By the time they ate dinner, everyone was pretty stoned and buzzed. And the conversation reflected their lowered inhibitions. Chris and Craig were sitting on one lounge sofa and Calvin and Alex were on the other. There being no room for him on either, Randy sat on the grass.

"So what do you want to do for your birthday," Craig asked Calvin as he sat next to Chris, his arm across the back of the sofa and his hand touching Chris' shoulder.

"I was thinking tomorrow we could all check out the amusement park that's down here," Calvin responded, while Alex casually had a hand on one of Calvin's bare legs, "I've never been."

"I'm down for that," Craig agreed, "But that's not exactly what I meant. I feel bad that Matty's not here to give you your regular birthday present."

"Who's Matty," Alex asked, looking at Calvin with a hint of jealousy in his voice, "And what's the present?"

"Matty's my boy back home," Craig answered, "And the present, well each birthday, Matty would give Calvin a lap dance and blowjob."

"And I can vouch for Matty," Chris jumped in, "He gives a great blowjob. And is a great fuck."

"Wait, what, you got to fuck Matty," Calvin sounded offended, "Craig never lets anyone fuck Matty, only use his mouth."

"I was feeling generous," Craig casually responded, "Chris and I were bonding on the camping trip and what better way to bond than to share your bitch."

"I thought I ranked better than that," Calvin joked, "I expect to get to try that pussy out when Matty comes down for a visit!"

"You got it," Craig agreed, laughing and smiling as he looked around at them all, his gaze ending at Randy, "I wonder if there's anyone that could fill in for him."

"That would be awesome," Calvin turned to Randy, "I mean, I'd settle for a foot rub. Nothing crazy."

Randy knew that even though it appeared he was being asked, he didn't have a choice. So he scooted in front of Calvin, who promptly dropped his feet in Randy's lap. So he took one of Calvin's feet in his hands and began to massage it as he continued to listen to the group,

"Don't look too shocked, Alex," Chris spoke up, "You know I swing both ways and Matty's a pretty boy. You'd like him. And don't worry, he's not competition."

"You better say that," Alex said, "Else you ain't ever hitting this again."

"Hold up," Craig was now the one to sound surprised as he looked from Chris to Alex, "Are you telling me that you two have hooked up?"

"Guess it's a night of revealing secrets," Chris shrugged and gave Craig a cocky grin, "Guys get horny and nothing wrong with a buddy helping another buddy out. Am I right?"

"Damn right," Calvin answered, as he looked at Randy. While his one foot was being massaged, he used the toes of his other foot to hook Randy's swim trunks and pull them down, so his hard dick sprung out, "Anyone else have something to share?"

Randy squirmed at the question, fearing one of them would share one of his secrets or that he'd be forced to admit he sucked Chris. Although, if he was being honest with himself, Chris had fucked his. He shifted around uncomfortably, trying to turn his back so Chris and Craig wouldn't see his boner. Calvin wouldn't allow him to close his legs and instead alternated between stepping on Randy's hard on and tapping at his balls with the foot that Randy wasn't massaging. To add to Randy's torment, Calvin pulled his foot out of Randy's grasp and put it in front of his face.

"Give it a kiss," Calvin's stare made he clear what was expected, "Treat Daddy like a king on his birthday."

Chris laughed out loud, thinking it was a joke. But Randy did as he was told and pressed his lips to the sole of Calvin's foot. At the same time, Calvin used the other foot to toy with Randy's leaking cock. He raised that foot to Randy's face and Randy could see the glint of his precum on the bottom of the foot. Randy hesitated for just a moment, and Calvin rewarded him with a gentle foot tap to the face. Chris chuckled again, imagining Calvin was just playing with his best friend.

"There ya go," Calvin praised Randy, once he'd not only kissed the foot offered, but used his tongue to clean up his leakage, "That's a good boy."

"Thank you, Daddy,"

Calvin's face beamed when he heard Randy call him that in front of everyone. Randy didn't dare turn to look at Chris, who wasn't laughing anymore. What could he possibly be thinking of Randy, likely suspecting something was going on. How did he get to this point. Why did he allow Calvin to do this. He could easily stand up or tell Calvin to fuck off. Yet he didn't. It hadn't even crossed his mind. He wanted to be a good boy and meant it when he said thank you to Calvin. And he noticed how his dick jumped when the word Daddy came out of his mouth.

"Matty is a lucky boy," Alex said, his grip tightened on Calvin's thigh as he stared intently at Chris and Craig, "You must have trained him well, Craig."

"Why don't you come over here," Craig offered.

Both Calvin and Randy watched as Alex moved off the sofa and sank down to his knees. He leaned forward and rubbed his face in Craig's crotch and reached over and massaged Chris crotch, stroking at the hard cock through the swim suit.

"So how about the rest of my birthday present," Calvin suggested to Randy, gripping him under the chin to turn his face to look at him.

Randy didn't hesitate. Already on his knees, he just leant forward and pulled Calvin's dick out of the swim trunks. He stared at the already hard cock, admiring the thickness, the size of his balls, before he took the head in his mouth and began to suck on it gently. He wanted to give Calvin a nice gift. And it was a way to take his mind off how painful it was to watch Alex about to suck on Craig and Chris. But it was still torture, knowing that Chris had to be watching him suck another man's dick. He tried to push back the embarrassment he felt again displaying himself as a cocksucker in front of his best friend. He hoped that he might get to suck Chris again, but he didn't know if he could bring himself to ask for it as Chris expected.

