Little Insight

6 Years Later

"Anesu daddy is calling you ," Little Aneni said as she held her waist standing by their bedroom door .

The two little twins had grown up so much ,they looked like their dad but also had their mom's features and behaviour. They walked down the stairs hand in hand ensuring that the other would not fall.

"Here are our Iron hearts ," Jungkook exclaimed as he carried little Aneni into his arms and Jimin carried Anesu into his arms.

"Daddy!!" they both said in excitement.

"Are you ready for the big day?"

"Yesss!!" the twins said .

"That's the spirit now let's go and get you both ready we are so late ," Jungkook said walking up the stairs .

"Daddy how come you all are having a big party using your big name when you no longer sing together?" Anesu asked Jimin.

"We haven't stopped singing and yes we might not be one band but we are family ,this big party we are having is to celebrate something special .We want to just celebrate this day with our big Army family ,now do you understand?"Jimin explained.

"Why did you guys leave the big name ?"

"It was time we did as we all had many more things to do alone ,just like you two eventually will live your separate lives but will always be together just not physically ,"Jungkook explained while choosing outfits for the twins.

"Oh now i get it ,just like daddy Jin now acts in movies he wouldn't be able to do so much acting if he was singing with you all the time ," Aneni said .

"Yes ,you guys are so smart ,now let's get dressed quickly ," Jungkook said as he dressed them in their favourite Iron man clothes ,he was a proud father as his own kids loved Iron man too just like him and Anashe .Whenever they want to watch a movie they always want to watch iron man and their fathers videos and songs .

They drove to the big stadium where they would be having their Anniversary concert for the last time . They arrived there and the kids ran to their other fathers and hugged them as if they hadn't seen them in a long time .

"Monkeys," Namjoon said kissing their foreheads .

"Joon daddy ," Aneni said holding Namjoon's cheeks and kissing his forehead .

"Grandpa !" they both exclaimed as they ran towards BangPD , "Oh my little Criminals ," he said as he hugged them both.

BTS went on stage and performed a few songs ,they then said their one last speech together and thanked Army for everything .When they were done Aneni and Anesu ran to the stage and Yoongi quickly picked Aneni up and Jin picked Anesu as they turned to the crowd .

"We have been hiding something from everyone of you for 6 years now ," Nmajoon started .

"6 years ago someone gifted us with two angels but sadly she had to leave us with them ," Taehyung said.

"Meet our two biological children Aneni and Anesu ," Jin said .

The crowd went crazy , "Say hi Army ," Jungkook said putting the mic on Aneni's lips .

"Hello Armyyy!!" Aneni said smiling and waving at them .The crowd screamed hello back and they went crazy in shock and excitement .

"We hope you accept them and love them as they have also joined the Army family ,"Hoseok said kissing his kids cheeks .

They put them down and they bowed in front of everyone in appreciation and gratitude and Army started chanting "Kim Namjoon! Kim Seokjin! Min Yoongi! Jung Hoseok! Park Jimin! Kim Taehyung! Jeon Jungkook! BTS!"

"Daddy there were so many people ,you are really famous," Aneni said holding her Hoseok's hand .

"Yes there were so many people i couldn't even count them ," Anesu said holding Yoongi's hand and Aneni's hand too.

"Brother!!" Aneni said leaving her dad and Anesu's hand running to TXT who was sitting by the couch in the recess room waiting for them.

Beomgyu picked Aneni up and spun her around while he kissed her cheeks , " Mosquito!" Beomgyu said .

"Yeonssi," Anesu said jumping on Yeonjun .

"Kaiii!!" Aneni said hugging him tightly , " Princess," Huening Kai said hugging her too.

"SooTae ," Anesu said hugging both Soobin and Taehyun ,they were real siblings and really loved each other so much .

Their family was complete and happy ,everyone loved each other and they cherished each other ,even though they would fight at times but they always made up and loved each other even more .

"Aneni Look at that star mommy is looking at us right now," Anesu said pointing to the brighter star .He held his little sister's hand and they leaned on each other looking at the star , " Mommy loves us and we love her too that's why she is always here ," Aneni said .

"Iron Hearts!" Hoseok said getting out through the small roof entrance ,he bought a house that had a rooftop so that the twins could come see the stars whenever they wanted and talk to their mother .The roof was intensely made safe as their fathers didn't want to risk anything.

"Daddy," Aneni said .

"Are we watching stars and talking to mommy?"

"Yes ,when is grandpa and others arriving ?"

"They just arrived let's go and greet them ," Hoseok said putting out his hands for them to hold .They got to the lounge and they ran to their grandpa ,Anashe's dad .


"My babies ,you are so big."

"We know our daddies feed us a lot ," they both said .

They hugged the rest of the Ambani family and they all ate togther and went to the rooftop to converse and catch up .Ayesha,jungkook and Fakir were sitting with the twins while they laid ontop of each other looking up in the sky .

"We love you Anashe because of you we got together and became a big family ,my crystal rain," Ayesha said .

"family reunion cannot be complete without Us !" Ji-Woo said ,Hoseok's sister said with her husband by her side .

"Aunty ,Uncle ," the twins said running to their aunt and uncle .

"These two have been running all day and screaming ,only one person can be as active as them,I always wondered where she got all that energy but now i know ," Jimin said .

"Anashe," everyone said laughing as they remembered how active Anashe was before and during pregnancy especially during her pregnancy .

Right then and then it felt like home and indeed it was home where they belonged together .

Little insight End :)))