Chapter 8 - Sera?

*chirp chirp*

The sounds of birds can be heard chirping, showing that it is now morning.


Henry just woke up from sleeping and is currently staring into the ceiling, thinking about where he is.

'Oh, right, I'm home now. It's been years since I saw this ceiling that I already forgot about it.' He thought to himself before chuckling.

Henry then stands up from his bed and walks to the shower to ready himself. He had a lot to do today as he is now back home.

After he finishes wearing his clothes, he goes downstairs to eat breakfast. As he makes his way to the kitchen, he sees someone familiar sleeping on the couch.

'Wait, is that Sera?' he thought to himself after seeing her figure.

Henry then slowly walks toward her to avoid accidentally waking her up.

'It is really her. When does she get ba- ughh. Did she just come back from drinking?'

Henry assumes after smelling hard alcohol odours emanating from Sera after only five steps away from his original position.

"Damn, girl! What did you drink yesterday? The whole pub?"

He says after seeing her looking completely wasted. Even her drool can be seen flowing out of her mouth. She must have had a lot of fun with her friends yesterday.

Henry then takes a close look at her face. It's been a long time since he saw her, and her appearance right now doesn't resemble how she looked years ago.

She has a white platinum-like hair and is wearing a flower-shaped earring on both ears. Her figure is now more womanly and has more curves, making it difficult for both men and women to look away from her without being tempted.

'Wow, she has really grown into a beautiful woman.'

Henry's gaze remains fixed on her as he gushes over her beauty and charm. After more than six years of being apart, they are finally reunited. He then decides to wake her up as the sun is already up in the sky.

"Hey, Sera, wake up. It's already morning." Henry softly nudges Sera to wake her up.

"Uuugh.. Five more minutes, mom." She replies without even opening her eyes before turning herself away from Henry.

"I'm not your mom, Sera, and even if you want to continue sleeping, at least do it in your room." He says to her as he chuckles softly at Sera's reply.

"What do you mean, mo- W-WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! Why are you inside my house?!"

When Sera turns back around, she sees someone's figure who is not her mother. She then jumps from the sofa and gets as far as she can before yelling at him. She does all that with her eyes half-opened and wasted, without even stumbling over anything.

"Whoa, how did you do th-" Henry is impressed by how Sera managed to do that and when he tries to ask her, Sera cuts his word.

"I have a knife! Get the hell out of here before I use it on you!"

Sera yells at the mysterious figure to get out of her house before threatening him with a knife. Although she does that, she doesn't look threatening even one bit as she now can't even stand straight.

'Is she still drunk?' Henry giggles softly after seeing Sera is currently threatening him with a tv remote instead of a knife.

"Whoa-whoa, easy with that knife. I'm Henry, remember?" He sarcastically says to play around with her.

After Henry says that, Sera looks closely at his face before confirming that it is really him.

"Oh, it's just you.." Sera says as she returns to her drowsy self after knowing that there is no danger.

"When did you.. come.. back..?" She asks with a soft voice.

"Yesterday. Your mom is the one who lets me in."


Henry can see Sera looking very sleepy as her eyes are not even currently opened anymore and could only utter sounds.

"When did you sle-"

"Umm.. can I go back to sleep..? I drank a lot yesterday.." Sera asks if she can excuse herself to her bedroom as she is currently exhausted.

"Oh, okay, have a good sleep then." He says as he opens a way for her to get to her room.

"Yeah.. thank you.."

She then slowly walks to the stairs to go back to her room. As she walks up the stairs, Selena can be seen walking hurriedly to check on the noise from earlier.

"What is it, Sera?! Are you okay?! Is there any burglar inside the house?!" She worriedly asks Sera.

"Hmmm.. no.. it's okay.." After answering without looking at her, Sera continues walking up the stairs to return to her room.

"Really?" Selena asks again.


Sera doesn't answer her back after that, simply because she is too tired to say anything. Selena then walks toward Henry to ask him what actually happened earlier.

