"Aannnngh!" Tiffany cried out as she came, her voice rising into a whiny tone. She wasn't sure how much more she could take as her body trembled through her climax.
Ben knew he could unleash his load at any time now. He saw his mom shudder on his cock and could sense that she had taken all she could of his power-fucking. He let Tiffany come, slowing his thrusts until she stopped shaking.
It was time for the big finish.
Ned slapped Tiffany's ass, which was already peppered with bright-red splotches from his slapping hands and cock. He jammed deep into her warm cunt, flexing his swollen cock and stretching Tiffany even further. His dick began throbbing and pulsing inside her.
Ben wanted to fill his mom with cum, but this wasn't the time or the place for that.
"Uhhh!" Ben pulled out and held his dick steady, aimed at Tiffany's ass.
"Ah," Tiffany exclaimed as Ben vacated her stretched pussy.
His straining, red cock jumped in his hand. A rich, ivory stream spewed from his tip, jetting over Tiffany and splattering against the oven door near her head.
Without stroking, Ben's dick surged in his grip as another lump of cum rocketed up his shaft.
"Aaah!" Ben's aim was true this time. An extended surge fired out and he doused his mom's cheeks, both left, then right with his steamy semen.
"Fuuuuuuuuck," he sighed as his orgasm flowed out, this time in one long, continuous stream, like a garden hose. He moved his cock back and forth, cascading thick cum over her curvy ass cheeks, her pussy, and her thighs.
As much as Ben wanted to revel in his pleasure, he jumped up and detached the camera from the tripod. He got right behind Tiffany and shot a close-up of her white-washed ass, pussy mound, and the backs of her thighs. He panned down to capture her knees resting on the runner, which was still puddled from Tiffany's effusive orgasms.
"Now, get out!" Tiffany yelled. Ben walked the camera back the way he came, out the door, around the back and out the gate. The final shot was of his left hand latching gate shut from the outside. He looked around quickly to make sure no one was near the bushes that hid the side gate from the street.
Ben turned the camera off and walked back inside. He found his mom still on her hands and knees, only now she was cleaning the floor with a spray cleaner and paper towels. Her ass and back still covered in Ben's cum.
She turned her head to address Ben. "Could you wipe off my back, please?"
"Sure, Mom."
She finished her job and now waited patiently while he wiped her back clean with a wet washcloth.
"What did you think?" She cocked her head slightly, now sitting on her knees.
"It's an awesome scene. Our first, real sex scene that we can upload. It's going to take a while to edit it though. Your face was in the shot when you were giving me head."
"Oh, that's right, of course." Tiffany turned now and stood, pulling her skirt down. "Well?"
Ben looked around, not knowing what she was referring to. "Well, what?"
"Let's get editing!"
Ben smiled as he went upstairs to fetch his laptop.
It took Tiffany and Ben over an hour to get the video where they were ready to upload it. Tiffany uploaded and was answering emails when Ben heard his phone sound off from upstairs in his room.
"Hey, Taylor! How's going?"
"Alex is gone." There was stress in Taylor's voice.
"Gone? Where? Why?"
"When I came back home this morning, he was all hung-over and wondered where I was last night. I told him I was at a friend's house because I didn't feel safe being alone with him when he was drunk. He got pissed off and started throwing things, then packed a big suitcase and left. He said he would call me.
"Ben, I know that if his dad finds out he left that he will kick me out right away. His dad didn't like the idea of us living together. Can I come over and talk to your mom?"
"My mom? Why my mom? Never mind. Yes, come over. I'll tell her you're coming over. She'd be happy to talk to you."
Ben ended the call, went downstairs, and told his mom what was happening between Taylor and Alex.
"That poor thing! Did you tell her to come right over?" Tiffany was in the living room, reading, and put her book down on the coffee table.
"Yes, she'll be over in a few minutes."
Ben watched his mom hurry into the bedroom. Walking slowly behind her, he heard the shower start. 'She's taking a shower?'
He walked back to his bedroom to get his phone.
Ben went to open the door for Taylor.
"What's up, Taylor?"
Taylor walked inside and reached for Ben. "I don't want to talk about Alex. The whole situation makes me sick to my stomach." She squeezed Ben tightly.
"Okay, you can talk to my mom about it when she comes out."
"Oh, my God, Ben! That was so satisfying yesterday! It's made my crappy day a lot better thinking about your big dick in me, Ben. You were amazing!"
"It's all you, Taylor. You've really helped me a lot, you know that?"
