Circus freak

"So if I kill something with this bow and quiver I can get triple exp, that's so broken, I can power level like crazy"

"Yeah, if you just hunted slimes you could reach level 1 in a day, probably be level 4 before Tom gets there"

"I'll get practising this week then, finally something I can get ready with that isn't just treadmill"

She was already well toned before this so the gains she was making from exercise were minimal, Daniel soon found himself wondering what effect the stat increases would have on her figure and must have let his eyes wander with his thoughts.

"Hey, by mortal standards I'm doing alright, wait until I get the magic points then start checking me out alright?"

"Haha, yeah, sorry, I'll save it for transfer day"


"Kidding! Look, I'm going to need you to talk to Sarah about this whole thing as soon as, you think it would be better if I was there to prove it or what?"

"I'm going to pretend I didn't notice the segue there as we move the conversation towards the hot blond bartender and just go with it. I'll need you there, it'll be weird but time frame wise we don't have much choice. It's not too late right now, I'm going to call her and have her meet us here tomorrow night. I think her latest boyfriend is about at expiration date anyway so I doubt she'll be too busy with him."

"I don't think we've ever been together just the 3 of us come to think of it"

"Yeah, but given some of the conversations I had with here when you and I were together I think she's going to be more than fine with the idea, I seem to remember mentioning magic hands to her then too"

"Really? Sarah? She doesn't!"

"Tom said you were a brain dead MC, did you mention a perception attribute?"

"Speaking of, Tom's going to have to be the third across now, no way I'm wasting this opportunity"

"Hot blond 1 – fate of the human race 0"

"Ha, alright, tomorrow night, you staying here tonight btw? Toms latest message said 9am for tomorrow"

"You really should have a perception stat, have you seen your house? I've already moved in."

The next morning they woke up late and were nursing their heads as Tom came in. They were distinctly unsurprised to see him in full workout gear having run over, a large rucksack on his back.

Having Daniel Retell everything that happened to him, Tom was overjoyed to hear about the quest system and particularly interested in both the Dwarf tomb and the lights Daniel had seen; he also spent a long time explaining the multiple uses of honey and won Melissa over by explaining how to make mead.

"You definitely need a base bitch, we're not going to be able to afford the resources to keep using the beachhead to butcher your kills, given even the beavers almost killed you none of us would stand a chance for months"

"Who did you have in mind?"

"For now, me, it won't matter until there are more of us anyway and I've been studying, long term we'll need a butcher, tailor, everything, microbiologists and soldiers aren't going to help us until later, you need tradesmen"

"I know a butcher, He's got a family though, wife and kids"

"Perfect, use that"

"How? He won't want to leave them"

"I didn't want to leave my family but I'm not an idiot. It's simple you say "Hey, this is going to happen in 3 years, You can either come with me now and get strong enough to protect you kids or wait until it's too late and watch them get eaten as zombies swarm you""

"Jesus, that's harsh"

"I know, but you can't bring everyone's loved ones along, you need to be selective and it's the best choice for him, frankly once you convince someone it's real it will be the best option in their mind whatever you say after. This is not complicated, it's just really hard"

"Okay, fine. For now, who are your choices for coming over after this batch, as it stands I've got Melissa then you then Sarah, who's next you think?"

"Maria, then Josh, then your butcher friend."


"With us weaklings there and increasingly limited resources we need a medic ASAP, we won't be able to afford a health potion for a broken leg and won't be able to tell how serious certain injuries are just from HP number, aside from that she's married to the job and will be interested in helping people primarily. Long term it wouldn't be bad to have a medical professional able to be on the scene and acclimated when the convergence happens so she needs to level up fast."

"Josh you know, he's more of a survival nut than me, frankly the only reason not to bring him is the fear of him trying to make us all live in bunkers. He'll be in his element and can get his hands dirty, worst case scenario; he's good with fires and the like, he can gather wood"

"Then your butcher friend, I don't exactly have a lot of experience stripping animals and we're losing a lot by using the Beachhead, he'll basically make everything you do more efficient, not just food but more bones and teeth for tools. Impressive that the beachhead gives a whole pelt every time though, I doubt he'd be as efficient on that."

"Okay, good reasons, then how do we go about recruiting them? Melissa, Sarah is coming round tonight right? Shall we take the opportunity while I'm here to demonstrate for Maria and Josh too?"

After some discussion it was agreed Daniel and Melissa would bring Sarah on board tonight, Daniel, Tom and Melissa would do the same with Maria the next morning, her erratic work schedule working well for them there and then Daniel and Tom would handle Josh that evening.

His butcher friend Bruce would have to wait, but given the other two didn't know Bruce it wouldn't be too hard to handle after they were already over. The next couple of days flashed by. Sarah was distraught but eventually won over by him describing the taste of even the simplest food over there and the promise that she could keep her perfect figure with attribute points rather than exercise, after some negotiation on beauty products to be brought over she was more sold and, as Tom predicted would always be the case, thankful for them taking her. She wouldn't be his first choice as a survivor but he knew Melissa would need her best friend over there. Besides which, he was selected purely through luck, who was he to judge who was worthy of a head start.

Maria took it all in stride and after far too many party tricks for Daniel's liking she was on board. The strangest part of that interaction being the way she wanted to disappear, she was adamant to avoid suspicion of so many people moving abroad for years they should have some suicides, she wanted to make it look like she'd jumped in to the sea and her true crime loving side came out as she described the things they'd have to do to lay the ground work, when she left she was planning to start searching things to make her internet history more convincing.

"I think she was more excited about the forensic mystery she'd be leaving than the magic world, you'll have to transfer her the newspapers and reports they issue"

"At least she was excited?"

"The sooner we get her out of that hospital the better for everyone"


Josh was like Tom but more so, he wanted in depth descriptions of the wildlife and conditions, frankly seemed disappointed with the knowledge he wouldn't be sleeping in a dirt hole and ended up arguing with Tom about the essential survival gear they'd need to take over for most of the evening. He was more interested in Daniel's physical strength than the magic by a long way and tested him on what he could lift rather than any of his spells.

By the time the third day back had rolled around the chat group was much larger, Maria having bought a secret phone with cash for the very purpose.

All the transferring he did these few days had netted him a fair bit of silver to take back with him and he had also used some energy to take over some self-care items. It was the morning of his third day back on Earth when he was preparing to go back, Melissa had headed back to work to prepare the ever panicking Stephan for her departure and Tom was on the road travelling to a glass blowing enthusiast who he wanted to learn from.

Daniel once again enjoyed the wonder of his home shower before heading back to the new world.