
Episode 3: Part 1

Looking towards the darkness within the door, Ryan narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but take an empty gulp.

'What the hell? Who is it?'

He thought furiously standing there as the sun continued to slowly descend down the blue sky and dyeing it in yellow and orange paints.

"Excuse me, that's my school t-shirt! I came to get it. I called out but no one was responding to my call so I didn't wait there and came here to get my t-shirt back. I am really sorry!"

Even after so much explaining and even apologizing, there came no reply from the person in the house.

Only the open door remained, as if asking him to enter inside the house for his answers.

His mind went on high alert as he slowly approached the door.

'Fuck this shit man!'

It was the first time that Ryan came to the neighbor's house in his entire life.

In his past life, he not once saw who his neighbors were. The only indication of someone's presence in this house was the food deliveries.



With each of his steps nearing the door, his heart beat increased and his mind sent many warnings.

As his body entered the house, the darkness inside seemed to be engulfing him whole.


A strong grip locked on his face. There was a piece of cloth forced on his nose and mouth, which contained some kind of drug.


Ryan resisted but it happened too quickly. The person should be a professional in these kinds of activities.

His eyes turned heavy with each breath he took and finally, he fell to his knees. His senses gave up and he was knocked unconscious.

* * *

How long the drug lasted, Ryan couldn't make a proper guess.

Just trying to open his eyes gave him great difficulties. He was tied on a chair with zip ties, and placed in front of a monitor.

".. Ah… Huh?"

The lights on the wall were bright and brought him discomfort.

"... Where?"

Ryan tried to speak but could only utter a single word from his mouth. The zip ties left red marks on his wrists.


From behind, he heard the sound of a door opening. Then followed by footsteps which slowly approached him from behind.

From the corner of his eyes he saw a tall woman, with pale skin and blond hair walk over to him.

"W-What do you want?"

Ryan asked. The woman didn't answer his question, instead he came before him and sat on the table with the monitor.

"What I want? Hehe. I want… I want to corrupt you! Hehe hahaha!"

He looked at the woman who laughed maniacally with sweats rolling down his forehead.

First time in his life he experienced this kind of situation. With his eyes he scanned the surroundings and found he was inside a room.

It was a very smelly room. And he noticed that when the woman entered the room, a pungent odor came as well from her.

She most likely hadn't taken a bath for days.

Even the dirt and trash around in the room indicated that the room was not cleaned for months.

'I shouldn't have come here.'

Ryan thought with regret in his mind. He didn't expect to meet this ugly situation in his life yet.

By now the woman had stopped laughing and was staring intensely at him with visible lust in her eyes.

"I have something to show to you."

She said with an evil grin. The monitor was turned on and the woman opened a folder on the home screen.

Inside the folder, there were multiple photos and videos.

Seeing them, Ryan's eyes widened with shock and surprise. He understood what the woman was trying to do.

The photos and videos were his, with Lisa and many others.

"You stalker!"

He shouted in anger but then calmed his emotions. What he learned in his past life was control of his own mind and body.

"Aren't they nice? I worked so hard to click and record them."

As the woman scrolled through the photos, she started breathing heavily and her thighs rubbed against each other.

She narrowed her eyes on the photos with Ryan's naked body and moved her right hand inside her pants.

"Ahh! Yes! Yes!"

* * *

Ryan watched with a somewhat disgusted gaze while the woman fingered her vagina and climaxed loudly.

With the already bad smells in the room, he wanted to vomit. Even pigs live a much cleaner life than her.

"Hah! Hah! Wow!"

Gasping, she leaned on the table and turned to face Ryan with her pale expression.

He could tell that however she was living, she was living an unhealthy life. The blood in her body seemed to have lowered with how pale she looked, almost like a ghost.

"Is it to blackmail me?"

"Indeed. Blackmail it is!"

The woman sat down on the dirty floor and fixed her eyes on his crotch.

She smiled and reached out her hands to pull his pants down.

"Stop! Don't you touch me!"

Ryan's shouts and struggle made the woman retreat her hands from his pants. Then she got up back on her feets.

"Get me ou-!"


Before he could finish speaking, the woman roared and tightened her fists.

What Ryan felt next was the punches on his face that smacked him without mercy. He was only able to clench his teeth and brace for impact.

"Hah! Hah! Hah!"

After tens of punches, she pulled herself back from him. Her eyes red and her face covered in dark lines.

"You should have stayed quiet! Now you see! This is your punishment!"

She declared.

"Ahhgg… Aheg…"

Ryan's head was spinning in rounds and the pain was eating him. His face was slightly disfigured with blue and purple bruises.

Blood mixed with his saliva dripped down from his lips.

"Look at me! I said "look at me!"

The woman dashed at him and grabbed his shin, then brought his face directly before her's.

She matched her eyes with his and glared at him. In her eyes, Ryan was able to see complete darkness.

"You will only listen and do as I say, or else all of these photos and videos of yours will be sent to the whole world. Then I will see how you are able to live with your family in peace. You will be called a fuckboy. Your entire life will be fucked by everyone!"

"As long as you are obedient, I will reward you. But if you were to disobey me, I would not show any pity and punish you. You get that?"

Ryan listened to her words, and all it mattered to him was that he was now in a very difficult position.

He had many plans for his future, and if all these photos and videos were to be leaked to the world, his life was really done.

Yes, the world has changed. The genders swapped. But not the people's mind.

Before, if a girl's nudes were leaked and she was called a whore or slut, her life was truly gone to the streets.

Same with his current state.

'No, I can't let that happen! I must do something!'

Ryan promised to himself once before, that if he were to be given a second chance, he would live his life to the fullest.

And now was the important moment, he had to choose his actions carefully or else he had to say bye bye to his future.

"... Y-Yes."