"Well, just doing my part! I've been the one benefitting from that, by the way." Taylor smiled and set her purse down on the table next to the wall in the foyer. "Well, me and your mom."
"Did you two record a video today?" Taylor's eyes lit up as she grabbed Ben by his shirt collar, apparently very excited.
"A fucking video?"
"Yes. We started another series," Ben said.
"Oh my God! I want to see it later. When we're alone."
"Definitely. Can't wait for that!" They kissed for a few moments before Ben led her back into the house.
Ben and Taylor were drinking coffee when Tiffany came out, dressed in a yellow, short-sleeve, cotton dress. The top came down low and was cut straight across the front. Ben estimated about three inches of cleavage could be seen from her top.
'She's dressed pretty sexy for Taylor. I wonder if Mom feels she is competing with her?'
"Oh, Taylor!" Tiffany approached with her arms open and gave her a long, firm hug. She stepped back, looking at the sexy blonde. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. The situation is screwed up, but I'm fine."
"Good." Tiffany took a moment to look at Taylor's outfit. "You look cute! You probably look cute in everything you wear."
"Thanks, Tiffany! I love that dress! It fits your figure so well!" Taylor walked around Ben's mom admiring her taste in clothes. "The white heels are a nice touch." Taylor smiled and looked back at Ben.
'Jesus, what's with these two?' Ben wondered.
Tiffany took Taylor out to the patio again to talk. "Ben, would you mind going out to the refrigerator in the laundry room and bringing a bottle that white Pinot Grigio and two glasses."
'Two glasses? What the fuck?'
"Oh, and please open it, will you, Ben?" Tiffany asked over her shoulder as the two gorgeous women proceeded to the table outside under the veranda.
Taylor added, "Thanks, Benny!" They both were laughing as they closed the door behind them.
Ben opened the cold bottle of wine and took out two glasses, then served his two lovers at the table.
"Thank you, sweetie! I'm going to talk to Taylor privately for a bit, I hope that's alright."
"Sure, Mom."
Taylor chimed in, "Thanks, Ben!"
Ben went inside and was reading some of the messages on Hot Amateurs. Most wanted more videos, and most wanted to see fucking videos. He also noted the blowjob video had sold nearly four hundred downloads. 'Damn! That's almost seven thousand dollars!'
He looked out to the pool and saw Taylor and Tiffany laughing.
'I guess Taylor's feeling better.'
Ben took a shower, then came back downstairs to find his mom and Taylor looking through the purple spiral notebook, sitting next to each other at the kitchen table.
"Consider yourself a member of the inner circle, Taylor. My mom hasn't even let me see that notebook yet," he said as he walked in.
"Well, I'm not quite there yet. She's only showing me parts. Some stories are apparently too hot for us, Ben." She laughed and nudged Tiffany.
Tiffany blushed.
"Your mom said I can watch how you two make a video tomorrow!" Taylor looked like she had just won the lottery.
"Really?" Ben's cock crushed against the inside of his jeans. "That's great!"
"Well, I thought it better that she just observes before she records, just to see if we're all comfortable with it. What do you think?"
"Um, yeah, that's a great idea. Are we still doing the 'Annoying Neighbor Part 2'?"
"Yes, everything should be just as we had planned," Tiffany confirmed. "Taylor's going to watch us record and give us any pointers she may have afterward."
"That sounds great!" Ben walked behind Taylor and rubbed her shoulder.
"Your mom really helped me, Ben. I feel much better now." Taylor smiled at Tiffany, then leaned toward her and gave her a hug.
Taylor looked at her phone. "Oh, damn. I need to go. Alex's mom and dad are coming over later and I need to be there."
Ben walked Taylor to the door after she said good bye to Tiffany. They stopped outside by her car.
"You'll have to show me the video when I have more time. I don't want the edited version, I want to see the raw version." Taylor put her arms around Ben and pressed her forehead against his.
"Your mom said I could stay with you two if I needed to, you know when Alex's parents kick me out. Just until I find a place of my own."
"Wow! Taylor! That's really...amazing."
"I didn't say yes. I told her I needed to talk to you about it."
"Have they told you to get out yet?"
"No, but I know Alex's mom and dad well enough to know that they don't like me all that much. I'm sure they'll let me stay until the end of the month, maybe a few weeks after that. They're not mean people, they're just tired of Alex's bullshit."
"I get it. You know, my mom's a bit of a recluse. The fact she offered you a place to stay is huge."
