fine."

My mother, on the other hand, was neither pleased nor satisfied with that response, and she stepped forward, her brown eyes concernedly looking between Mrs. Wechenster and me. "Ruri... Why did you ask that? Is there something wrong?"

Mrs. Wechenster motioned with her hand. "Don't be concerned." But after seeing my mother's worried expression, she seemed to change her mind. "You do realize how sensitive I am to mana, don't you?" She continued after my mother nodded. "Well, there's something strange about Kiyotaka's core that I can't figure out, but it's not bad; I was just curious."

Something strange? perhaps it had something to do with the glowing notes I saw when I woke up my core? I had no idea, but it was interesting. However, the fact that she could see my core so easily was concerning. I'd read that powerful people could do it, but there was also a spell that could conceal your power. I nodded and saved that information for later.

"If Ruri says so..." My mother nodded, but she still appeared concerned.

Mrs. Wechenster smiled as she nodded toward my mother. "Let's go to the yard; I'd also like to see what Reynolds showed you." She stood up and said.

The twin horns exchanged glances, Jasmine looked me in the eyes, and I simply nodded, to which she responded with a thumbs up. As everyone stood up, Angela looked hesitant but said nothing.

Adam appeared to have chosen this moment to approach me. "I hope you practiced, Ruri is pretty strong," he said as he patted my back heavily. He said it with a big smile.

Adam continued to laugh until he was abruptly silenced by a blow to the back of his head. "What was that for?!" he exclaimed.

"Don't frighten Kiyo." Durden nodded behind Helen as she scolded him. Helen reached down and messed up my hair after Adam pouted and walked away. "Good luck, and don't be afraid; Ruri may be immature, but she's responsible."

Mrs. Wechenster glared angrily at Helen. "I am not immature!" Her gaze was fixed on me, and she cleared her throat, made a virtuous flourish with her robe, and walked toward the courtyard's exit. "Come on, young Kiyotaka, it's trial time."

Helen laughed. "See?"

I was about to respond when I felt something tug at my clothes and my vision went black. I was greeted and smothered by two soft pillows. "Good luck, Kiyo!" I recognized Angela's voice.

However, I felt a pair of huge hands lift me up. "You're choking him again, Angela." Durden protected me.

"What!" Angela claimed. "That's false, slander!"

Jasmine simply shook her head and smiled as she saw Durden carrying me away from Angela and Helen, who were attempting to defuse the situation.

It was very noisy, but I was strangely at ease.