The first day of adventurers

Barely opening his eyes, squinting from the bright sun, Kazuma tried to figure out where he was at all.

- What the fuck ... - he muttered, not without difficulty recalling the events of yesterday.

- Hey! Take your hand off the goddess's chest! Aqua's displeased voice rang out.

- And? – shifting his gaze to the source of the voice, Kazuma realized that in an attempt to lift his body off the ground, his right hand had chosen a rather interesting fulcrum. – I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.

Waving his hand at the girl's dissatisfied muttering, Kazuma still got up from the ground, looking around the neighborhood and returning to the events of last night.

after the announcement of their very strong and useful professions, one of the adventurers offered to celebrate the replenishment in their ranks. This idea was actively supported, especially after they found out that one of the experienced adventurers is now with money and is just in a state when he is ready to sponsor any idea. As a result, everyone fell for a free drink and the adventurers' guild turned into a place of mass drinking, in which even the gods took part.

"Oh, right! That guy promised to put us up for the night, but it looks like he didn't make it..." - mentally completed the puzzle of Kazuma.

- Of course, I'm always in favor of such parties being held in my honor, but how does my head hurt, - Aqua moaned, getting up from the ground after him. - Where are we anyway, Kazuma?

- Do you remember that big guy who offered us a job in his construction team? There was a one-eyed guy next to him, who offered to shelter us for a couple of days until we could get enough money.

"Yeah," Aqua nodded slowly, her face showing that her memory was slowly returning to her.

- After almost everyone passed out, he decided that he wasn't drunk at all and took us to this shed, which they call a bed for the night.

"Is that him?" Aqua asked, pointing to a body lying nearby.

"Who the hell knows," Kazuma shrugged. – Let's go to the city, I have some money in my pockets from somewhere, I suggest a snack, and it wouldn't hurt to take a bath.

- That's for sure! Aqua immediately perked up. – It is not fitting for such a beautiful goddess as me to walk dirty!

- Yeah, you also got a little rainbow on you, - Kazuma grimaced, taking a quick look at the girl.

- Eh?! Aqua shrieked, frantically examining herself. – I should have kept my hair better!

- You need to wear underpants! Kazuma retorted, turning on his toes and heading towards the city walls that could be seen not far away.

"So, it seems the initial stage has been passed – the profession has been chosen, the first drunkenness has been carried out. Now it's time to act!" thought Kazuma, activating the interface of his personal system.

Since his arrival in this world, he could only look at a lonely system window with the inscription: "Your goal is to defeat the Demon King," however, after obtaining the status of an adventurer, something new appeared.

[The system of the Hidden One is ready to begin integration with the system of this world]

[Start the process?]




[Integration is complete!]

[Open the status window?]


[Soul Status:]

Name: Not specified;

Level: 3;

Transferable skills:


Knowledge of the main languages of any world;


The acquired knowledge is quickly assimilated, local orders do not cause difficulties;

"Mental resilience"

Provides protection against mind influences such as telepathy, mind reading and mental control.

"Spiritual resistance"

It provides protection against influences on the soul, such as invasion, spiritual damage and soul extraction.

[Body Status:]

Name: Sato Kazuma;

Level: 1;

Profession: Wanderer;

Skills: None;

Power: 20;

Endurance: 20;

Magic: 35;

Dexterity: 40;

Intelligence: 40;

Luck: 50;

- So, in my not very long life, I managed to pump my soul to the third level? It's funny..." Kazuma muttered softly.

[You can get basic skills for further development in this world]




Basic Swordsmanship;


Basic Spear skill;


Basic skill of wielding a magic wand;


Basic tsurugi Proficiency;

- Is it really all…

[The intervention of the Isekaynutogo System is complete!]

[The development of your powers and abilities is now completely in your hands]

[Execute "Target" to trigger further intervention]

[Good luck!]

After opening the system window a few more times, Kazuma was convinced that now his system again represented only an information window in which he could view his characteristics and available abilities.

- Hey! We've already arrived, why are you frozen? Aqua's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

Glancing around, Kazuma made sure that the goddess was not lying, they were just passing the main gate and judging by the smiling looks of the guards, they were recognized.

"I don't seem to be able to drink at all," Kazuma shook his head. – "Okay, at least they didn't do anything, and that's good"

- Ah! Baths! Aqua almost screamed, rushing towards the small building.

- Hey! Wait for me! Kazuma shouted after her, breaking into a quick step.

Having quickly paid at the entrance, they went inside and dispersed to separate rooms, engaged in cleaning themselves from traces of yesterday's adventures.

- Now my appearance fully satisfies my status as a goddess! Aqua proudly declared when she and Kazuma met near the exit after taking a bath.

- Sincerely glad for you, but I would still eat, - Kazuma grinned.

Aqua looked at her stomach with embarrassment. – I wouldn't mind either!

After walking to the Adventurers Guild, they went inside and immediately headed to the part of the building where the local canteen and part-time bar were located.


Instantly turning around on his toes, Kazuma carefully looked in the direction of the girl who was sitting alone at a table in the corner and slowly eating some soup.

"Yesterday I saw her in the window, but I didn't have time to see her. But now I see–it's definitely her!"