
Duke Shenxiu's residence, the banquet hall.

Everyone paused and turned to the Duke at the sound of bell Chimes. Duke Shenxiu clenched his hand and gave them a tight smile.

"Please be at ease it is only a protocol, it is alright," he said. 

He tried to calm his guests and keep them from worrying after the security alarm went off. He quickly signalled the steward to turn up the entertainment and take the guest's attention off the present situation. 

Most of the guests were not convinced by his statement but gave affirmative responses and continued watching the performance.

A few brave guests spoke among themselves, they speculated on the present situation. Duke Shenxiu gritted his teeth as a second-rank servant hurried to his side and reported that there was an intruder.

His nose flared and his cheek flushed. He was a step away from an explosive ran but promptly controlled his emotions.