"Don't worry, I thanked her profusely. Besides, I'm a pretty good cook too, I'm sure I can make myself useful around the house." Taylor smiled.
Ben kissed Taylor good-bye and went inside.
"So, Mom? Taylor told me the big news. That's pretty, I don't know, unusual. I remember growing up, you rarely let me have any friends over let alone an attractive woman sleeping in the guest room for who knows how long."
"Taylor is in need of support and she's your friend. I thought it was the least we could do. Besides, she is one of the few who knows about our secret project. It pays to be nice sometimes."
"Yeah, I thought about that. When I first went over to see her and Alex, it turned out to be only Taylor. Alex was in Vegas. I was afraid she would blackmail us."
"That's an understandable fear, Ben. But, Taylor also has a lot to lose. She wants to be as discreet as possible too. She has a big family and it would kill her if they knew.
"Besides, I think she has a thing for you." Tiffany winked.
"I got news for you mom, I think she has a thing for both of us." Ben winked back.
The next morning, Ben was up an hour early. He showered and dressed and was downstairs as his mom was just coming out from her room, ready for the day.
"Well, look at you! What has got you up so early?" Tiffany teased.
"Very funny, Mom." Ben was a little embarrassed that his enthusiasm was so easily spotted.
Tiffany made waffles in her new waffle press and served herself and Ben at the kitchen table.
"Let's talk about the scene." Tiffany had her notebook out.
"This one will be a scene where the nosy neighbor comes into the yard to peek on me again. I'll be cutting flowers in my bikini. The creepy neighbor, you, will be watching and masturbating. I get hot and get into the pool. I strip naked in the water and go skinny-dipping while you continue to peep. After a few minutes of swimming, I lie down and fall asleep on the lounge chair. You will get closer and closer, masturbating the whole time, until I wake up. I see you beating off in front of me and tell you to go away. You keep masturbating and I start to get turned on. Eventually, I show you that I'm wanting sex again and then it happens."
"What position?" Ben was visualizing what his mom was describing.
"This video shows us in missionary style so the camera will be to my left side, looking down at the side of your torso and hips, down to your knees and all the way up to my breasts." Tiffany said. "The scene ends with your orgasm and you scurrying off."
"Okay, sounds great! Do you want to rehearse now and write later?"
"No dry-run this time, Sport. I want to try to keep our contact limited to when we're recording."
Despite the success of their dry-run contact yesterday, Ben already knew that's what she preferred anyway, but wanted to get his hands on her before then.
'I guess I'll have to save it for the actual scenes. I wonder if Taylor had anything to do with this. Maybe she's jealous of mom. Maybe they're jealous of each other.' Ben was deep in thought.
He refocused his attention. "Sorry, what Mom?"
"Let's write the dialog."
Tiffany went in her room to get into her outfit after they finished the script. She returned in her salmon-colored bikini that she purchased for her first video with Ben. As Tiffany joined Ben, he couldn't help but visualize the last time he'd seen her in the bikini, when her top and her cleavage were lined with his pale cum.
"Wow, Mom. You look better in that suit now than you did when I first saw you in it!"
"Thank you, Benny! I won't be in it for very long!" she teased.
Tiffany went out by the pool to get the basket and pruning shears together for the scene. She began cutting flowers to put in the basket so it wouldn't be empty when they shot. Ben admired her body from afar. His dick was already showing signs that he was ready for the scene.
Taylor rang the bell.
Ben walked quickly to let her in.
"Hey, Ben! Ready for the scene? I know I am!"
Taylor was dressed in a white thigh-high skirt and an orange bikini top with a thin, white cotton cover-up over it. Her breasts were stretching the bikini top out to the sides. Ben looked intently at them trying to see signs of her nipples peeking out at the inside edge of the cups.
Taylor immediately noticed what he was looking at. "Hey, my eyes are up here! Just kidding! Do you like my suit?"
Ben laughed, he loved how comfortable he felt around Taylor.
"I love your suit. That's why I stare!"
"You're too cute. Where's mommy?" she chided.
"Out back getting ready. I take it you know the plot already?" Ben guessed that since she showed up in her bathing suit, she had a clue what the scene involved.
"Yep. Read her summary last night, everything except the dialog."
Ben grabbed his fully-charged camera and the tripod and headed for the back with Taylor right behind him.
"Okay, Mom. We're all set."
Tiffany waved to Taylor.
Ben laid the tripod out of sight by the lounge chair that Tiffany had set up near the pool.
