Tapping a couple of times beforehand so as not to be impolite he gently moved the lid of the sarcophagus to one side, even with his strength stat it was not easy.
"Of course"
The stairs he found inside were narrow and steep, to fit the secret entrance it seemed the architect had had to put health and safety on a back burner.
It was a slow climb down, handling the torch from his inventory and using the roots and vines sprouting from the bare dirt walls he spent a difficult 5 minutes until he reached the tomb proper. The stairs had started to spiral as he climbed leading him to think he was directly below the entrance.
"Could still be worth it for a family who wanted to live in a bunker, though I don't think I would."
The earth roof was visibly sagging and one of the corners had crumbled in, clumps of old stone and earth having spilled out across the floor.