
[60 exp]

[Status Effect applied]

[60 exp]

Half an hour later Daniel looked at his surroundings again while drinking some more mana potion.

"Rinse and repeat"

He'd worked his way almost to the back of the circular cave now, whenever he engaged the imps they'd always try to lure him either closer to the edge or to another group.

"It's like they care more about tricking me than their own lives"

[Status Effect applied]

As the two imps hiding ahead flew off laughing Daniel just sighed and followed them, they were already close to the end of the chamber now, he could see from here there was a column of rock at the end of the safe path, he assumed there was a door at the end of the path leading inside, from here though all he could do was walk around this column to the other side of the circular swamp chamber before heading back to the path through one of the openings.