"I'm not going to ask you any questions about what you would do or anything. I'm just going to do what I would normally do as if you weren't here," Ben told Taylor.
"Right. That's the idea. Just here to observe. I'll try to stay out of the way, but I will want to be close, is that okay?"
"Of course!"
Taylor slipped out of her skirt and cover up. Ben watched intently as she stepped out of the skirt, revealing her long legs. The bottoms were a thong and Ben's gaze was immediately drawn to her bare, tan ass.
Tiffany noticed the suit, too.
"I love that bikini, Taylor! You are so beautiful!" Tiffany walked up to Taylor and gave her a big hug. Ben savored the moment as he watched Taylor and his mom embrace, their bikini-clad tits smashing into each other creating an image he wouldn't likely ever forget.
'Holy Jesus...'
"That bikini looks like it should be illegal it's so hot, Tiffany!" Ben noticed Taylor admiring his mom. There was something about the attention she was giving her that gave him a vibe; one that suggested Taylor might be a little more interested in his mom than he had once thought. Ben's cock was now ready to go.
"Okay, ready, Mom?"
"Ready. I'll be working my way around the rose bushes so feel free to record me bending down and everything. I'll work according to the script."
Taylor stood off to the side watching the two exchange instructions. 'They're a real team. Always talking about what they're about to do. All Alex ever wanted to do was have sex. He had no clue about the importance of plot and setting.'
"Ben? Is it okay to stand here?" Taylor pointed to the ground near the hot tub that was part of the pool where she stood.
"Yeah. That's good."
Ben walked to the side of the yard where he began yesterday's scene. He suddenly felt a bit self-conscious having Taylor watching his every move.
He began recording.
The camera showed Ben unlatch the gate as his character, Ned, and slowly walk into the back yard. Ben overemphasized his heavy breathing to further add to the perverted old man character.
The camera recorded the path along the side of the yard to where it opened up to the area with the wrought-iron table and perennial garden.
The camera scanned the garden area and the side of the pool with the fountain and rocks. He pointed the camera down to detail his movement. Ben panned the camera across the garden area until Tiffany came into the frame, blurry at first.
"There she is." He made a grunting noise and used his scratchy, awkward voice.
He zoomed in and focused. The shot was Tiffany bent over at her hips, from behind. As he recorded, she even seemed to wag her ass for the camera. The shot was perfect, showing the back of her legs and her round, supple ass, barely concealed in the bikini bottom; just her backside with no view of her face at all. The light was awesome and you could see the pale skin of her butt and legs clearly.
Off to Ben's left, Taylor stood watching, well out of the shot. Ben made his way as Ned, creeping behind a bush, then darting to hide behind a chair, all while peeping on the unaware housewife going about her pruning duties.
Tiffany saw Ben scampering about in her peripheral vision, but continued to trim the flowers, making a point to face away from him and bend at the hips to give the best views of her body. The warm sun felt amazing on her skin and it was easy to forget they were filming a video at all.
Ben crept closer, now circling around to a landscaped copse of trees in front of Tiffany, ostensibly hiding behind their thin trunks, which was ridiculously impractical, but they ignored this for the purposes of the scene.
"Mmmm, that's it sweetie," Ben said creepily. "Give Ole Ned a show."
Tiffany was actually close enough to hear and see Ben fully, but pretended to be oblivious. She bent over, facing Ben, and reached down to the prized yellow and red roses in their raised bed. Ben zoomed right in on her dangling tits.
"Look at those titties, damn!" he grunted.
Tiffany snipped a few stems and added the roses to her collection in the basket. She set the basket down and adjusted her breasts in her top by grabbing the fabric and shaking them into a more comfortable position.
Taylor stood watching, back and forth, delighted to be observing them record first-hand. She admired their attention to the roles they played, and she couldn't ignore that Tiffany's body looked even more sexy in person than in high-definition.
Ben held the camera steady in the zoom setting filling the entire preview screen with her delicious-looking breasts. He moved positions one last time to get closer to the lounge chair where Tiffany would ultimately end up.
Tiffany walked slowly to a shorter table near some outdoor chairs by the side of the pool and placed the basket of flowers, pruning shears, and her gloves upon it. There was a hanky and a perspiring glass of ice water on the table. She took the handkerchief and wiped her brow, then fanned it over her face. She picked up the glass and took a long sip. Beads of water fell from the wet glass onto the top of her cleavage. Ben made sure to record this detail as he focused the camera on her chest. The cold water made her nipples stiffen, which was captured nicely.