"Why did she shout earlier, Henry? Is there anything wrong?"

"Nah, she is just surprised after seeing me. She must have thought I was some stranger who got into her house." He answers her question while looking somewhere to avoid her eye contact.

"Ooooooh, got it. By the way, Henry, do you want to eat breakfast? I was thinking of making one."

"Yeah, that would be lovely. But, uuh, Selena, umm, please fix your robe first before cooking."

Serena is currently wearing her maroon night robe. After she woke up because of Sera's scream, she quickly went downstairs to take a look. Because of the movement she made, her robe may have become undone. Since she didn't wear any sleep bras, her breasts are currently displayed for Henry to see.

"Oh my! I'm sorry, Henry. I guess that is why you kept looking in a different direction just now." Selena quickly fixes her night robe after Henry points it out.

"Yeah.." He says as he keeps looking away, waiting for her to finish fixing herself up.

Henry is usually not that caring if he sees any boobs. While he was still in the military, Dani often visited his room to waste her time. She has a bit of a tomboyish personality and always only wears a crop top with no bras while hanging out with him.

There are fair shares of 'accidents', and although he first blushes when it happens, he just learns to ignore it after a few months. It has become like an everyday thing to him anyway; he feels that there is no need for him to get that worked up.

But because Selena may be his mother-in-law in the future, he feels a bit awkward and inappropriate about it.

After a brief silence, Selena asks something.

"Do you like what you see?" Selena asks teasingly after seeing Henry's face turn red.

"Hmm?" He was startled at her question.

"I ask, do you like what you just see."

"Huh? What?" Henry kept on asking.

"I say, do yo-"

"Huh?" Henry cuts her word before she finishes it.

"Okaaaay, now you just playing dumb to evade the questions." Selena rolls her eyes.

"What do you mean, Selena? What question?" Henry giggles as he keeps asking to poke fun at her.

"What do you want to eat for breakfast?"

"I want a toast and an egg!" He answers that quickly.

"Got it."

As Selena makes her way to the kitchen to make breakfast, she stops herself after hearing Henry saying something.

"Nine out of ten."



"Did you just rate my boobs?" Selena asks Henry with a smile on her face, disbelief at what Henry just said.

"What boobs, Selena? I do not understand what you meant by that." Henry answers her back with a smug look.

"Oooh, drop it already. How do you want your egg, Henry?"

"I want it sunny side up."

Selena then starts to cook their breakfast. After she finishes making it, she brings the plate to the dining table for her and Henry to eat.

While they are eating, Selena asks Henry something.

"What will you do today, Henry? Do you have any plan?"

"Probably walking through the city, you know. Buy anything that I need or like. It's been a few years since I went there, and I want to see if anything has changed."

"Hmmm, that's great. Do you want to go there with me? I had an appointment to do my nails at the outskirt. After that, we can go for a walk in the city together."

"That is fine with me. It's better to have someone to hang out with than being alone and get lost in a city that I don't even remember the direction."

Selena chuckles at Henry's word.

"So it's a date then? Isn't it Henry?" Selena tries to tease him back for earlier.

"A date? As in boyfriend and girlfriends hanging out?" Henry asks with a stunned face.

"Yeah. Like holding hands and flirting with each other. You know, lovers things." She says with a mischievous face as she can't wait to see his full reaction.

"Yeah, no. Let's go while looking like a married couple with two kids instead. You still look young anyway; everyone will surely think of us like that." Henry teases her back while looking straight into her eyes with a smug look.

"Damn, you! You always have something for a comeback." She complained after Henry countered her teasing with another teasing, leaving her with a blushing face.

"What can I say. In the army, they taught us everything." He says before laughing at her, who just falls into a hole; she herself digs.

When they finished eating breakfast, Selena returned to her room to get ready for her manicure appointment. At the same time, Henry just waited for her in the living room.

After Selena has done readying herself, they start their travel. In the car, they talk about things they will do for their date today.