The first quest

Having finished with the food and a small amount of booze, without which Aqua would not agree to go on the quest, the newly assembled team went to the bulletin board. They didn't have to look for the right quest for a long time, pushing aside several difficult tasks, Kazuma tore off the sheet he needed.

*Monster killing quest*

Kill five giant toads in three days.

- Here. Let's try our hand at this! Kazuma nodded confidently, unfolding the sheet so that the girls could also read the conditions of the quest.

"Are you suggesting that the beautiful goddess hunt some toads?" Aqua looked at him confidently. – I think there's a better job for me!

- When are we going? Yun–yun asked, her gaze burning with anticipation again.

"Now," Kazuma smiled. - And we'll leave this one here.

Nodding, Yoon-yoon quickly followed him, but before they could even leave the guild, there was a pattering of feet and a plaintive cry behind them.

- Hey! Don't leave me alone!

"That's better," Kazuma chuckled to himself.

After leaving the guild, they headed towards the main gate of the city, listening to Yoon-yoon's stories about her life before becoming an adventurer. The girl started rather hesitantly, but when she saw that Kazan was genuinely interested in her story, she became a much more active storyteller, connecting active hand gestures to work.

From what Kazuma could understand, their life in the village was quite strange.

All the residents of the village of Scarlet Magicians had the Archmage class, regardless of what they were doing. The strongest magicians were the harvesters, as they constantly pumped their level, fighting with live vegetables and fruits. All children attend a local school and are considered adults only when they study some kind of magic.

Usually, students accumulate thirty points obtained from special potions in order to immediately learn advanced magic. However, Yun-yun and her rival Megumin were an exception. Megumi didn't want to study advanced magic and saved up as much as fifty points on studying explosion magic, which everyone considers frankly useless. Yun-yun had to learn intermediate magic to protect Megumi and her younger sister from monster attacks.

Yoon-yoon had the official status of the future head of the village, which she inherited from her father. And also the unspoken status of a strange girl, since she is the only one from the village who does not have eighth-grader syndrome.

And when the girl was ready to start talking about her classmates who were still studying in the village, they were on the spot.

"And here's our target," Kazuma said, pointing to a giant toad sitting alone.

These monsters were one of the main problems of farmers, especially when the toads began the mating season. At this time, they were actively gaining weight to lay eggs. They wandered near human settlements, where there was more food, from time to time devouring local cattle, but there were also cases of missing people.

"Should I use magic?" Yun–yun asked uncertainly, taking out her small silver wand from her bosom.

"You know, I think it wouldn't hurt to let our goddess show herself," Kazuma smiled. "Oh great Aqua, will you deign to deal with this pitiful monster?

- A little taken aback by such treatment, Aqua immediately stood up in a proud pose. – Okay! I will help you, my faithful companion! But you will have to honor the great goddess starting tomorrow! You will need to join the cult of Axis and pray to me three times a day!

"Anything if you defeat this frog," Kazuma smiled again.

- Look carefully! Aqua shouted, enthusiastically rushing forward.

- Kazuma, are you sure you should join the cult of Axis? Yun–yun asked nervously.

"Aqua, your fan club has an extremely bad reputation!"

"Of course it's not worth it, but I won't have to," Kazuma replied, pointing at the goddess running up to the frog.

Extremely self-confident Aqua ran up to the unsuspecting frog, raising her hand to strike.

"Divine fist! The girl shouted loudly, while her fist glowed with all the colors of the rainbow, emitting magical energy in all directions.

However, as soon as the fist touched the frog's skin, the energy instantly disappeared, and the blow had no effect on the monster.

Aqua looked into the frog's eyes with a frightened, meek look and whispered in a flirtatious voice:

- And if you look up close, frogs are actually quite cute…

However, like the blow, the words of the goddess did not bother the frog at all, which instantly lowered its "cute" muzzle, and the Aqua disappeared, leaving only its kicking legs in sight.

- We need to help her, don't we?! Yun–yun cried out nervously.

"Do you have some kind of freezing spell?" Kazuma asked calmly, watching the gradual absorption of the goddess.

- Freezing rush! Yun–yun immediately shouted, holding out her hand with the wand in the direction of the monster, eating her chance to make friends.

The air nearby instantly cooled, a frosty gust overcame the space separating them and hit the monster, instantly freezing it from head to toe.

- Great job! Kazuma praised the girl, walking slowly towards the frozen frog from which Aqua's legs were still sticking out.

Taking out a sword from his belt, which he managed to beg from a drunken adventurer, taking advantage of the presence of a strong class and the promise to return a triple price along with the sword, Kazuma poked the frozen side of the monster several times.

- That's right, blunt attacks are absorbed. Either magic or something sharp! – he muttered, taking out his adventurer card with his other hand and completely ignoring the screams coming from inside the frog.

Carefully, because he had nowhere to hurry, he calculated where the extreme part of the stuck goddess was supposed to be, and after making a few more holes in the monster, he finally cut off her head, freeing the screaming Aqua.

Falling out on the ground, the goddess took a completely inappropriate position for her status. On her knees, covered in some viscous liquid, she lost all her former pride.

- ... Whimper... Thanks! Thank you! Kazuma, thank you!.. Uaaaaaah!..

"Maybe I overdid it a little bit? ...No, she deserved it!" thought Kazuma, watching the girl's hysteria.

Together with Yun-yun, who came up, they quickly put the Aqua in order, cleaning it a little from toad drool and returning a minimal fighting mood.

Looking at his adventurer card, Kazuma grinned. His guess was confirmed – the experience for the killed frog was given to him, he was one step away from getting his second level.

- Great! Yun-yun, we're starting the extermination!