For his part, Calvin let Randy control the blowjob. He just laid back and enjoyed it, petting the top of Randy's head and pressing down lightly to encourage him to go down. In less than a minute, Calvin's dick was hitting the back of Randy's throat. He pulled off it slowly, lips wrapped tight around the shaft, enjoying the taste of precum soaking his tongue. Calvin pressed him back down and continued to press even once his cock was again at the entrance of Randy's throat. But he allowed Randy to come back up, and they repeated this motion over and over.

"Nice Randy," He heard Chris say from behind them, "I'm happy you feel comfortable enough with all of us to be yourself."

Hearing his best friend make that comment, only reminded Randy how he was on his knees sucking dick in the middle of a group of men. It helped that Alex was doing the same, and Randy could hear the slurping and moaning that indicated what was happening behind him.

"Come sit next to us Cal," Craig offered, "That way these two have access to even more dick."

Calvin stood, still holding Randy by the back of the head and didn't let him off his cock. He took a few steps over to where Chris and Craig were sitting, forcing Randy to crawl backwards while still sucking cock. Randy could only imagine how he must look. But then Calvin stopped and turned, guiding Randy around until he was now facing all three men. Chris, Craig and Calvin, all sitting on the sofa, and Alex on his knees beside him.

Calvin switched over to take charge and began to pump his dick into Randy's mouth, as Randy watched Alex alternating between the two dicks he was holding. Randy's dick was dripping like a faucet, turned on to be surrounded by such sexy men. Alex had moved back to work on Chris, so Craig pulled Randy off of Calvin. There was no denying that Craig had the biggest cock there and Randy's lips strained to stretch around it.

He glanced over and felt jealous watching Alex get to suck on the one dick here that Randy wanted most. And when he looked up and saw Chris watching him suck at Craig's cock, he felt ashamed. It should be Chris' cock he was sucking. All he had to do was admit that to his friend.

It went on like that for awhile, Alex switching back and forth between Chris and Craig, and Randy between Craig and Calvin. Two cocksuckers, three cocks. Randy tried to avoid Chris' gaze but couldn't help but look up to see if he was watching. As he and Chris made eye contact and his friend smiled down at him in a smirk, Craig pulled Chris' face toward him and kissed him on the mouth. There he was, mouth stuffed with Craig's cock, watching Craig's tongue explore Chris' mouth. Randy felt his balls tightening up, seeing these two hot men make out.

Calvin pulled Randy's attention away from the show above him, when he decided to slide his cock into Randy's mouth along side Craig's. And Craig, being the good friend he was, pulled out his thick cock until just the head was left in Randy's mouth, making room for Calvin. Now Randy was sucking two cocks at the same time. He jumped when he felt a hand slide under his swim trunks. As best he could, he turned his head to look at Alex sucking Chris, just as two of Alex's fingers slipped into Randy's pussy.

Randy's mouth was stretched painfully as both Craig and Calvin tried to get their dicks deeper. When Alex's finger rubbed at a spot in his cunt that made Randy moan and jump, he went down further on the two cocks in pure lust. Having found the spot he'd been looking for, Alex didn't stop and instead fingered Randy's ass even more aggressively.

He couldn't help but think to himself about how this week had changed him. Ever since that first night at his new job as Pablo's whore, Randy's need to please only got stronger. After a week of near constant use at work and home, he didn't even try to resist. He didn't want to resist. He wanted this. Needed it. And yet he still felt shame for that, it still felt wrong. And he had wanted to hide it from Chris especially. Yet here he was, two dicks in his mouth, fingers fucking his cunt, Chris sitting right there able to see it all. And somehow, Randy still felt like he was missing something. And that something was Chris' cock.

Calvin was the first to go. He tugged Randy over to take his cock exclusively just as his cock began to spew hot cum down Randy's throat. The cum that managed to hit Randy's tongue tasted amazing and Randy was forced to accept that he enjoyed sucking cock and swallowing cum. He craved it. Once Calvin had withdrew his cock from Randy's face, Craig pulled Randy back to his. And Randy and Alex serviced Craig and Chris, while Alex continued to manipulate his ass, driving Randy crazy.

Randy could see Chris and Craig still making out, when Craig shoved down on the back of Randy's head and forced him fully onto his cock. He pumped like this, fucking Randy's throat deeper and deeper, until he moaned loudly. Randy knew this man was cumming from the cock pulsing in his throat, and he struggled to not pass out. He wanted to be a good bitch and allow Craig to finish. But Craig's load seemed endless and Randy had to shove at Craig's thighs to get himself off the cock to gasp for air. This meant that Craig's cock sprayed cum all over Randy's face.

As this all happened, Chris began to cum as a result of Alex's efforts. It was all too much for Randy, Alex playing with his ass, Craig's hot cum coating his face, his best friend having an orgasm next to him. Randy felt his balls finally release and cum began to ooze out of his cock. In was an intense feeling, not having his load stroked out but instead having Alex finger it out through his ass. Randy didn't have long to enjoy that sensation, before Alex yanked his fingers out and bent Randy over to take Alex's cock in his mouth. And that's how the night ended, Alex being the last of the group to cum. Randy enjoyed Alex's cock, the only uncut one there. He tried to ignore the fact that everyone's attention was now on him as he knelt on all fours sucking Alex and working for his load. It didn't take long before he was rewarded.

Alex howled when he came and Randy did his best to gulp down all the cum that Alex fed him. But some escaped the corners of his mouth, adding to Craig's cum cooling on his face. He knelt up when it was obvious Alex had finished, and Chris was again smirking at him, having witness Randy taking three cocks, the evidence coating his face. Randy closed his eyes and tried to not think about what all this meant for their friendship.