Chapter 4 - Flame

As soon as Henry heard that, he quickly woke up and looked outside. Everyone from the rebel force can be seen hurrying to their post as fast as they can.

"Henry! Go quickly to the South West tower and help them as much as you can!"

Brock can be seen giving orders to everyone so that everything will be under control.

"Roger, Sir!"

Without missing a beat, he starts running to the South West tower, not to help but to observe the overall situation. This is the only chance left for him to escape from here. He has to make use of this situation.

A few seconds later, Brock didn't even see Henry's figure anymore.

"Brock! Why are we not escaping right now?!" asked a rebel, panicking.

"Are you dumb?! If we run, what about all the weapons and everything here?! We can't just lose it like that! I have called the main base, and they are sending help right now! We just need to defend this place for a while and escape when they have arrived!" Brock replies.

"And even if the situation goes south, we can just escape by going to the north! We are deep in the forest, remember?!" He added.


Henry arrives at the South West tower and starts helping the rebel while thinking about how he can escape.

He does all the small work, such as passing the magazine and putting bullets into the magazine to avoid accidentally killing any of Erusea's soldiers himself.

The south is the entrance of the rebel base, and although it is the entrance, the way to get here is very hard because it is so deep into the forest. This makes it difficult for a lot of vehicles to pass through.

This means that Erusea's soldiers are possibly attacking this base with only numbers and limited weaponry. Henry feels worried that the country's army will be defeated after the rebel support arrives, so he starts thinking of a way to help them.

"Henry, go take the ammunition from the armory!"

'The armory!' He yells in his mind as he comes up with an idea.

"On my way, Sir!" He shouts as he quickly runs to the north.

The rebels' only armory is located in the northeast east of the base. The kids here are never allowed to enter, even after they start being one of them, so we never know what the inside looks like.

Usually, no one is there as the base hotspot is at the center, but if Henry needs to bet on who will be guarding the armory right now, it will be-

"Sir Harrison! I need a lot of 7.62mm and a few grenades!" as he was out of breath from running too fast.

"Wait here, Henry! Let me put them in a bag first."

Harrison hurriedly searched inside the armory for what Henry asked for. As he starts stuffing the 7.62mm into a bag, a gun-


-shot can be heard.

"Urgh, what are you doing, Henry?!" Harrison yells as he realizes that he just got shot in the back by Henry.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I need to do what's right.." Henry says before putting a hole in Harrison's head.

"You are a nice guy, Harrison. But you made a wrong decision by joining the rebels." Henry then closes Harrison's eyes before continuing his plan.

Henry takes whatever he can and straps it to himself as fast as he can. He then searches for a Molotov or any inflammable liquid to burn the place.

After searching the armory for molotovs, he finally finds one. Still, he didn't see any lighter nearby to light it on fire. He then uses the alternative way nearly every human knows.

He proceeds to throw all the molotovs around the armory and on the ground and starts shooting at the gasoline to create a fire. But even after many attempts at shooting at it, a fire didn't start.

"What the fuck?! Why is it not catching on fire?! Is GTA lying to me?!" He complained as this is not the time for him to be proven wrong.

The repeating gunshots from him shooting the gasoline have caught some of the rebels' attention. Knowing this, Henry starts trying to come up with another way. He kept thinking and thinking of how he could start a fire, and after a moment, he got an idea.

Henry then goes back into the armory, puts any guns he can find on the ground and lubes them with the gasoline. He then grabs the biggest sniper he can find and load it with full-metal-jacket bullets.

"If this doesn't fucking work, I'm fucking going to start killing myself!" he yelled as he began shooting on the gun's metal part to create a spark.

Luckily for him, it creates a fire, and soon the fire engulfs the armory in a big flame. He then runs as far as he can into the deep forest to hide.

After around 50 meters from the base, he climbed a tree to hide himself. He then uses the scope of a sniper he had detached just now to observe the rebel's base.

He can see a lot of rebels coming to check the source of the gunshot sound and their shocked reaction after knowing that the armory is on fire.

Throughout the time after that, he just sits on the tree, quietly waiting for the rebels to lose. He did not need a lot of time until he saw a rebel retreat into the forest, and as time went by, the count increased.

Although he wanted to shoot them, he kept himself from doing it as it could risk him getting caught and getting shot back. But that changes after he sees the army chase the rebels.

The rebels are too focused on running from the army to look up the trees. In addition, multiple gunshots from the soldiers and the rebels can somewhat mask his gunshot and make his location harder to locate.

Seeing now as the perfect time, Henry starts to shoot his AK at the rebels until the last of his bullets. He never had this much fun in a while, at least after the rebels kidnapped him. He smiles after seeing all the rebels that have put him into this hellish experience are being shot dead in his hand.


After he and the army finished killing the remaining rebels, he jumped down the tree to greet the army.

He drops all his weapons, puts his hands up not to look intimidating, and starts walking slowly to greet the army forces.


"Are you the one who b-"

"Yes, I'm the one who burns their armory." Henry answered without even letting the leader finish his question.

"I was also the reason why these guys are dead." He added while pointing his finger at the rebel corpses inside the forest.

All the soldiers except the leader then looked behind Henry just to see dozens of dead rebels. Some of them can be seen with a surprised faces, possibly because of how many corpses there are.

"How old are you?" One voice can be heard from behind the leader. This voice, however, sounds rather feminine.

"I'll be 16 in 5 months."

"Whoa, that's even younger than me.." She says with a surprised face.

"What's your name, kid?" the leader asked.

"It's Henry, Henry Whitlock."

"So Henry,"

"Have you ever thought of joining the army?"