Chapter 1 - Avant-garde

Today is Henry's 15th birthday, and he decided to celebrate it with Sera. After talking about it, they decided to go to the new restaurant that had just opened after school.

"The food here is not bad, not gonna lie." Henry says as he starts eating his food.

"Maybe that is your food. Mine's bland as hell." Sera responds snarkily.

"You order a salad."


Henry chuckles.


"Are you on a diet again?"

"Well, don't you want your girlfriend to be slim and cute?"

"Well yeah, but today is a special day. Just eat whatever you want, it's not going to affect you anyway. You are already perfect in my eyes. Plus, it's on me."

Sera blushes at his comment before realizing something.

"Wait a minute, today is your birthday! Why are you the one paying? No-no-no, today is the day I spoil you." She said before ordering spaghetti.

"While we wait for my food, I want to give you something." She put her hand on her bag and took something from it.

"Here." She hands it to Henry.

"What is it?"

"Open it, it's no fun if it's just me telling you."


Henry then opens the gift box to take a look at the gift.

"A pocket watch?" he wondered out loud why she chose this gift.

"Yes, and it's not just any pocket watch. The watch's background will turn into a picture of us at night." She happily explained.

"Thanks, Sera. I really love it." He smiles happily at the gift he just received. That reason alone is enough for his question to be answered.

Soon, Sera's food arrives, and they start eating the food again, but this time Henry can't stop playing with the watch. Sera smiled, looking at Henry as she ate her food.

After they finished eating their food, they continued talking together. Soon evening came without them realizing it. Henry put the watch in his pocket as they get ready to leave the restaurant.

On the way home, they talk about a lot of things. They smile together, they laugh together, and so on. He felt happy about how today had turned out for him.

"Thank you, Sera, for everything you have done. Even when I was being bullied and all, you were still by my side. I promise you, one day, I will become someone as respectable as our father and return the favor.

"You are welcome, Henry." She smiled as she held his hand tightly.

"Wait a minute." Henry stopped walking.


"I forgot something important at school."

"Do you want me to follow you there?"

"Nah, it's okay. You go back first. Our house is already nearby, after all."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's okay, Sera. I love you." He kisses her on the cheek and starts going the opposite way.

After 10 minutes of walking, he arrives at a flower shop. Truthfully, he did not forget anything at school. He actually was planning on giving Sera her favorite flowers as a thank you for earlier.

After buying the lily flower, which is Sera's favorite, he starts walking back to his house, smiling ear to ear, while imagining Sera's reaction when he gives her this flower.

"I hope she will like this gi-"


Henry fell to the ground unconscious.

"Put him in the van."

"How about his bag and this.. flower?"

"Leave it there. Just take him in."

"Okay, sir!"

The mysterious guy then drags Henry into the van and slowly closes the door.