
He quickly opened the information tab again and asked excitedly

"How long would it take me to build up enough energy to Transfer another person here?"

[504 days.]


"And I have 3 years? So not really an option then"

Disappointed by yet another false lead Daniel tried to rally and make sense of his situation.

"The main thing is I can bring them over; okay System, will they also have a System when they arrive?"

[Any human you transfer will receive the version of the System that will be used by God during the convergence]

"How does it differ to you?"

[The system you received has additional features, the currently accessible being: 1 – the ability to spawn new systems. 2 – an increased efficiency of approximately 10x.]

"Efficiency how?"

[The "Level up" speed is 10x that of the base system]


[The mana that is released when a magical creature is killed is primarily absorbed by the world itself, the remainder being split between on the spot random condensing (converted in to appropriate items for the level of mana condensed and the creature it originated from) and your personal growth (Exp)]

"What are the ratios?"

[For you: 85% lost, 5% condensed, 10% absorbed. For others: 94% lost, 5% condensed, 1% absorbed]

"So our loot drops are the same? That mana loss is insane though, I can't imagine how frustrating this will be for people. I guess that's why he wants to use some of Earth's energy to strengthen people on arrival."

"Ok so maybe it is an RPG, for now at least. Better see how my character sheet looks"

Opening up the Status window he was again presented with a pulsating light.

*Daniel*: Level 0

Exp: 16/20

HP: 27/30

MP: 0

Strength - 1

Endurance - 1

Agility - 0

Intelligence - 0

Wisdom – 1

*Transfer energy – 32


Dimensional Transfer LV 1

Storage space LV 0

"My name?"

[Please enter a valid user name]

"Why? What's wrong with my name? No, I'll stick with Daniel. Show me my skills details"

The light continued to pulse and stubbornly did not move, trying to refocus on the skills list did not make any change and he soon realised by opening this tab he had locked himself in to the process.

"Why do I need to change my name?"

[As Earth's representative and the Beacon of humanity your identity must be distinctly different from your given name. note: this will not be necessary with other Systems]

"I guess he did think about PR after all, so I need to give myself a title? How about "Daniel the saviour"?"

[Please enter a valid user name]


[Please enter a valid username]

"Oh god, it's going to be so cringe trying to justify this later. Maybe just lean into it and go with Dark blade Edge lord or something."

"Ok, As God said I guess I do see myself as a herald… and my main thing will be travelling back and forth between worlds to steal and sell stuff… it is pretty perfect"

"Ok – but I am not mentioning this to anyone until I absolutely have to. Enter user name Hermes"

[Username confirmed and changed – Congratulations Hermes]

"Yeah thanks, now let me see my skill descriptions"

{Dimensional Transfer: LV 1}

[Able to transfer himself from Eden to Earth freely using the world's own mana to achieve the transfer, due to the relative sizes of the two planets transfer locations are unpredictable]

[Able to transfer himself from Earth to Eden freely at a fixed transfer energy cost of 1890, due to the relative sizes of the two planets transfer locations are unpredictable]

[Able to transfer anything from Earth to Eden at a cost of transfer energy based on the relative value of the item (Combined perceived, physical, data intensive and compatibility) all items from any location will arrive at the Beachhead and be placed in storage]

[All humans transferred will receive the System interface and arrive through the Beachheads primary column]

[Current Transfer Energy: 32]

{Storage Space: LV 0}

[Able to store items within a private pocket dimension tied specifically to the user]

[Anything within the storage space during dimensional transfer will be abandoned in the origin dimension]

[Current space 30cm3]

"Ok let's give this a go then"

Focusing on the skill Storage space Daniel looked at his phone and watched it immediately disappear in the same way the pathetic gems had. Then opening his Inventory tab he found the phones picture along with a brief description [Phone – Junk item – battery 82%]


Realising how useful this would have been when hunting the Slimes he also decided to store his hammer, checking again he was surprised to find this had actually been sent to his Equipment tab and was set as his primary weapon. The segmented outline of his body showing just the hammer, his underwear and his shoes, the shoes being outlined in a dull grey colour. Focusing on the shoes he noticed a durability metre which, unsurprisingly given the state of them was at zero.

"Looking good"

After a bout of half-hearted finger guns he sighed and looked back towards the CONVERTER panel

"Are you kidding me?"

[3 copper, receive now?]

"What the hell am I going to do with 3 copper? Even a wooden sword is out of my reach!"

Kicking the column in frustration he received an all too clear reminder about the state of his shoes and realised how useless they were to him now; then the whole reason God had brought him here came back to him.

"Would these count? They're barely more than scraps now"

They had been nice shoes, his only nice shoes in fact but given how barely they were still holding together he didn't think it was much of a loss to give them up.

Taking the shoes off and holding them in front of him he again focused his intention for the machine, the shoes were immediately converted into light and flowed through the panel giving him an instantaneous monetary value.

[82 copper, receive now?]

"?!? They're practically rags! How can just junk be worth more than magic gems! Is this really the difference between Earth resources and Eden resources?"

Thinking it through he realised the reason he got such good value from these was that there was no loss and that the world around him had no claim on the energy this conversion provided.

He had been having thoughts of trading in his tools in hopes of earning enough for even a wooden sword but with this new realisation he was able to look at the mangled remains of his toolbox and the warped metal of his unsalvageable tools with greedy excitement.

"This rubbish is going to make me rich?"

[1 silver 82 copper, receive now?]

[73 copper, receive now?]

[28 copper, receive now?]

[68 copper, receive now?]

He looked at his intact tools and considered their potential value, the rush of actually being able to advance was taking hold but he then thought about how long he was likely to be spending here and how sparse the resources he had at hand really were.

"I don't even know if I could still make a fire and shelter, giving up my saw and string doesn't seem like a good idea"

"No, it's all about balance I have to be careful not to get carried away"

While musing on this he had even considered his phone, but if he was saving his tools for a fire he couldn't very well give up his only torch.

"Okay so I've got 5 silver 96 copper, I need to figure out what I really need"

Given he had been here for a couple of hours now and had started his day without breakfast he thought it might not be a bad idea to get equipped and try to hunt something for breakfast.

"Games usually have at least some wild boars in the starter zone right? I don't think I'm going to be able to eat those slimes''

Once at the Store panel he searched a few basic items and got the outline of what he'd need together; the "Basic cloth shirt" was not comfortable but it didn't itch so he got a full set, the "Basic cloth shoes" were basically just rough socks but given how cold he was getting he was grateful for anything at this point.

A small pouch, some rough rope, 5 wooden spears and a "Fine" wooden sword made him feel as prepared as he could be and left him with 76 copper to his name.

Seeing clouds on the horizon and plenty of Slimes between him and the closest clutch of trees he had decided on heading towards he felt his hunger even more keenly.

"I should see if there are any fire starters on this list."

Seeing the cost of a flint and steel he immediately regretted his purchases and turned around to grab his few remaining tools to use as converter fuel. It was then that he realised how hard it was going to be to butcher a pig with a hacksaw and a hammer.

"Oh shit, there's no way I have enough left for a knife; even if I find a pig this is going to be beyond messy. There must be some other option, maybe there are berries or carrots or something"

And then the most obvious answer in the world clicked and he turned back slowly to the store panel; half anticipating and half cursing himself he thought the words "Breakfast food" at the device.